October OTA Updates

I just started. says 115 minutes. Should have taken more screen shots before I hit update but I got too excited and hit update on my app. I didn't even read the release notes or the thing about having the key in the car.
Nothing on my side yet
If you want Alexa to make calls in Lucid, you must install Alexa on your phone and allow your contacts to upload to Alexa. I had no prior experience with Alexa and installed just in the car and everything seemed to work except calls. I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t find my contacts for calls when they were clearly in the vehicle. Once I installed Alexa on the phone, it worked well. This held true for Tidal, too. It would save a lot of trouble if Lucid just stated “must install third party apps on phone” somewhere on the Connectivity screen! If it’s there, I never saw it! Am I the only owner who had trouble figuring this out? (BTW, when I inquired of Customer Care about Alexa not finding my contacts and failing to make calls, the agent suggested that my software must be out of date. It wasn’t …. I eventually figured it out but it doesn’t need to be so difficult!))
Several but there was a post explaining how to do it: https://lucidowners.com/threads/setting-up-alexa-in-the-lucid-air.935/#post-21888
So far as I see it looks like it’s just @OCDC for now…
is the release note available soemwhere? a long list, want to read through it.
As many of you have noted, the team has started the deployment to this group. They will be rolling it out slowly throughout the day in small batches. Given the significant nature of the update they're taking the opportunity to watch the installations progress, hence the small batch deployments.

I do hope I've not been over-communicative over the last week or so. One of the challenges of transparency is that expectations get set. This of course sets you all up for disappointment should there be a delay on our side, as there was last night.

I'll be watching this thread and marinating in your excitement all afternoon.

As many of you have noted, the team has started the deployment to this group. They will be rolling it out slowly throughout the day in small batches. Given the significant nature of the update they're taking the opportunity to watch the installations progress, hence the small batch deployments.

I do hope I've not been over-communicative over the last week or so. One of the challenges of transparency is that expectations get set. This of course sets you all up for disappointment should there be a delay on our side, as there was last night.

I'll be watching this thread and marinating in your excitement all afternoon.

Thanks, Len. Do not worry about over-communication. We hopefully are all adults here and fully understand these are complicated updates. Just glad it’s now imminent.
As many of you have noted, the team has started the deployment to this group. They will be rolling it out slowly throughout the day in small batches. Given the significant nature of the update they're taking the opportunity to watch the installations progress, hence the small batch deployments.

I do hope I've not been over-communicative over the last week or so. One of the challenges of transparency is that expectations get set. This of course sets you all up for disappointment should there be a delay on our side, as there was last night.

I'll be watching this thread and marinating in your excitement all afternoon.

Perfect amount of communication and definitely helped set realistic expectations here. Really appreciate the update! Hoping I’m part of today’s batch for my 3 hour trip home and thank you!
As many of you have noted, the team has started the deployment to this group. They will be rolling it out slowly throughout the day in small batches. Given the significant nature of the update they're taking the opportunity to watch the installations progress, hence the small batch deployments.

I do hope I've not been over-communicative over the last week or so. One of the challenges of transparency is that expectations get set. This of course sets you all up for disappointment should there be a delay on our side, as there was last night.

I'll be watching this thread and marinating in your excitement all afternoon.

Not at all. This communication is awesome. It's understandable. I don't equate what you're sharing with us here to the full fat Lucid announcements from the main social media accounts.
Yes both in the car. Progress still shows 0%. That part of updates has always been a bit flaky but I still hope it means there is nothing wrong.
30 minutes in and still seeing 0% progress. Is anyone seeing the progress bar update?
If you want Alexa to make calls in Lucid, you must install Alexa on your phone and allow your contacts to upload to Alexa. I had no prior experience with Alexa and installed just in the car and everything seemed to work except calls. I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t find my contacts for calls when they were clearly in the vehicle. Once I installed Alexa on the phone, it worked well. This held true for Tidal, too. It would save a lot of trouble if Lucid just stated “must install third party apps on phone” somewhere on the Connectivity screen! If it’s there, I never saw it! Am I the only owner who had trouble figuring this out? (BTW, when I inquired of Customer Care about Alexa not finding my contacts and failing to make calls, the agent suggested that my software must be out of date. It wasn’t …. I eventually figured it out but it doesn’t need to be so difficult!))

Alexa was installed on my phone during delivery, and I went through the voice training regimen. The problem with using it for the car is not that it doesn't work at all but that it work so erratically and is so bad at voice recognition that it's not worth the bother.