October OTA Updates

What happens when you hit the Park button to bring up the surround view?
Front view camera shows up on top screen only. You have the option to switch between front and rear. Pilot Panel just stays on Home Screen.

Have emailed Lucid also.
Ahhh……. Bliss!!!! 🥳


Quick questions:
  1. High Beam Assist - I've enabled it and can activate it when I'm driving (by pushing the stalk away from you) and it works fine, but it won't stay on if I come back later (i.e. the next drive). Do you have to activate it (by pushing the stalk away from you) every time you get in the car?
  2. Mobile Key - I'm using an iPhone 12 and it works fine if I launch the app, but w/o the fob, the car does not "wake up" and unlock doors as I approach .. then requires a PIN to drive. I thought 2.0.5 was going to make it work like the FOB (i.e. recognize the phone, unlock the doors, and allow the phone holder to drive w/o PIN). Am I doing something wrong?
v2.0.8 successfully downloaded this evening (and Driver's Assist is included). Thanks to Firstto520 and his whole team for all their work and follow-through. It has been an amazing effort and very impressive. I'm amazed at the amount of feedback that the team has managed to evaluate and include in the update. Hats off!!!

So far, I've had only one real issue - my fob will not work at all since v2.0.5 was installed this morning. When I checked, the access had turned off in the settings menu, but even after I enabled it, the fob wouldn't work at all. (I had left it in the car during the update) I used the key card to do a reset with no results. I changed the battery, just in case it had drained during the update, but it's still inoperable. I called Customer Service this morning to see if I had missed something (not). I let them know I was receiving the v2.0.x updates, and they suggested I try the other fob which came with the car (and has never been used), and that would not connect to the car either. I disconnected my original fob (which showed it was still connected in the settings), and when I tried to reconnect it, the car never received a signal from the fob. Customer Service is checking to see if it could be a fob hardware failure and will get back to me tomorrow. For now, the only way to get into the car is using the app on my phone (which is not set up as a mobile key and wouldn't set up as a mobile key today).

I'll check the process again tomorrow morning and head out to calibrate the Highway Assist features. Looking forward to it a lot! Hope all is going well for everyone else.
Mobile Key - I'm using an iPhone 12 and it works fine if I launch the app, but w/o the fob, the car does not "wake up" and unlock doors as I approach .. then requires a PIN to drive. I thought 2.0.5 was going to make it work like the FOB (i.e. recognize the phone, unlock the doors, and allow the phone holder to drive w/o PIN). Am I doing something wrong?
See my posting on another thread. Maybe that'll help you.

Just noticed that "Key detection" based on proximity got turned off after the 2.0.5 update. Turned that back on. I have not driven yet with the keyfob so do not know for sure. But it looks like the issue I described above may have been the result of that setting being turned off
Bug: I have a Chargpoint Homeflex on a schedule to go on after 12:00 AM. After the update when I plug in my charger, it’s trying to charge, but eventually sends an error that it’s unable to charge and asks me to disconnect. Anyone else have this problem after 2.08?
Installed 2.0.8. Wanted to try highway assist.

It said you had to calibrate it for about 30 minutes on a fairly straight highway. Decided to get it out of the way. Within 5 minutes of ACC highway use a pop-up said Highway Assist is now available.

A little unnerving at first but you settle into it after a bit.View attachment 5654

I'm uploading 2.0.8 right now and saw the note about driving for 30 minutes on a straight highway to calibrate the sensors. It was unclear, though, whether that meant 30 minutes of uninterrupted straight-line driving or 30 minutes cumulative, as most drivers will have to make several turns to get to a length of highway allowing 30 minutes of straight-line driving, if they even have such a highway nearby. Maybe your post answers that question?
Folks I have good news - Downloaded and installed 2.0.8 and my surround view is working again!!! Super happy to see that. It depicts the correct color of the car (Red) but haven't checked the tires etc per @Alex post! However, I have the exact same one question as @LucidNC 's post above and one remark to make!
1 - I have my headlights set to auto and seems like I have to activate High Beam Assist every time I step into the car / a new drive by pushing the left stalk away from me and the white colored "A" sign appears. So yeah, is there something we're doing wrong to not have it permanently ON per se?
2 - Since 2.0.2 or perhaps 2.0.5, my car does not "wake up" even when I'm standing right next to the driver side door. I have to fire up the app, then I get the message saying "waking up car. Please wait 30 seconds" or something along those lines and then, to the Lucid software team's credit, the door handles present themselves - headlights turn on - sideview mirrors unfold (without me necessarily hitting the unlock button on the app). I'm pointing this out since prior to 2.0.5, I sometimes would have to open and close the app twice before finally hitting the unlock button on the app for the mirrors, door handles and headlights to wake
As of 2.0.8, and literally 10 minutes ago - I opened my garage door and literally within a second, the car unlocks itself (door handles, headlights, mirrors) and it took me by surprise. However, I realized that the Lucid app was already running in the background since I had forgotten to swipe and close it previously and that dampened my spirits somewhat. Then I closed the app, waited another few minutes, went back to the garage and opened the door and voila - literally within less than a blink of an eye the car unlocked itself (doors, mirros & headlights!. Absolutely remarkable according to me. Truly! @Firstto520 @borski @hydbob
The phone update % progress is meaningless. It will say like 5% forever and then it’s done. Or 37%. Or 50%. Ride the wave of chaos!
This needs to be said again - don’t worry what % the phone says, people! According to numerous posts, updates have been completed with on 37% or 50% “progress”.
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Folks I have good news - Downloaded and installed 2.0.8 and my surround view is working again!!! Super happy to see that. It depicts the correct color of the car (Red) but haven't checked the tires etc per @Alex post! However, I have the exact same one question as @LucidNC 's post above and one remark to make!
1 - I have my headlights set to auto and seems like I have to activate High Beam Assist every time I step into the car / a new drive by pushing the left stalk away from me and the white colored "A" sign appears. So yeah, is there something we're doing wrong to not have it permanently ON per se?
2 - Since 2.0.2 or perhaps 2.0.5, my car does not "wake up" even when I'm standing right next to the driver side door. I have to fire up the app, then I get the message saying "waking up car. Please wait 30 seconds" or something along those lines and then, to the Lucid software team's credit, the door handles present themselves - headlights turn on - sideview mirrors unfold (without me necessarily hitting the unlock button on the app). I'm pointing this out since prior to 2.0.5, I sometimes would have to open and close the app twice before finally hitting the unlock button on the app for the mirrors, door handles and headlights to wake
As of 2.0.8, and literally 10 minutes ago - I opened my garage door and literally within a second, the car unlocks itself (door handles, headlights, mirrors) and it took me by surprise. However, I realized that the Lucid app was already running in the background since I had forgotten to swipe and close it previously and that dampened my spirits somewhat. Then I closed the app, waited another few minutes, went back to the garage and opened the door and voila - literally within less than a blink of an eye the car unlocked itself (doors, mirros & headlights!. Absolutely remarkable according to me. Truly! @Firstto520 @borski @hydbob

Where does the "A" symbol display? Fine print says "high beam assist doesn't work in SMOOTH." Is this for everyone or I need a patch?
I'm uploading 2.0.8 right now and saw the note about driving for 30 minutes on a straight highway to calibrate the sensors. It was unclear, though, whether that meant 30 minutes of uninterrupted straight-line driving or 30 minutes cumulative, as most drivers will have to make several turns to get to a length of highway allowing 30 minutes of straight-line driving, if they even have such a highway nearby. Maybe your post answers that question?
I was committed to do it but intended to drive 15 minutes one way, loop around and do 15 minutes back. I ended up going at least that far one way just so I could experience the Highway Assist when it started working so quickly
Drat. It seems 2.0.8 did not bring back the m/kWh display that some of us are already missing. I wonder why they removed that?
It is replaced with a “miles remaining at destination” when you use the NAV. otherwise, there is nothing there.
  • Cool
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Btw, two features that stand out for me: even better Tidal quality (& volume), and the massage function! Seriously, they boosted both features…whoa!
Where does the "A" symbol display? Fine print says "high beam assist doesn't work in SMOOTH." Is this for everyone or I need a patch?
You have to enable High Beam Assist (Settings - Vehicle - Drive Settings). Then make sure the lights are set to Auto (on left side of steering wheel). That should display a light icon on the center screen. Then when you push the left stalk forward (away from you), you'll activate High Beam Assist (and see a light icon w/ an "A" in it on the side of the regular light icon).. hope that helps.

that said, if you follow those steps, high-beam assist works fine, but as @bhramabull and I have found out, you have to repeat it every time you start a drive.
See my posting on another thread. Maybe that'll help you.

Just noticed that "Key detection" based on proximity got turned off after the 2.0.5 update. Turned that back on. I have not driven yet with the keyfob so do not know for sure. But it looks like the issue I described above may have been the result of that setting being turned off
I had read your previous post, and I did have to turn the "key detection" setting back on. I thought it worked after 2.0.5, but right now (w/ 2.0.8), if I don't have the fob, it doesn't recognize my phone (until I launch the app, wait for the wake up, unlock the doors, and set the pin)