October OTA Updates

Wanted to provide a timeline for anyone still waiting on update .. (btw, my car is on WiFi, but I don't believe that the upgrade process requires connectivity; according to my router logs, the upgrade files were downloaded a few days ago).
Began upgrade at 9:05AM EST => 0%
1 hr later at 10:05AM EST, => 5%
1.5 hrs into upgrade (10:35AM EST), => 10%
2 hrs into upgrade (11:05AM EST), => 27%
Sometime prior to 2.5 hrs, it was done (at 11:27AM EST, I checked and the mobile app looked normal w/ "waking up car" msg on screen) .. I opened the car at 11:31AM EST and the screens powered on and looked ready to go practically "instantaneously". .. 2.0.5 upgrade is done!

Played a bit w/ Tidal and audio .. much better. Surround View = remarkably better (and, although I'll admit, I am color blind and didn't think it was a big deal, the car avatar is the correct color)

will keep playing .. 😄
Also, want to add that 3 times during the process, the car started flashing lights (caught by my security camera).. about 1 hr into upgrade, 1.5 into upgrade, and 1 last time at 2.2 hrs into upgrade (the rear lights flashed the last time as well .. I assume it's when the upload actually completed).

And, as @Pete44 pointed out, the key fob and mobile key are MUCH more responsive and the car locks when you're not too far away and unlocks as you approach (fairly close) .. nicely done!
Thank you @Firstto520 and the entire software team. I’ve got a smug look on my face right now and feel vindicated in my faith that you would all pull through. There is no question that the best is yet to come.

Update: I just checked some prior photos and that smug look on my face is just my face.
Anybody else lose turn signal camera functionality in 2.0.5? Or is that part of it for now?
I certainly have it in 2.0.5..I have though lost 360 surround view camera...doesn't pop up
I didn’t have that backing out of the garage either. The car is currently parked at the gym, will see how it is when I get out.
i have the regular front and rear camera though that turns on the right side panel!
The turn signal camera still lights up red on the cock pit panel when activating with someone there, just no image.
I’m sure it will return!
The turn signal camera still lights up red on the cock pit panel when activating with someone there, just no image.
I’m sure it will return!
Did you try a hard (keycard) reboot?
Did you try a hard (keycard) reboot?
Not yet! It was my first drive on the way to the gym, the car is technically “resetting” as it sits there for more than 15 minutes without me near it, so we shall see when I come out!
@milgauss and @DolphinTale - Did you get the first of the updates last week? Did you get an acknowledgment from me that you were 'on the list' (as a reply to your DM)? Everyone who was on the initial list should have received the push by now. I did have to cut things off after I got 100 folks... But if you got a note from me saying you were in I need to do some digging.

Has anyone else who was confirmed to be on the list not seen this latest update?
Unfortunately I am late to the game and not on the list. When will the update push to the steerage class? 😊
Greetings and happy Sunday all. Delighted to see so many of you getting the update!

I’m on the road for a bit… heading to Beverly Hills to pick up a Dream Performance from Derek. Will be offline for couple of hours.

If you’re expecting the update (have DM confirmation from me) but have not received it, drop me another DM with your vin and that will help expedite my chasing down.

The team did advise they had a handful of cars they needed to re-push to and were going to do that this morning. Be sure you’re on Wi-Fi just to remove variables.
Got it and installed. So happy to experience “instant on” among all the other goodies. Thanks so much Len and team
@milgauss and @DolphinTale - Did you get the first of the updates last week? Did you get an acknowledgment from me that you were 'on the list' (as a reply to your DM)? Everyone who was on the initial list should have received the push by now. I did have to cut things off after I got 100 folks... But if you got a note from me saying you were in I need to do some digging.

Has anyone else who was confirmed to be on the list not seen this latest update?

Sent my info earlier last week, but never heard back (sent a follow up msg as well). So, I guess that means I don't get it? Re-sent my info again just in case.
Sent my info earlier last week, but never heard back (sent a follow up msg as well). So, I guess that means I don't get it? Re-sent my info again just in case.
If you didn't get a confirmation from Len, then you missed the cutoff of 100. Sorry @milgauss