Mobile Key Working Well!

The widget does not update unless the app is launched. This is despite the little timer at the bottom which means nothing.
The widget will update from time to time without launching the app, if the app gets some sort of background message form the car. Such as a charge starting, etc. doesn’t always work, but that’s more Apple’s extremely conservative Widget API than the fault of the Lucid team.

The widget API is more well suited to a timeline sort of update approach. Where you know specifically ahead of time what changes the widget will need at specific times. Perfect for a calendar or todo list. Not so great for a car widget.
The widget will update from time to time without launching the app, if the app gets some sort of background message form the car. Such as a charge starting, etc. doesn’t always work, but that’s more Apple’s extremely conservative Widget API than the fault of the Lucid team.

The widget API is more well suited to a timeline sort of update approach. Where you know specifically ahead of time what changes the widget will need at specific times. Perfect for a calendar or todo list. Not so great for a car widget.
The widget does not, however, update state of charge unless the app is launched and the car wakes up.
The widget does not, however, update state of charge unless the app is launched and the car wakes up.
Correct. The app doesn’t seem to have the ability to wake up the car from a background state. Which makes sense.

If you are charging, in which case the car stays awake, it’ll update the app and the widget as it goes. But for phantom drain, it won’t get any updates unless you wake the app and thus the car. It’ll just keep reporting the last state of charge it knew when the car was awake.
The widget does not update unless the app is launched. This is despite the little timer at the bottom which means nothing.
I never had the app open and I remember the widget updating couple times an hour, for my old phone. I haven't checked the widget on my new phone. I'll do that. I'm not vacation so I'm curious to see my droppage