Mobile key working like a champ

It works every...single...time...when I don't want it to. About as good as Sex Panther the rest of the time. There's a life lesson in there somewhere, I'm sure.
Five days in iPhone works 100% of time. I carry the card in my wallet as well.
I've been using the mobile key (iOS) exclusively since I got the car. Recently, the past two weeks, its been failing frequently. I've driven twice today and it didn't work either time. Both times required I bring the app to the foreground, wait for it to connect (~30 seconds), then unlock the car with the app. Once I'm in the car I have to quit the app and re-launch it to avoid inputting my PIN. Mobile key used to work great, now I'm swearing at the car twice a day. IDK if updating my phone to iOS 17.6.1 had anything to do with it. I've updated the vehicle to 2.3.10 and rebooted the car (the mobile key failed twice after rebooting this morning) Anyone else having similar problems?
I've been using the mobile key (iOS) exclusively since I got the car. Recently, the past two weeks, its been failing frequently. I've driven twice today and it didn't work either time. Both times required I bring the app to the foreground, wait for it to connect (~30 seconds), then unlock the car with the app. Once I'm in the car I have to quit the app and re-launch it to avoid inputting my PIN. Mobile key used to work great, now I'm swearing at the car twice a day. IDK if updating my phone to iOS 17.6.1 had anything to do with it. I've updated the vehicle to 2.3.10 and rebooted the car (the mobile key failed twice after rebooting this morning) Anyone else having similar problems?
Uninstall mobile key and redo it
Uninstall mobile key and redo it
Thank you, this "fix" has helped today, so far I'm 3 for 3 without any long delays. Now I don’t have to be embarrassed standing around like an idiot trying to get my $126k car to unlock. Kind of an embarrassment for Lucid, reminds me of 1990’s software quality. Though I don’t blame the developers, I was in software long enough to know the problem is management.
Thank you, this "fix" has helped today, so far I'm 3 for 3 without any long delays. Now I don’t have to be embarrassed standing around like an idiot trying to get my $126k car to unlock. Kind of an embarrassment for Lucid, reminds me of 1990’s software quality. Though I don’t blame the developers, I was in software long enough to know the problem is management.
Is 17.6.1 a beta build?
No idea if this related to all the updates but I've gone back to mobile key after carrying the fob for the last two OTA updates.
Seems to be working reliably again.
Thank you, this "fix" has helped today, so far I'm 3 for 3 without any long delays. Now I don’t have to be embarrassed standing around like an idiot trying to get my $126k car to unlock. Kind of an embarrassment for Lucid, reminds me of 1990’s software quality. Though I don’t blame the developers, I was in software long enough to know the problem is management.
The mobile key has stopped working for me again. The problem seems to be with the iOS app, which is probably good. I discovered if I’m standing around like an idiot waiting for the car to unlock, I can kill the app and relaunch it and the car unlocks within seconds. Still irritates me, hopefully they can fix this soon.
Thank you, this "fix" has helped today, so far I'm 3 for 3 without any long delays. Now I don’t have to be embarrassed standing around like an idiot trying to get my $126k car to unlock. Kind of an embarrassment for Lucid, reminds me of 1990’s software quality. Though I don’t blame the developers, I was in software long enough to know the problem is management.
Worked for me too!
Could never get mobile key to work with my Samsung S22 & had to open the app every time to open the doors. Just moved to an S24 and now it works every time without opening the doors. I would have upgraded a year ago if I knew the phone model would make such a big difference!
I use mobile key exclusively. Sure there were times that I wished mobile key responses quicker. As a backup, I have my key card with me in case either my phone die or run out of juice.
I have a 2025 gt and iPhone running ios18. Mine is instant every time