Mobile key not working


Verified Owner
Feb 25, 2024
Reaction score
Lucid Air Touring
So my mobile key is not unlocking the car automatically as I approach the car using my iPhone. I am on latest version with mobile key status “linked”. I have Bluetooth on. Yesterday I did not have my keyfob and walked up to the car and the car did not unlock. I had to open the Lucid app and waited about 10 seconds for the car to “wake up” and then had to manually unlock the doors using the app.
I thought the mobile key would unlock car doors automatically? How do I get it to work properly? I am on latest software edition.
Several things to try:
1) Proximity unlocking can be disabled. Make sure it's still on in settings in the car, under access.
2) Pressing the car's door handles will wake it up, avoiding that delay and potentially giving the mobile key the kick in the pants it needs to just work.
3) Unlink and re-link your mobile key from the pilot panel. Hasn't happened to me, but apparently sometimes it gets confused and resetting like that sorts it out.

Also note: you should absolutely keep your "valet key" card with you at all times as a mobile key user. In case your phone dies, in case the car is just having a bad day, whatever. The fob has a built-in NFC backup option, your phone does not.
This made me literally lol. The concept of a car having a bad day shouldn't be a thing... But we all know it's possible in our cases
The wake up sequence for the many, many computers in this car is very specific and needs to happen in the exact right order. When that doesn’t happen for whatever reason, your car will indeed have a “bad day.”

It basically wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak.

I’m convinced the majority of issues that get reported here are due to a bad wake up sequence. I see it every once in a blue moon. But others seem to get it more often.

In most cases, the Air Logo reset will force at least the multimedia portion of the computer system to restart and thus (hopefully) get the sequence correct. That usually fixes whatever issue was happening. At least for me. When that doesn’t do the trick, I usually try a “nuke” reset, and that seems to force everything to start from scratch.

The vast majority of the time, my car wakes up fine, CarPlay connects, and I go on my way. I’ve had a few loaners now, and they’ve all worked well for me, too. So either I’m extremely lucky, or some folks report these “bad days” more often than I do.

This has been the case for literally every computer I’ve owned in my life. Sometimes you just have to reboot and start over.

“Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?” was a funny line for a reason.
So my mobile key is not unlocking the car automatically as I approach the car using my iPhone. I am on latest version with mobile key status “linked”. I have Bluetooth on. Yesterday I did not have my keyfob and walked up to the car and the car did not unlock. I had to open the Lucid app and waited about 10 seconds for the car to “wake up” and then had to manually unlock the doors using the app.
I thought the mobile key would unlock car doors automatically? How do I get it to work properly? I am on latest software edition.
you can also check to ensure all your settings on your iPhone are correct
The inconsistency of mobile key is my biggest complaint about this car. I can never rely on being able to open my car. I have it set to not automatically unlock the door. I have it set to have to push in the handle. Sometimes I push in the handle and it unlocks. Sometimes it doesn't and I have to wake up my phone before pushing in the handle. Sometimes this works. Sometimes I have to open the app on the phone and unlock the car via the app. Sometimes I have to get the valet key out to unlock the car. Needless to say, when I'm standing in the rain or with my hands full of grocery bags, this sucks.
I guess my next step is to take it in for service but it is so inconsistent, I can't imagine they will be able to 'fix' it.

It is my only real complaint about this car. Oh, that and the music playing during a phone call.
The inconsistency of mobile key is my biggest complaint about this car. I can never rely on being able to open my car. I have it set to not automatically unlock the door. I have it set to have to push in the handle. Sometimes I push in the handle and it unlocks. Sometimes it doesn't and I have to wake up my phone before pushing in the handle. Sometimes this works. Sometimes I have to open the app on the phone and unlock the car via the app. Sometimes I have to get the valet key out to unlock the car. Needless to say, when I'm standing in the rain or with my hands full of grocery bags, this sucks.
I guess my next step is to take it in for service but it is so inconsistent, I can't imagine they will be able to 'fix' it.

It is my only real complaint about this car. Oh, that and the music playing during a phone call.
Use the FOB.
  • Hmm
Reactions: DBV
What a great answer.
This feature is supposed to work and it doesn't. I shouldn't have to carry poorly designed fob around with me.
Well, complaining about it here doesn't improve it. The FOB works better, we've documented it. Either use what's available or keep being frustrated. I chose option 1.
Just agreeing with and supporting the OP.
I almost kicked the car today when I’m literally standing around the car for over 7 mins, after two phone resets, and no unlock. This has been a consistent thing for me, but never this long. They need to fix this issue fast!!!
Well, complaining about it here doesn't improve it. The FOB works better, we've documented it. Either use what's available or keep being frustrated. I chose option 1.
You make good choices!
I almost kicked the car today when I’m literally standing around the car for over 7 mins, after two phone resets, and no unlock. This has been a consistent thing for me, but never this long. They need to fix this issue fast!!!
Seven minutes? There's something wrong. I would contact service.
The inconsistency of mobile key is my biggest complaint about this car. I can never rely on being able to open my car. I have it set to not automatically unlock the door. I have it set to have to push in the handle. Sometimes I push the handle, and it unlocks. Sometimes it doesn't and I have to wake up my phone before pushing in the handle. Sometimes this works. Sometimes I have to open the app on the phone and unlock the car via the app. Sometimes I have to get the valet key out to unlock the car. Needless to say, when I'm standing in the rain or with my hands full of grocery bags, this sucks.
I guess my next step is to take it in for service but it is so inconsistent, I can't imagine they will be able to 'fix' it.

It is my only real complaint about this car. Oh, that and the music playing during a phone call.
That is my experience precisely. Alas, you and I will now get advice about how this is a natural artifact of software development and that we should carry the card, the fob, and a spare battery for our phone - but only use those in proper and secret sequence - and don't forget to approach the car from the front, or was it the back, or the side? You can also take it in where the service people will give a well-practiced shrug to communicate, "That's the way it is." In my experience, the fob might work sometimes. But it is also a probabilistic gamble. It often opened the car anonymously, requiring me to enter a code to run it. Then, it ran out of power and would not work with a new battery.

I am, of course, being a bit silly, but I agree, this is easily the most aggravating thing about an otherwise magnificent vehicle.
I’ve gotten to the point now where if I’m doing more than just a quick run in to a store, I ALWAYS take my phone out on the walk back got he car and make sure the app is up. It starts the wake up so that by the time I’m at the car it unlocks 95% of the time. That other 5% sticks in my craw and makes me think WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! 😄
I’ve gotten to the point now where if I’m doing more than just a quick run in to a store, I ALWAYS take my phone out on the walk back got he car and make sure the app is up. It starts the wake up so that by the time I’m at the car it unlocks 95% of the time. That other 5% sticks in my craw and makes me think WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! 😄
I literally never do that.
I was in the similar boat as all of you. My car was awful at waking up and there was no rhyme or reason. Key fob? Sucked. Phone key? Somehow worse. My success rate was probably close to 25% that the car would wake up within 10 seconds. I took it to service and was told they couldn’t reproduce it. I was pretty disappointed and thought this was just the experience. Until it got worse. At that point I demanded an antenna replacement on the car. Service gave in and man it’s been a night and day difference.

I’ve suggested this in another thread already but I personally believe that the cars antenna and logic board have had a lot of revisions over the years as lucid knows this was a pain point for the 2022 model years (and maybe 2023). This would explain the huge division in the forum around the handles unlocking. If I was OP, I would try to get your antennas replaced ASAP. My fob now wakes the car from about 5 ft away every single time. Since antenna replacement, I’ve maybe had 2-3 instances in which I’ve even had to touch my door handles to get the car to unlock, usually they are already unlocked when I get to the car (no matter which side I walk up from). Hell even the trunk opens without having to approach from the side now. Night and day.

I still wish that lucid was proactive about this though to save face. There is no way that this isn’t a known and wide spread issue at this point. I think a recall or customer PSA would be ideal to update all the cars to the later revisions. This would fix current owners outlook on the car along with some of the long term reviews as the key is usually mentioned in some capacity
I was in the similar boat as all of you. My car was awful at waking up and there was no rhyme or reason. Key fob? Sucked. Phone key? Somehow worse. My success rate was probably close to 25% that the car would wake up within 10 seconds. I took it to service and was told they couldn’t reproduce it. I was pretty disappointed and thought this was just the experience. Until it got worse. At that point I demanded an antenna replacement on the car. Service gave in and man it’s been a night and day difference.

I’ve suggested this in another thread already but I personally believe that the cars antenna and logic board have had a lot of revisions over the years as lucid knows this was a pain point for the 2022 model years (and maybe 2023). This would explain the huge division in the forum around the handles unlocking. If I was OP, I would try to get your antennas replaced ASAP. My fob now wakes the car from about 5 ft away every single time. Since antenna replacement, I’ve maybe had 2-3 instances in which I’ve even had to touch my door handles to get the car to unlock, usually they are already unlocked when I get to the car (no matter which side I walk up from). Hell even the trunk opens without having to approach from the side now. Night and day.

I still wish that lucid was proactive about this though to save face. There is no way that this isn’t a known and wide spread issue at this point. I think a recall or customer PSA would be ideal to update all the cars to the later revisions. This would fix current owners outlook on the car along with some of the long term reviews as the key is usually mentioned in some capacity
I will try this. Thanks for the heads up.
I was in the similar boat as all of you. My car was awful at waking up and there was no rhyme or reason. Key fob? Sucked. Phone key? Somehow worse. My success rate was probably close to 25% that the car would wake up within 10 seconds. I took it to service and was told they couldn’t reproduce it. I was pretty disappointed and thought this was just the experience. Until it got worse. At that point I demanded an antenna replacement on the car. Service gave in and man it’s been a night and day difference.

I’ve suggested this in another thread already but I personally believe that the cars antenna and logic board have had a lot of revisions over the years as lucid knows this was a pain point for the 2022 model years (and maybe 2023). This would explain the huge division in the forum around the handles unlocking. If I was OP, I would try to get your antennas replaced ASAP. My fob now wakes the car from about 5 ft away every single time. Since antenna replacement, I’ve maybe had 2-3 instances in which I’ve even had to touch my door handles to get the car to unlock, usually they are already unlocked when I get to the car (no matter which side I walk up from). Hell even the trunk opens without having to approach from the side now. Night and day.

I still wish that lucid was proactive about this though to save face. There is no way that this isn’t a known and wide spread issue at this point. I think a recall or customer PSA would be ideal to update all the cars to the later revisions. This would fix current owners outlook on the car along with some of the long term reviews as the key is usually mentioned in some capacity
Have you updated your iPhone to 17.4.1? There were definitely some issues with Bluetooth, cellular, and Wi-Fi on 17.4. Try this first. If you are still having the problems you describe, contact service. The behavior you talk about is not normal.
Have you updated your iPhone to 17.4.1? There were definitely some issues with Bluetooth, cellular, and Wi-Fi on 17.4. Try this first. If you are still having the problems you describe, contact service. The behavior you talk about is not normal.
Did you man to reply to me or OP?