Lucid vs Tesla

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FSD was actually one of the nails in the coffin for my model 3. I joined the beta program and quickly realized that any generally useful version is still many years away.
I tried to join the program but could not make the cut. Everytime I was in a construction zone it knocked me out for following too closely which I often had to do. I love to drive so am sorry I bought FSD.
FSD was actually one of the nails in the coffin for my model 3. I joined the beta program and quickly realized that any generally useful version is still many years away.
Wondering, why nobody is mentioning disastrous Tesla's brakes performance or suicidal yolk/steering "wheel".
Btw, why nobody can test drive model S/Plaid?
I have no issues with my Model S brakes and how often do you use brakes anyhow with Regen? Barely at all. And just love and I mean love the Yoke steering wheel. Everyone that drives, except for one felt the same. Get tired of people trashing Tesla and I am not a Tesla fanboy. Just crazy!

I do not like the Model S suspension though and hope the Lucid Airs is better.

Comparison should always be Refresh S to Lucid A, as Model 3 does not come close to either.
Hi all, I currently have a 4 year old Tesla model 3 dual motor and have been thinking it's time to upgrade. I'm lookin at a Lucid Touring vs a Tesla model S.
Has anyone gone from a 3 or S to a Touring? The look and range of a Lucid is what is appealing. I do like the Tesla supercharging network but I don't travel really long distances anymore.
Is the Lucid interface much different than Tesla? How is build quality and service? Probably asking the Lucid fan club here, but any input is appreciated.

With the exception of the software user interface and their supercharging network, by almost every possible metric the Lucid Air wipes the floor with the Tesla Model S.

I went from from a March 2017 build Model S75D (we also purchased a 2018 Model X100D), to a Lucid Air GT. Whether comparing build quality, fit and finish, driving dynamics and NVH, there’s just no comparison. The Lucid Air surpasses both the Model S and Model X.

Yesterday evening I got to sit in an Air Touring with 20” wheels, silver. Even though the Sales Advisor pointed out to me the selection of downgraded interior materials - cheaper leather, fewer fabric surfaces, etc, I certainly didn’t feel deprived. I didn’t even notice. I also sat in the back seat. With its lower floor pan and consequently better thigh support, that back seat is going to be a very comfortable place to inhabit during several hours of hushed freeway driving.
And just love and I mean love the Yoke steering wheel. Everyone that drives, except for one felt the same.

And I hate the yoke in our Model S Plaid just as much as you like it. My brother, who owns a Model 3 and drove the Plaid extensively while he was recently housesitting for us, has said he will not buy another Tesla if the yoke becomes standard across the model lineup.

While some owners might prefer the yoke, I have not seen a single performance driver who has reviewed the Plaid say they prefer the yoke. Some have actually said it is a safety risk in certain situations.

When an automaker introduces a feature as central to the driving experience but that is as polarizing as the yoke, they would be well-advised to make the feature optional instead of mandatory.
I do not like the Model S suspension though and hope the Lucid Airs is better.

I think you will find that it is.

We had a 2015 Model S P90D with the (at the time) optional air suspension and 19" wheels. We now have a 2021 Model S Plaid with 21" wheels.

Our Lucid Air on 21" wheels has both a quieter and a more compliant ride than either Tesla, even in Sprint mode. Moreover, the Air handles better than the Plaid. Not only is the Air less twitchy in quick maneuvers, but its front end stays better planted under hard acceleration as the rearward weight shift seems more controlled.

It's notable that Tesla failed, for the first time, to show up at the most recent Goodwood Hill Climb event which a Lucid Air GT Performance won with Ben "The Stig" Collins behind the wheel. I think there was a reason Tesla avoided that heavily-publicized head-to-head handling showdown.
Wow! I m blown away by the various responses you got. I have never owned a Tesla nor really thought much about getting one. They are just getting too common and I wanted something more distinctive. Plus, I never really paid close attention to posts one this forum that compared Tesla to Lucid. The number of posts you received from former or exisiting Tesla owners who prefer the Lucid and why simply blows me away. Now... here is fodder for one of those articles that scoops up forum post comments and then publishes a piece....I'm just sayin'
Pretty hard to argue with owners who state facts about why they chose one thing over another. Geez, that is a novel idea, go with actual facts!
Hi all, I currently have a 4 year old Tesla model 3 dual motor and have been thinking it's time to upgrade. I'm lookin at a Lucid Touring vs a Tesla model S.
Has anyone gone from a 3 or S to a Touring? The look and range of a Lucid is what is appealing. I do like the Tesla supercharging network but I don't travel really long distances anymore.
Is the Lucid interface much different than Tesla? How is build quality and service? Probably asking the Lucid fan club here, but any input is appreciated.
We have a brand new model X as a side by side comparison. We think we are going to keep the Lucid based on looks and luxury interior. But it's a tough decision because our Lucid Air GT has many bugs we are waiting to get fixed. We have been very frustrated with all the things that don't work, for example when you change drivers the car does not change the settings to the new driver. Another is we update the software and it wipes out the stored settings in the profile. The model X is very refined, no bugs, but doesn't have the looks. Email me if you have interest in learning more or would like to purchase either vehicle from us. Longer story how we ended up with 2 brand new vehicles at the same time. (PM user for info)
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There are more than 20 Teslas in our extended family (large) - varying from the cheapest models to the most expensive ones (see pix when we gathered at our grandma's house). All of them are fun to drive, and simple to own (we all charge at home though many cars have free lifetime charge). Many of us bought/leased the cars when Tesla was the only serious game in town.

Due to the lame yoke steering & horrible build quality, we will not buy/lease any more Teslas. We have several Lucids & Rivians coming. We've been through the early days of Teslas, so we're not so surprised by what Lucid & Rivian are facing, but judging by the designs & biz logic, we think they will do just fine as Tesla. Hopefully the service & build quality will not degrade as the Tesla. Due to many painful experiences with German brands, we will never buy another German car.

Just in the last three months, my cousin's Tesla brake failed and she had no choice but to run off the road to stop, and my sister Tesla faced SEVERAL phantom brake incidents while on local streets (and not on autopilot at all), so we'll likely accelerate off the Teslas sooner.

One of my neighbors has a Lucid Dream. The early days have been painful w/ many SW bugs, but it is significantly better with recent software OTA. He flipped from being miserable to being quite a proud/happy owner. Another neighbor who bought an Audi e-Tron, and had the car ran out of juice in a short round trip from OC-San Diego and back (less than 200 miles) so now his whole family hates the Audi and wouldn't take it on any trip. He went from a proud owner to having his love for the e-tron shattered


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There are more than 20 Teslas in our extended family (large) - varying from the cheapest models to the most expensive ones (see pix when we gathered at our grandma's house). All of them are fun to drive, and simple to own (we all charge at home though many cars have free lifetime charge). Many of us bought/leased the cars when Tesla was the only serious game in town.

Due to the lame yoke steering & horrible build quality, we will not buy/lease any more Teslas. We have several Lucids & Rivians coming. We've been through the early days of Teslas, so we're not so surprised by what Lucid & Rivian are facing, but judging by the designs & biz logic, we think they will do just fine as Tesla. Hopefully the service & build quality will not degrade as the Tesla. Due to many painful experiences with German brands, we will never buy another German car.

Just in the last three months, my cousin's Tesla brake failed and she had no choice but to run off the road to stop, and my sister Tesla faced SEVERAL phantom brake incidents while on local streets (and not on autopilot at all), so we'll likely accelerate off the Teslas sooner.

One of my neighbors has a Lucid Dream. The early days have been painful w/ many SW bugs, but it is significantly better with recent software OTA. He flipped from being miserable to being quite a proud/happy owner. Another neighbor who bought an Audi e-Tron, and had the car ran out of juice in a short round trip from OC-San Diego and back (less than 200 miles) so now his whole family hates the Audi and wouldn't take it on any trip. He went from a proud owner to having his love for the e-tron shattered


WOW .. my daughter was driving our MY a few months after we took delivery and the brakes failed (the car wouldn't stop no matter how hard she pressed the brakes) .. luckily [as she approached the round-about] w/ a car about to T-bone her, the Tesla's automatic braking system took over and brought the car to a stop in time to avoid an accident. The car was towed to the Tesla service and after 2-3 weeks, they didn't find anything that could've caused it. Scary stuff. (btw, one of the many reasons, we sold the car not long after that)
Just in the last three months, my cousin's Tesla brake failed and she had no choice but to run off the road to stop, and my sister Tesla faced SEVERAL phantom brake incidents while on local streets (and not on autopilot at all), so we'll likely accelerate off the Teslas sooner.


WOW .. my daughter was driving our MY a few months after we took delivery and the brakes failed (the car wouldn't stop no matter how hard she pressed the brakes) .. luckily [as she approached the round-about] w/ a car about to T-bone her, the Tesla's automatic braking system took over and brought the car to a stop in time to avoid an accident. The car was towed to the Tesla service and after 2-3 weeks, they didn't find anything that could've caused it. Scary stuff. (btw, one of the many reasons, we sold the car not long after that)

I believe you guys. This video clip of brake failure caught on public CCTV cameras is very scary. Tesla of course denied brake failure.

Sold my Model S - main reason is the lack of proper blind sight monitor and was surprised by the poor handling on my trip through winding roads while driving to Sedona. Also, one of the side panels was fallIng off. That was the last straw. Who makes a car where panels fall off?? Tesla is a overhyped and cheaply made! FSD is useless, car is made with 25-30% profit margins. Of course it is poorly constructed. Add to that the lies about robotaxis coming and the jerk CEO!

Lucid is in another world. It feels like a solid German car! Get the Lucid, its a no brainer. Only the brainless tesla fanboys would disgaree.
...Get the Lucid, its a no brainer. Only the brainless tesla fanboys would disgaree.
So many Tesla fanpeople have no clue what they are missing in a car.
I had two back to back performance model S since 2015. I was looking to get a plaid when I chanced upon a prototype lucid. The plaid may be a bit faster than my GT but the amenities, ride, materials just leave the Tesla in the dust. No making excuses for the yoke, lack of creature comforts, spartan interior. The only regret is leaving the Tesla charging network behind but EA is at least trying to replace and resolve their issues
Doctor who drove ca off th
Sold my Model S - main reason is the lack of proper blind sight monitor and was surprised by the poor handling on my trip through winding roads while driving to Sedona. Also, one of the side panels was fallIng off. That was the last straw. Who makes a car where panels fall off?? Tesla is a overhyped and cheaply made! FSD is useless, car is made with 25-30% profit margins. Of course it is poorly constructed. Add to that the lies about robotaxis coming and the jerk CEO!

Lucid is in another world. It feels like a solid German car! Get the Lucid, its a no brainer. Only the brainless tesla fanboys would disgaree.
weird so many of your posts in 1 month on here have to do with post of Tesla trolling. Honestly be happy you have 2 American car companies in EV battles with other foreign manufacturers and supplying jobs here in the USA. I’m a fan of both. Own both and STOCKS
By the way……
Reports are that the doctor who drove his car off the cliff with his family. They survived most likely from the structurally sound built TESLA
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Doctor who drove ca off th

weird so many of your posts in 1 month on here have to do with post of Tesla trolling. Honestly be happy you have 2 American car companies in EV battles with other foreign manufacturers and supplying jobs here in the USA. I’m a fan of both.
By the way……
Reports are that the doctor who drove his car off the cliff with his family. They survived most likely from the structurally sound built TESLA
I feel the same way, as I really like Tesla and Lucid. Happy that we do have 2 US car companies making great EV’s. Competition is great and will make both and others even better. 🙂
Doctor who drove ca off th

weird so many of your posts in 1 month on here have to do with post of Tesla trolling. Honestly be happy you have 2 American car companies in EV battles with other foreign manufacturers and supplying jobs here in the USA. I’m a fan of both. Own both and STOCKS
By the way……
Reports are that the doctor who drove his car off the cliff with his family. They survived most likely from the structurally sound built TESLA
Thanks for posting this. I agree that Tesla and other automakers deserve the same respect on this forum as we expect for Lucid. Criticism based on experience is welcome. Name calling of CEOs or derogatory comments about other cars without supporting details is out of bounds. While Lucid is my first EV, many forum members have owned multiple EVs and we are not here to trash other makes.
Yeah, I've done my fair share of Tesla criticism in the past, when I've felt they truly deserve it. But when we just randomly bash entire companies or their employees ad hominem, we're not adding much to the conversation.
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