Lucid Gravity Release candidate

EA is a dumpster fire in CA least in Northern California. There are not enough stations to handle all the free charging moochers and out of the usual 4 available stalls, at least 1 or 2 stall is out of order. Always a line to get a charger
We are clearly going to different stations and/or at different times. I’ve waited in line like once, and I’ve run into a broken charger like twice. I’ve switched once due to slow speed 🤷‍♂️

But, to be fair, I don’t charge during rush hour - if I drive by and there’s a line, I’ll just go home and charge there.
Same. But I’m also in CA
maybe I'm just lucky or it's because I live in CA but I've never taken my car anywhere and had anxiety except the very first trip I took. Never had an issue anywhere that didn't get me a charge.
My challenges have been on the I5. I charge at home otherwise so I think the frustration comes that I hardly use them and then when I need them they’re just annoying.

Harris Ranch & Panoche Shell have to be the worst with charger hopping or degraded speeds almost every time I’ve used them. Kettleman City works but twice now I’ve gotten degraded speeds with only me or another car at the location. By degraded I mean 30kW charging usually. Lost Hills, half the site was out for months. Country Market Shell is hit and miss also. Walmart in Valencia just down the road from where I live really struggles in summer. I think the machines bake in the 90+ degree weather and then just die because that location usually has 2 chargers down out of 6 quite a lot.

Only once have I struck one of these sites where the whole site was down but the annoyances come from either moving chargers or limited speeds. It’s not that the chargers aren’t working it’s just they’re not working how they should be.
Unpopular opinion of the day: I have sympathy for EA's situation and appreciate the service they provide.
Yes, their service has glaring flaws, but they do better than we should expect given how they came to be here as part of the dieselgate settlement. VW fulfilled their end of that and cut EA loose with a mish-mash inventory of improvised first generation hardware. Public funding has been thin up until NEVI and installing megawatt scale utilities is ferociously expensive and time consuming even before adding the "chargers" we plug in to. Looking at the state & local permitting and regulations, what users are willing to pay for charging, the cost of equipment in a rapidly evolving market ... I'm honestly surprised that our charging situation in the US is as good as it is. At least EA is making an effort to advance our charging experience compared to Tesla and certain politicians intent on undermining the EV revolution.
We are clearly going to different stations and/or at different times. I’ve waited in line like once, and I’ve run into a broken charger like twice. I’ve switched once due to slow speed 🤷‍♂️

But, to be fair, I don’t charge during rush hour - if I drive by and there’s a line, I’ll just go home and charge there.
In our area, Sunnyvale has 1 broken out of 3 (always a line for the other 2) MV station with 6 stalls is completely out of service, Palo Alto is full. That’s just right now lol
In our area, Sunnyvale has 1 broken out of 3 (always a line for the other 2) MV station with 6 stalls is completely out of service, Palo Alto is full. That’s just right now lol
I mean, I understand it's fully within your right to utilize free charging near your home, but that's not the use case for road tripping and you shouldn't be lumping those stations together along with the ones in the travel corridor which people are mostly concerned. It seems like there areany who are experiencing frustrations because they are in the same group of people taking advantage of free charging. You get what you pay for?
I had a lot to do with taking this thread in this direction, so I'll try to get myself back on track after this final observation about charging:

We'll be trying to use EA on our upcoming trip, and I'll report how it goes. I've also loaded the ChargePoint and EVgo apps on my phone and opened accounts, although the only time I tried to use ChargePoint that station was out of service, too. My biggest worry is that there is only one EA station along our route from Savannah to Raleigh (in Florence, SC), and if it's problematic we'll have to find another provider as we won't have the range to get to the next EA station.

Also, if we get the heavy rain that is predicted along our route, we'll see a significant reduction in range which will further limit our alternatives. Fingers crossed.

Now, back to the Gravity release:

I called the West Palm Beach Design Studio to see if they had any information about orders and deliveries. They had heard October for orders through the grapevine but had no confirmation. They also knew nothing about ordering protocols, whether current Lucid owners would get first dibs, or when the first demo car or even the color boards for interior and exterior would show up at their showroom.
I traveled from NoVA to Orlando in May and had no problems with EA chargers except for lines at Jacksonville and Orlando. I used the EAs at Pooler, GA (Savannah) and Florence on the way on the way back with no issues. Also used the Walteboro, SC EA on the way down with no issue. Both ways we stopped at Smithfield Carolina Premium outlets, but that is just out of your way east of Raleigh. The biggest frustation I had was the Lucid nav software kept wanting to send me to some Shell station in SC and couldn't get it to even find the EA stations unless I put in the address directly or I was very close to them. This was with the use only EA chargers option selected. Then when you enter the station directly, you don't have your overall trip time estimation available.
There are several EA threads, I suggest that we discuss EA in those threads and bring this thread back to a discussion on Gravity. Take this as any more posts on EA in thread will be deleted.
Correct. I posted this a few messages back….
“The videos Lucid posted were Peter driving. The other videos going around that I originally posted on Twitter were a different driver that is a Lucid employee it appears, and not Ian.”
Ian is a Lucid owner, @Tesla2Lucid but it’s not him.
I can confirm that's not me!
I mean that's not me driving but @AirDoll is correct that @Tesla2Lucid is me and I am him!🤪
We were told in very certain terms at the CA rally last week that Gravity ships with NACS. We can put this one to rest.

It'll also scale the voltage to charge at full speed at Tesla Superchargers, once that deal is in place and Tesla gives Lucid access to their network. And of course with the adapter it will do full speed charging at EA and other CCS stations as well.

I hope this isn't construed as another EA charging comment - esp. since it's my first post - but I am a current Tesla owner who really likes the look of Gravity. One of my big debate points is on the Gravity's charging capabilities on road trips. I apologize for not being more knowledgeable about charging, but the post above has me interested to want to know more.

Are you saying that Gravity should be able to charge at typical supercharger "full speeds" (like I would get on a 400V Tesla S, as opposed to the 40- and 50kW limits I've seen other manufacturers achieving)? (Assuming Tesla actually provides access, which I understand may be doubtful) Would that include at V2 and V3 chargers?

I guess there is also the question of the charge cord length and where/how it plugs into Gravity.

I am a current Tesla S (75D) owner; love the S but it's getting up there and I'm ready for a car with more range, more cabin comforts, and better driving dynamics. If it also has oodles of room, awesome. Enter Gravity. It looks like my dream car. But the charging network has been the biggest reason I've been hesitant to get off Tesla. I want to be able to road trip in the mid-Atlantic with confidence.
I hope this isn't construed as another EA charging comment - esp. since it's my first post - but I am a current Tesla owner who really likes the look of Gravity. One of my big debate points is on the Gravity's charging capabilities on road trips. I apologize for not being more knowledgeable about charging, but the post above has me interested to want to know more.

Are you saying that Gravity should be able to charge at typical supercharger "full speeds" (like I would get on a 400V Tesla S, as opposed to the 40- and 50kW limits I've seen other manufacturers achieving)? (Assuming Tesla actually provides access, which I understand may be doubtful) Would that include at V2 and V3 chargers?

I guess there is also the question of the charge cord length and where/how it plugs into Gravity.

Correct. If I understood the execs at the rally correctly, Gravity will get "regular" charging speeds from Tesla's 400v Superchargers. As fast as any Tesla, at least. It will also get the same high speed as Air from higher voltage chargers offered by EA and others. It's a "best of both worlds" scenario.

And yes, this is all assuming Tesla actually makes their chargers available to Lucids and someone solves the cable length issue. There was some sort of agreement made, but it seems Tesla is rolling out one manufacturer at a time, and there is definitely a backup. Could be late next year or later before Tesla actually opens up to Lucid. But there will be the adapter in the meantime for other networks.
Awesome, joec, thanks for the clarification. I'm pretty excited about the NACS conversion, for selfish reasons. 99% of my charging is at home and I have a Tesla level 2 charger in my driveway. Considering I plan to keep the Tesla for a few reasons (new driver coming in my household soon), it will be nice not to have to either install a second charger or have someone fumbling with adaptors all the time. If I have to deal with an adaptor every once in a while on a road trip, that's not a big deal. Let's hope that Elon does follow through on some of his promises, or at least is forced to, lol.

I can't wait for this car to release; I've never been so fired up about a car that isn't out yet. This forum is a pretty cool source of info!
We'll be trying to use EA on our upcoming trip, and I'll report how it goes. I've also loaded the ChargePoint and EVgo apps on my phone and opened accounts, although the only time I tried to use ChargePoint that station was out of service, too. My biggest worry is that there is only one EA station along our route from Savannah to Raleigh (in Florence, SC), and if it's problematic we'll have to find another provider as we won't have the range to get to the next EA station
You should record your experience. If you continue to see the poor experience you’ve been getting so far at each location just start sending it out online, give it to Lucid, the media, anyone who will take it about how crap EA actually is. Send it to your local representative. Remember, EA is getting NEVI funding. The taxpayer shouldn’t be paying tor a company that has a notoriously bad reputation on reliability.

Anyway, back to Gravity
Correct. If I understood the execs at the rally correctly, Gravity will get "regular" charging speeds from Tesla's 400v Superchargers. As fast as any Tesla, at least. It will also get the same high speed as Air from higher voltage chargers offered by EA and others. It's a "best of both worlds" scenario.

And yes, this is all assuming Tesla actually makes their chargers available to Lucids and someone solves the cable length issue. There was some sort of agreement made, but it seems Tesla is rolling out one manufacturer at a time, and there is definitely a backup. Could be late next year or later before Tesla actually opens up to Lucid. But there will be the adapter in the meantime for other networks.
Someone firing the whole SC team didn’t help speed up the process either. Still glad Luoid is rolling NACS out for the Gravity out the gate. That alone could be a huge selling point for people.

It could also be the first non-Tesla to market with a NACS port as standard.