Leasing LUCID air


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Aug 26, 2024
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Lucid air, tesla model x

I am looking for leasing 2024 lucid air touring. I am looking for two things

1) is dream drive pro worth it over premium
2) I need a referral from someone, so I can use it for credit.

Thank you

I am currently planning to lease 2024 Lucid air touring in CA. Is dream drive pro worth it over dream drive premium, Also need help on getting a referral

Thank You,
We are expecting a big ADAS push by EOD as peter promised. With that i believe DDP is good to have. And they are recruiting more and more IT people in AI and Automation of driving.
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I am currently planning to lease 2024 Lucid air touring in CA. Is dream drive pro worth it over dream drive premium, Also need help on getting a referral

Thank You,
With DDPro, it really depends on whether you want to pay for something that’s a promised future feature. As it stands now, many will tell you it is not worth it. But we are expecting major updates soon, per Peter. And unlike some other CEOs, Peter doesn’t usually make that sort of thing up. I do expect major improvements before the end of the year.

That being said, there’s the chance you’ll find it underwhelming later and regret it. Or you’ll hear it’s amazing from many of us and regret NOT getting it.

Tough call right now.
DreamDrive Pro gives you Highway Assist and any future ADAS upgrades. Lucid has said publicly that many ADAS upgrades are coming later this year. Right now, however, it's only Highway Assist, which steers for you and keeps distance, only on highways. With DD Premium you get adaptive cruise control but no steering.

So the question really is how important self-steering is to you, plus the upcoming ADAS software upgrades Lucid has promised later this year (on the earnings call, Twitter, etc.).
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...2) I need a referral from someone, so I can use it for credit.
You can get help in the existing "referrals" thread. Or have a look at the Referral Code showing below the member's avatar to the left of each post in any thread.
It depends on how often you drive on freeways and do road trips. Adaptive cruise is already there so it depends if you are okay living with it or want full level-2.
DreamDrive Pro gives you Highway Assist and any future ADAS upgrades. Lucid has said publicly that many ADAS upgrades are coming later this year. Right now, however, it's only Highway Assist, which steers for you and keeps distance, only on highways. With DD Premium you get adaptive cruise control but no steering.

So the question really is how important self-steering is to you, plus the upcoming ADAS software upgrades Lucid has promised later this year (on the earnings call, Twitter, etc.).
Thank you so much for the answers. Moving out of Tesla, Probably dream drive pro is good to have.
I have dream drive in my pure it’s dynamic cruise control.. and I have a loaner while it’s in the shop with dream drive premium.. it’s Not much more than dynamic cruise control with lane guidance.. I would just do pro get the extra cameras and sensors.. but don’t bother with the promise of autonomous driving
I’d rather spend the money of Surreal Sound Pro than DreamSrive Pro if you are choosing. DD Pro also depends on which roads you drive as not all roads support it.
I am in CA, So DD pro should be useful, My next question was about Sound pro vs regular surrel sound.
I am in CA, So DD pro should be useful, My next question was about Sound pro vs regular surrel sound.
Regular surreal is just ok. Surreal Pro is around $2.9k more. Best would be to stop by the studio and put Sirius and listen.
For car colors, I would not recommend going by the photos. Visit and see the colors yourself.
There's been a lot written about peoples opinions on Surreal Sound vs SSPro. A lot of people prefer the "Bose" sound with lots of bass, and if that's your preference neither option will make you smile. SSPro is the only option that will play back Atmos and for that you need a Tidal account. I've compared SS to SSPro without Tidal and can say there is still a sonic difference, mainly around the warmth of the sound, due to the extra bass speakers by the driver and passenger feet with SSPro.
Regular surreal is just ok. Surreal Pro is around $2.9k more. Best would be to stop by the studio and put Sirius and listen.
For car colors, I would not recommend going by the photos. Visit and see the colors yourself.
I think you mean Tidal. Alternative option is to take a USB with FLAC and test on the 2 different sound systems.
I am in CA, So DD pro should be useful, My next question was about Sound pro vs regular surrel sound.
I would go with SS Pro—yes, it's 2,9k, and yes, it does NOT sound even close to my BMW Bowers & Wilkins sound system. However, it's good enough if you have a premium source like Tidal or Qobuz, which I prefer. Also, TuneIn still sounds okay, IMO. But yeah, if you like Bass, then you have to add one for sure.
I have a ‘23 Pure with DDP and SSP. The Highway Assist for me in SoCal has been quite good and I am looking forward to the future software updates that have been announced. I do enjoy the SSP sound quality with Tidal.

I had test driven an Air Pure without these upgrades and then another Pure with these options and I could tell, the upgrades were worth it. You should test drive with and without these options to see if they are worth it for you. Take someone with you to get their opinion as well
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Thank you so much for the responses. I really appreciate all the people who responded and provided some idea. I am going to get probably DDP and SSP together.
What you guys recommend in terms of insurance. Is Lucid insurance good
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I have Statefarm here in Colorado as those are the only ones covering OEM windshield replacement with no copay ;-) I usually have 1-2 replacements per year. On my BMW it was 2,5k the last time...