Lane Centering ADJUSTMENTS in highway assist/Dream Drive


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Oct 24, 2021
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
DE-P (1st dzn: 10/30/21)
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It’s been on my “want” list for Tesla forever and now for Lucid: Lane centering ADJUSTMENT OPTIONS for Highway Assist/Dream Drive. Maybe the computer is more daring than me but I feel like it centers the car too close to the right for comfort both for me and sometimes that semi-truck looks down at me as I'm passing on the left with a look, "do you have a death wish"? I'd love to be able to have my car adjust 1, 2 or 3 'clicks' to the left! Now, I see it can be done in the Volkswagen & Porsche! I did not see it as a "want" with @Bobby 's "LucidUpdates" so am starting that thread here to see if I'm alone?
I'd vote for it! I feel Highway Assist definitely favors the right a bit too much, which as you pointed out is an issue when passing semis. I find myself nearly always jerking the wheel left when going by them.
I played around with HA on my roundtrip drive up to Chapel Hill to pick my son up from UNC. On both legs, HA started out as "merge left". I would turn it on and the car would just drift to the left, over the line and had to have some intervention before I hit the wall or ran off the road. Later on in the drive, I tried it again and it appeared to do what it was designed to do. It just isn't consistent enough to be trusted and is downright dangerous. Not surprisingly, HA acts much like the entertainment system, sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.

No more HA for me.
+1 for this feature. Semi-trucks can be prone to sudden movements from crosswinds, not their fault. Even if not a click system, I would take adjustment based on sensing cars on either side (adjustable by clicks as well?).

Semi or car on one side? Move to the opposite. Cars or semis on both? Center between the available space.
I played around with HA on my roundtrip drive up to Chapel Hill to pick my son up from UNC. On both legs, HA started out as "merge left". I would turn it on and the car would just drift to the left, over the line and had to have some intervention before I hit the wall or ran off the road. Later on in the drive, I tried it again and it appeared to do what it was designed to do. It just isn't consistent enough to be trusted and is downright dangerous. Not surprisingly, HA acts much like the entertainment system, sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.

No more HA for me.
You may need your camera(s) calibrated.
You may need your camera(s) calibrated.
I thought of that as well, but it would actually work as it should at times. I would think the cameras either are calibrated and work or they aren't and don't, not try to run me into the left wall one minute and 30 minutes later work splendidly without stopping/resetting in between.
1000%!!! Also, after roughly a mile or so in HA, mines starts to auto correct towards the center.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes, I also see an initial tendency to hug the right that corrects fairly quickly. Maybe even a half mile.
It’s been on my “want” list for Tesla forever and now for Lucid: Lane centering ADJUSTMENT OPTIONS for Highway Assist/Dream Drive. Maybe the computer is more daring than me but I feel like it centers the car too close to the right for comfort both for me and sometimes that semi-truck looks down at me as I'm passing on the left with a look, "do you have a death wish"? I'd love to be able to have my car adjust 1, 2 or 3 'clicks' to the left! Now, I see it can be done in the Volkswagen & Porsche! I did not see it as a "want" with @Bobby 's "LucidUpdates" so am starting that thread here to see if I'm alone?
Great needed feature in our cars
+1 for this feature. Semi-trucks can be prone to sudden movements from crosswinds, not their fault. Even if not a click system, I would take adjustment based on sensing cars on either side (adjustable by clicks as well?).

Semi or car on one side? Move to the opposite. Cars or semis on both? Center between the available space.
@OutofSpecDave reorted on his drive he experienced this. I think it will adjust or learn? But hasn't happened to me yet
Yes, I also see an initial tendency to hug the right that corrects fairly quickly. Maybe even a half mile.
Same. For the first short distance it bounces between the lane markers slightly, trying to calibrate for the road. Then it does, and it’s smooth sailing.

I’ve never had it fail, except on off ramps or merges, where every ADAS system fails. And before anyone says Tesla doesn’t, it does. Every time, consistently. (At least in AP; I do not use FSD because I like living). Hyundai does too, and I’d say they have some leading-class ADAS.
Same. For the first short distance it bounces between the lane markers slightly, trying to calibrate for the road. Then it does, and it’s smooth sailing.

I’ve never had it fail, except on off ramps or merges, where every ADAS system fails. And before anyone says Tesla doesn’t, it does. Every time, consistently. (At least in AP; I do not use FSD because I like living). Hyundai does too, and I’d say they have some leading-class ADAS.
I have found the Mercedes ADAS system to be the best.
Same. For the first short distance it bounces between the lane markers slightly, trying to calibrate for the road. Then it does, and it’s smooth sailing.

I’ve never had it fail, except on off ramps or merges, where every ADAS system fails. And before anyone says Tesla doesn’t, it does. Every time, consistently. (At least in AP; I do not use FSD because I like living). Hyundai does too, and I’d say they have some leading-class ADAS.
In Utah there's so much construction, twists, turns, and hills with elevation changes that I feel like my Air doesn't calibrate as well as it probably should or is capable to do. But on straight away and when I went cross country it was excellent. But I still always get nervous around semis and wish I can keep it in certain driving positions in the lane, hugging left in fast lane for example.
Well I posted a similar statement stating it was right biased, and was challenged to actually adjust my mirror so I could really see if it was. I recently made a trip to Sylmar so I did as asked on both the 2 and 210 freeways, and sure enough I was correct, it was right biased by at least 4" and maybe more. I am a strong left biased driver, the steering wheel is on the left side correct, that's why you can see the left line really well. And if you use the fast lane on the freeways why not hug the left line. Well the right biased HA coupled with my desire to be left biased means Luci is off by 12"-18" from where I would put her. And since you really have to keep your hands on the wheel, again all I found myself doing was trying to veer left, almost more stressful than just driving myself. I mentioned this right biased to our service advisor and he said everyone tells him that and that management is aware, he did not say let's calibrate your ADAS.

Btw, I did experience the veer left condition once. I thought it was because I had turned off Lane Departure and it needed lane departure on for HA, so I deactivated HA, turned on Lane Departure and tried HA again. This time it operates properly so I thought, hmm, I guess you do need Lane Departure on for HA, but then the next day I turned on HA again, and Lane Departure was off again (I will soon make a post on this subject), and behold it worked, so sure enough the veer left condition was a fault, and you do not need Lane departure on for HA.
so I deactivated HA, turned on Lane Departure and tried HA again. This time it operates properly so I thought, hmm, I guess you do need Lane Departure on for HA, but then the next day I turned on HA again, and Lane Departure was off again (I will soon make a post on this subject), and behold it worked, so sure enough the veer left condition was a fault, and you do not need Lane departure on for HA.
Great observations
PS: I’ve had lane departure off since day 2 because of its rightward bias so I don’t think it’s that.
Well I posted a similar statement stating it was right biased, and was challenged to actually adjust my mirror so I could really see if it was. I recently made a trip to Sylmar so I did as asked on both the 2 and 210 freeways, and sure enough I was correct, it was right biased by at least 4" and maybe more. I am a strong left biased driver, the steering wheel is on the left side correct, that's why you can see the left line really well. And if you use the fast lane on the freeways why not hug the left line. Well the right biased HA coupled with my desire to be left biased means Luci is off by 12"-18" from where I would put her. And since you really have to keep your hands on the wheel, again all I found myself doing was trying to veer left, almost more stressful than just driving myself. I mentioned this right biased to our service advisor and he said everyone tells him that and that management is aware, he did not say let's calibrate your ADAS.

Btw, I did experience the veer left condition once. I thought it was because I had turned off Lane Departure and it needed lane departure on for HA, so I deactivated HA, turned on Lane Departure and tried HA again. This time it operates properly so I thought, hmm, I guess you do need Lane Departure on for HA, but then the next day I turned on HA again, and Lane Departure was off again (I will soon make a post on this subject), and behold it worked, so sure enough the veer left condition was a fault, and you do not need Lane departure on for HA.
For what it’s worth, I’ve experienced both now. My initial HA was perfectly centered, and now it is right biased for about 30-45 seconds before becoming perfectly centered. It will actually hit or cross the right line briefly before it settles and is then perfectly centered.

The difference is that between then and now I had an accident, and had to get the HA recalibrated / rewired. I’m taking it back to get recalibrated again soon.