Just drove home. In my Lucid.


Verified Owner
Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score
LR3, LR4, Touring
Yeah, I’m in love.

Can’t type. CA5630A8-2BCA-49DD-B5B6-112F660F0E23.webpDE84B607-2501-44D2-B185-23870200247E.webpFeeling a bit of post-driving bliss (see pics). Will post more thoughts soon.

Beautiful car in a beautiful location. Congrats!
Congratulations!!! Enjoy the ride!!
Beautiful car in a beautiful location. Congrats!
Man, do I envy your locale/climate!
Nothing like that first drive after getting a new car - especially the Lucid.

I remember the first drive of the 4 vehicles I've had in my lifetime.

Beautiful car - congratulations!!
And, you got your music going already - nice! Took me a week to get to music, as I'm new to EV's and had been just trying to figure out the basics.

Is that Black w/Santa Cruz ? I have the same color scheme - love it.
Thanks for the all kind words! I admit I woke up today amped to get back in the car. It’s revived my love of driving - after two years of really not liking the S.

Glad the sun is back in CA - it’s been a damp month!

Love this forum - great info and much positivity. Wow!
Congrats!! Those were some beautiful shots!
Thanks for the all kind words! I admit I woke up today amped to get back in the car. It’s revived my love of driving - after two years of really not liking the S.

Glad the sun is back in CA - it’s been a damp month!

Love this forum - great info and much positivity. Wow!
Where in California? There are a couple of Telegram group, one for SoCal and one for the Bay Area
Im in Marin county - how do I join the Tgram group?