Issues with vehicle (not verified)

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I mostly have text threads from the dealership manager in King of Prussia, where my vehicle has been since 3/24 as I have not signed the document allowing repair as I have lost faith in my iteration of this product. Also, I do not want to upload the actual electronic communication at this point as I have a pending case in court.
I'm surprised that your lawyer allows you to comment on this issue on the open Internet if you have a pending case. I wish you all the best of luck, thankfully yours is the outlier and most people are very satisfied with their cars and the service.
Is there a reason you’ve never come here for help to discuss these ‘endless issues’? You do understand that posts like this for a first time poster in any forum on any product are subject to skepticism and scrutiny for a variety of reasons.

It may or may not be the case here, but my prediction is that this is another ‘hit & run’.
Would you like my phone number? Do you work for lucid?
No hit and run here. Just finally had the last straw that broke my back.
Also, I don't really blog, this is really a new tact to satisfy my extreme disgust and dealing with this scam, which hopefully will at least make me feel a touch better!
Would you like my phone number? Do you work for lucid?
No hit and run here. Just finally had the last straw that broke my back.
Also, I don't really blog, this is really a new tact to satisfy my extreme disgust and dealing with this scam, which hopefully will at least make me feel a touch better!
If you really do have a pending suit, your lawyer would probably tell you not to post anything on any internet forum.

I get the impulse to vent. But it's likely not going to be helpful to you legally. And we're mostly a forum where folks try and help each other solve issues, not just commiserate.

I wish you well in your endeavors.
I'm surprised that your lawyer allows you to comment on this issue on the open Internet if you have a pending case. I wish you all the best of luck, thankfully yours is the outlier and most people are very satisfied with their cars and the service.
That would have been a good and fair outcome, had they offered another car in place of mine, and dealt with the lemon at their end, but I am not even convinced the company was/would be able to afford that option. I have certainly talked many of colleagues, work associates into staying away, at least until we see if the company exists in 2025, in order to avoid the Fisker fiasco.
Also, re. my lawyer, I think he would be very unhappy with what I am doing at the moment, but I am not optimistic for a positive outcome, so here I am. Disgruntled and disgusted. Shouls Lucid file for bankruptcy, I would be shit out of luck anyway, but I honestly would feel vindicated if that were to occur.
That would have been a good and fair outcome, had they offered another car in place of mine, and dealt with the lemon at their end, but I am not even convinced the company was/would be able to afford that option. I have certainly talked many of colleagues, work associates into staying away, at least until we see if the company exists in 2025, in order to avoid the Fisker fiasco.
Also, re. my lawyer, I think he would be very unhappy with what I am doing at the moment, but I am not optimistic for a positive outcome, so here I am. Disgruntled and disgusted. Shouls Lucid file for bankruptcy, I would be shit out of luck anyway, but I honestly would feel vindicated if that were to occur.
You have at leased vehicle. You owe a very finite amount of money. If your lawyer is any good, he or she will get you out of that lease and possibly some sort of reimbursement for lost time. It's too bad you went the lawyer route, because I know for a fact that Lucid can do much more for you in the way of a buyback before the legal system is involved. After that, their hands are tied. I'm sure you can imagine why there is some skepticism here on the forum, since your story is rather uncorroborated and sometimes doesn't exactly make sense.
The whole thing makes no sense and is a pointless rant with nothing to back it up. Why would anyone put up with a car limited to 37mph for 10 MONTHS! After 48 years of car ownership you'd think they'd be at an age where they und
Wouldn't you keep a detailed record of dates and times when your car went in for service if it's been such a lemon? I had a Mazda once that was a total POS, and I bought an old-school calendar and marked all the days so I could lemon-law it. The dealer overnighted parts for the last repair of the year, so it fell short by a day. In retrospect, I could have probably still forced the issue, but I was young and didn't have legal resources at the time. I've seen this sort of behavior on other car forums too, someone comes in seemingly with a bee in their bonnet about their totally defective car but doesn't provide any actual information on it.

erstand basic punctuation and grammar. This honestly looks like its been written by a teenager who wants to stir up trouble and wouldn't give it the time of day in any more responses until they come back and can prove all these claims made with FACTS!
It ius not a pointless rant. It is all I have left to do under the circumstances. I do wish you better luck than I have had, and I would also like to think you are not a Lucid plant on this forum.
You have at leased vehicle. You owe a very finite amount of money. If your lawyer is any good, he or she will get you out of that lease and possibly some sort of reimbursement for lost time. It's too bad you went the lawyer route, because I know for a fact that Lucid can do much more for you in the way of a buyback before the legal system is involved. After that, their hands are tied. I'm sure you can imagine why there is some skepticism here on the forum, since your story is rather uncorroborated and sometimes doesn't exactly make sense.
What you know about Lucid, obviously did not occur in my instance. Why my story doesn't make sense is not exactly clear to me, but is apparently clear to you. It is really not that complicated.
Lucid is in deep shit, and may not have a way out. Saudis are not dumb, and will exit a sinking ship when their threshold is met. Look at the sales record, these forums are effective. I only wished I had checked this forum before committing. I don't think I would be in the pickle I. find myself.
What you know about Lucid, obviously did not occur in my instance. Why my story doesn't make sense is not exactly clear to me, but is apparently clear to you. It is really not that complicated.
Lucid is in deep shit, and may not have a way out. Saudis are not dumb, and will exit a sinking ship when their threshold is met. Look at the sales record, these forums are effective. I only wished I had checked this forum before committing. I don't think I would be in the pickle I. find myself.
I have tried to be very cordial and nice with you, but you are violating several of our forum guidelines, one of which is non-specific rants. I will caution you to tread lightly or you will be banned. If you would like to individually message one of the moderators proof of ownership, that will increase your credibility.
I wish I had actual details to this story
What do you feel you need to know? I can't go too far as I stated there are legal limitations. I am just trying to render cautionary words to those contemplating getting a Lucid, which is my right. There are plenty of very good alternatives, and the so called "best", is hardly even good for a good bunch of owners on this forum, because I don't think this forum would be this active had there been no issues. Sure, it would exist, but have you read the average comments, and issues many owners have been through?
Also, I know there are trolls out there, but I guarantee that I am not one.
Wouldn't you keep a detailed record of dates and times when your car went in for service if it's been such a lemon? I had a Mazda once that was a total POS, and I bought an old-school calendar and marked all the days so I could lemon-law it. The dealer overnighted parts for the last repair of the year, so it fell short by a day. In retrospect, I could have probably still forced the issue, but I was young and didn't have legal resources at the time. I've seen this sort of behavior on other car forums too, someone comes in seemingly with a bee in their bonnet about their totally defective car but doesn't provide any actual information on it.
Of course I have and my lawyer is in possession of this very detailed record.
There have been opportunities to provide more details, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt of "Trust me bro, I have a lawyer working on it" so there is no need to drag this out since you are legally unable to provide details per your counsel.
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