Highway assist worked on US-98 N Florida - Local Road


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Nov 15, 2023
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Lucid Air GT
Pardon my ignore if this was already discussed or if i am unaware.

Today i am traveling on US-98 N in Florida and been tired activated Highway assist to maintain cruising. To my surprise Highway assist worked. I remember in the past i cannot activate Highway assist since this is a local road, i have only active cruise working. Is this something part of 2.2.2 and Lucid didn't mention it anywhere or is this my ignorance that i didn't observed this until now?

Also i observed though i am in middle line in this trip and line assist and cruise working fine, but at traffic signal there is a little curve and my car just moved to the left line since there are no line markings. But on a highway i find most of the time with little line marking or no marking my car calculated proper space and kept me in my line before.
Yeah satellite imagery shows that as a two lane road 👀.

Another place that it has allowed me to use HA is on CA 152 over Pacheco Pass in California. For those that have driven it, you know it’s sketch when manually driving.
Yeah satellite imagery shows that as a two lane road 👀.

Another place that it has allowed me to use HA is on CA 152 over Pacheco Pass in California. For those that have driven it, you know it’s sketch when manually driving.
Will try the route again :), hope there are more that i need to explore.
Yeah satellite imagery shows that as a two lane road 👀.

Another place that it has allowed me to use HA is on CA 152 over Pacheco Pass in California. For those that have driven it, you know it’s sketch when manually driving.
I'm just starting to use HA so my level of trust isn't high - I'd have a heart attack using it on difficult roads!
I'm just starting to use HA so my level of trust isn't high - I'd have a heart attack using it on difficult roads!
It’s really trivial to override - you just have to tap the brake or turn the steering wheel at all; as long as you’re paying attention, test away. It’s not going to suddenly take a 90 degree turn; just adjust it if needed. :)
...Today i am traveling on US-98 N in Florida and been tired activated Highway assist to maintain cruising. To my surprise Highway assist worked. I remember in the past i cannot activate Highway assist since this is a local road, i have only active cruise working. Is this something part of 2.2.2 and Lucid didn't mention it anywhere or is this my ignorance that i didn't observed this until now? ...
HA is intended for use on controlled-access roads without traffic signals, stopped vehicles, or cross traffic - be careful!
It activated on a non-freeway for me as well many versions ago, I had the same experience with it being dodgy at intersections so I turned it off. I don't think Lucid actually reviewed every road it can activate on, they just punched in some search parameters. Either whatever database they searched in is faulty, or these are some edge case roads (i.e. the road only has intersections for one stretch or something).
HA frequently tells me it's available on several 2-lane roads on the Kitsap and Olympic peninsulas west of Puget Sound. I don't like using it and so haven't tried turning it on when I'm on those roads, but when I use cruise control I get the "Highway Assist available" message.
It’s really trivial to override - you just have to tap the brake or turn the steering wheel at all; as long as you’re paying attention, test away. It’s not going to suddenly take a 90 degree turn; just adjust it if needed. :)
Yes, I have difficultly NOT overriding it!
Let me put it this way - I've never received the warning to keep your hands on the wheel when I've used HA...😅🤣😂

Yet another local-ish road providing an opportunity to test the effectiveness of my blood pressure medication with Highway Assist engaged. This time, it was CA 198 between I-5 and US 101. The top picture is in Coalinga, CA, where I had just passed under a stoplight I thought I captured in-frame while Highway Assist was engaged. The second picture shows the beginning of the curves that the car could not navigate on its own. The posted speed limit here was 55 mph, but the car struggled with any curve marked with a yellow sign indicating 45 mph or below. It performed poorly, crossing over the yellow line within a second. The last picture shows the average road condition, visibility of the painted lines, and the lane width (or lack thereof).

I am VERY attentive while using Highway Assist anywhere, but recently, I've been even more vigilant on roads like this. I fear newer owners, trying to prove their car’s prowess against the likes of an FSD model, will be putting themselves and others at risk.

I don’t know the metrics or geolocations that Lucid used to green-light Highway Assist. However, I believe they need to dial back this feature on local two-lane roads until a more stable version is available.

@mcr16, I try to use HA everywhere to give as much data back to the Lucid team as possible. I just know that a few places, the option to use HA should not exist. Yet!
I believe HA works in selected highways and states; only interstates in WA so far.