Help me enjoy my Lucid more


New Member
Sep 16, 2023
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I have had my Pure for 4 months now. I really liked the car initially, but over time, I have noticed more and more annoying small design issues that make it hard to fully love the car.

Rather than list what frustrates me, I want to get ideas on how I can enjoy the car more, especially on normal drives where the Lucid’s great range and efficiency don’t matter. I like the drives where I am the only one in the car, there is open road, and I can go into swift/sprint mode. But I am hoping there are more ways for me to really enjoy the car than just driving dangerously.

Or I am just asking too much from the Pure? I didnt get the Touring or GT since the extra power and range they have over what the Pure were not worth the extra cost for me. I know it is just a “car”, but the way people on this forum profess the their undying love for the Lucid Air makes me think I’m missing something.

(In case someone is planning to talk about the sound system, I generally listen to podcasts rather than music. SS Pro, while good, doesn’t make much of a difference to me. I didn’t even want SS Pro but needed to get it since I wanted DD Premium. And yes the car looks great, but I don’t see it when I’m actually driving it.)
Without a list of what bothers you, in general I would say the car is quirky, and if you can't get past some of the quirkiness then you won't fall in love. So please let us know what design oddities are bothering you to prevent your enjoyment.
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Without a list of what bothers you, in general I would say the car is quirky, and if you can get past some of the quirkiness then you won't fall in love. So please let us know what design oddities are bothering you to prevent your enjoyment.

That’s fair. Its a variety of things:

- minor issues that I think is just laziness on their part, which makes it worse. having Themes still on the screen even though it does nothing on Pure; no favorites in navigation; can’t have navigation on the top screen and music selection on the bottom screen at the same time
- designs flaws like the curved screen that looks great but doesn’t fit Apple car play well; The passenger interior lights blast bright light directly into baby’s face in a rear facing seat. I taped over the light, but it’s like no designer at lucid ever tried to put an infant in the car or even thought about it.
- the car is surprisingly loud, especially at higher speed. I understand that wind and electric motors still make sound, but my wife’s Mercedes is much much quieter.

None of these on their own is a big deal. But put enough of them together and it just starts to get annoying. So I’m trying to find some more positives to focus on instead
And yes, I know they are a new company and some of the issues I bring up are normal growing pains as they iterate through design and software. That’s why I want focus on what already works well that I can enjoy but maybe don’t know about or use effectively
And yes, I know they are a new company and some of the issues I bring up are normal growing pains as they iterate through design and software. That’s why I want focus on what already works well that I can enjoy but maybe don’t know about or use effectively
You have an infant. That’s your enjoyment. Step away from the car, stop focusing on the minor little things like the size of the CarPlay interface, and go play with the baby.
There is no perfect car. All the items you have listed appears minor and personal preferences.
There is no perfect car. All the items you have listed appears minor and personal preferences.
You forgot Homer Simpson invented the perfect car.


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You have an infant. That’s your enjoyment. Step away from the car, stop focusing on the minor little things like the size of the CarPlay interface, and go play with the baby.

I still have to drive places periodically.
I just enjoy the control and serenity of the car, and the beauty of the interior. Even the front motor whine is fun once in a while.

I hear you on these as a new Air owner and also a dad to an infant.

Agreed that CarPlay interface design is a bit forced, but I would rather have it as is than nothing at all - it is secondary for me to the drivability of the car. I am still thrilled and giddy about the car and greatly enjoy driving it, not for what shows up on the screens or the various comfort features it has, but for the handling, throttle response, and design as a vehicle that gets me from A to B. I am coming from 20 years of daily driving large SUVs so the Air is a massive change for me.

The lights in the back are a nuisance indeed for rear facing car seats, yes. They are also super bright pinspots. Invariably we take my wife’s SUV when transporting our daughter, but when we do take my car (and it’s never at night) - it is fun for her to see the different interior, hear the different sounds, and she also has more legroom given how the rear seats are positioned with the car seat. It’s not perfect, but neither is my wife’s car in other ways.

My personal advice to really enjoy the car, and it might be tough to do right now given the little one though I do so at night when she is down and there is no traffic on the roads - go out for a drive somewhere, anywhere, just you - maybe run an errand across town to get something for your wife, perhaps even further if you take a longer route to get there. Focus on the road, the vehicle dynamics, and how everything is working together in concert to make this vehicle drive so cohesively in the second year of production, ever. Music optional and supplementary, with you immersed in the drive primarily.

During these little trips, I appreciate the car more and return home relaxed and ready to tackle the beautiful chaos of a very little human we have in our lives. Not to mention, my wife loves time to herself.
- minor issues that I think is just laziness on their part, which makes it worse. having Themes still on the screen even though it does nothing on Pure; no favorites in navigation; can’t have navigation on the top screen and music selection on the bottom screen at the same time
I wouldn’t guess laziness, but technical debt. For example, the music on one and nav on the other is likely limited by existing technical debt somehow, and isn’t just an easy fix; they have know about that UX issue for a long time, and I suspect would have done it by now if it were trivial.

- designs flaws like the curved screen that looks great but doesn’t fit Apple car play well; The passenger interior lights blast bright light directly into baby’s face in a rear facing seat. I taped over the light, but it’s like no designer at lucid ever tried to put an infant in the car or even thought about it.
Which passenger interior lights? I’m not sure I know which you’re talking about.

- the car is surprisingly loud, especially at higher speed. I understand that wind and electric motors still make sound, but my wife’s Mercedes is much much quieter.
What do you hear? The whine of the motor or the wind? If it’s the wind, that may be fixable, especially if it’s cold where you are - it might be the seal.

The electric motor whine is a “love it or hate it” feature, it seems.

None of these on their own is a big deal. But put enough of them together and it just starts to get annoying. So I’m trying to find some more positives to focus on instead
For me, it’s honestly the driving itself. If this car had no ambient lighting, didn’t massage me, etc., I’d still love it. Having those things is nice, and certainly adds to the enjoyment, but I love *driving* it. The way it handles, the way it responds, the way it almost anticipates what I want to do before my hands even recognize they’ve started moving… it’s the most intuitive car I’ve ever driven, from a *driving* perspective, once you learn one pedal.

Everything else is just a nicety. But that’s just me!
I agree BUT what is minor is up to the OP, not you. me and other posters.
Of course! That’s what I keep trying to tell everyone who calls people here fanboys lol - it’s literally just opinion and preference. I love the lucid and the Ioniq 6; I think both are beautiful cars.

My friend loves the model 3 highland, even though I think it looks ancient and boring by now, and I can’t stand the interior. But he thinks the lucid and Ioniq 6 are hideous. That’s ok!
You have an infant. That’s your enjoyment. Step away from the car, stop focusing on the minor little things like the size of the CarPlay interface, and go play with the baby.
ouch! am I the only one here (or only one who will say it out loud) that that is kind of a rough response Bobby? he can be a wonderful parent AND a car enthusiast who has questions and even complaints/suggestions about his Lucid.

I got a similar reaction from you when i first posted things that bothered me as a new owner and member... a snarky suggestion that I didn't have the right to complain about little things i didn't like on my $100k new car, when earlier owners had much bigger and 'more valid' complaints.

Don't get me wrong, I know that you do an incredible amount for the Lucid community, for this forum, and for the other resources you have put together online for us owners. You are probably this community's most valuable member and are a tireless champion of the brand and the forum and you give a ton of your own time to helping people here. It's appreciated by everyone here, I know. But sometimes it feels as though you get your head bitten off for posting complaints about the car on this forum. You didn't need to tell him how he should spend his time or attention, what his priorities should be, or what should give him enjoyment in life.

Now i'm probably banned... but i at least got that off my chest on my way out the door.
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ouch! am I the only one here (or only one who will say it out loud) that that is kind of a rough response Bobby? he can be a wonderful parent AND a car enthusiast who has questions and even complaints/suggestions about his Lucid.

I got a similar reaction from you when i first posted things that bothered me as a new owner and member... a snarky suggestion that I didn't have the right to complain about little things i didn't like on my $100k new car, when earlier owners had much bigger and 'more valid' complaints.

Don't get me wrong, I know that you do an incredible amount for the Lucid community, for this forum, and for the other resources you have put together online for us owners. You are probably this community's most valuable member and are a tireless champion of the brand and the forum and you give a ton of your own time to helping people here. It's appreciated by everyone here, I know. But sometimes it feels as though you get your head bitten off for posting complaints about the car on this forum. You didn't need to tell him how he should spend his time or attention, what his priorities should be, or what should give him enjoyment in life.

Now i'm probably banned... but i at least got that off my chest on my way out the door.
Lol, you won't be banned... after all, we all have to abide by the constitution!
My friend loves the model 3 highland, even though I think it looks ancient and boring by now, and I can’t stand the interior. But he thinks the lucid and Ioniq 6 are hideous. That’s ok!
And off topic, but the Ioniq 6 is quite possibly the ugliest modern car since the Ford Ka, or the Sssangyong rodius, or the Fiat multipla... you get the point. The curves on the I6 look ugly and the back looks like its about to sag and fall off. Even the POS EQS looks like a beautiful Cistalia 202 or a DB9 compared to that horrible I6. The interior looks more barren than the Saharas. The model 3 highland is actually a good car, in my opinion. It seems Tesla is somewhat trying to improve itself with the CT and Highland, but geez, does their service need to be better...
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Don’t know where you live but find a winding road and let loose. PCH is a blast to drive in this car as it sticks to the road through the curves and music sounds awesome. And sometimes at stops, people will yell through their open windows to ask you what kind of car you are driving. Just be safe.
I have had my Pure for 4 months now. I really liked the car initially, but over time, I have noticed more and more annoying small design issues that make it hard to fully love the car.

Rather than list what frustrates me, I want to get ideas on how I can enjoy the car more, especially on normal drives where the Lucid’s great range and efficiency don’t matter. I like the drives where I am the only one in the car, there is open road, and I can go into swift/sprint mode. But I am hoping there are more ways for me to really enjoy the car than just driving dangerously.

Or I am just asking too much from the Pure? I didnt get the Touring or GT since the extra power and range they have over what the Pure were not worth the extra cost for me. I know it is just a “car”, but the way people on this forum profess the their undying love for the Lucid Air makes me think I’m missing something.

(In case someone is planning to talk about the sound system, I generally listen to podcasts rather than music. SS Pro, while good, doesn’t make much of a difference to me. I didn’t even want SS Pro but needed to get it since I wanted DD Premium. And yes the car looks great, but I don’t see it when I’m actually driving it.)
When I placed a reservation on a Pure about 3-4 years ago now, I did so knowing that it will be a new product from a new mfr. But the tech was solid and the car looked like a dream. This is what allows me to enjoy the car. Compromise. It is also why I was comfortable upgrading to a Touring and look forward to driving it daily. But to answer your question....I really would recommend driving it through curves, getting a Tidal subscription and listening to some of the playlists suggested here on the forum, enjoy never having to stop at a gas station as you drive by another one, set the seats as low as you can be comfortable and safe with, use the app often to get the car ready for you prior to you getting in...enjoy the frunk and trunk space and invest in some new Lucid apparel (seriously) and drive your lucid wearing it... its like get what you go looking for....its truly the best drive I've experienced in any car and that to me is the biggest fun factor...hope this helps !
Lol, you won't be banned... after all, we all have to abide by the constitution!
The one that says the government can't restrict your right to free speech? We ain't the government. :)

(but nobody's getting banned, lol)

And off topic, but the Ioniq 6 is quite possibly the ugliest modern car since the Ford Ka, or the Sssangyong rodius, or the Fiat multipla... you get the point. The curves on the I6 look ugly and the back looks like its about to sag and fall off. Even the POS EQS looks like a beautiful Cistalia 202 or a DB9 compared to that horrible I6. The interior looks more barren than the Saharas. The model 3 highland is actually a good car, in my opinion. It seems Tesla is somewhat trying to improve itself with the CT and Highland, but geez, does their service need to be better...