Getting ‘locked’ into car


Active Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Wondering if this has happened to anyone before. I was sitting in my car trying to reset my mobile key. So I had my phone and fob with me. I deleted the mobile key profile and tried to reconnect with the car but I guess I took too long and so even while I was sitting in the car with the fob in my pocket, the car shut down completely. Pressing buttons or brake pedal didn’t bring it back to life. Doors could not be operated. Tried pushing the fob, but no response. Eventually, after pulling hard on the door trigger about a dozen times I was able to ‘force’ the door open which trigger the car alarm. After I re-linked my phone, I tried to replicate the scenario and managed to lock myself into the car again by just waiting for it to time out while I was sitting in it. But this time, I could use my phone app to open the doors.

Anybody have a similar experience?
Samething happened to me. Was sitting in the car listening to the sound system. Car timed out and shut down. The door handles wouldn't work, nor the window switches. The app was forevering in 'waking up the car' mode without waking up the car. Eventually I opened and closed the app a few times and it worked. On a hot day outside that could be a little frightening. Is the drivers door trigger a manual override? I thought I pulled it hard enough, but obviously not. I would recommend making sure that your family knows how that works.
I was half joking with my wife that I totally expect to be locked in the car for days until Lucid sends a service guy to let me out.
The best way to get the car not to sleep every now and then is to tap the brake pedal and it "restarts" the shutdown timer
These are the types of issues that they need to be releasing regular, timely software updates for.
Samething happened to me. Was sitting in the car listening to the sound system. Car timed out and shut down. The door handles wouldn't work, nor the window switches. The app was forevering in 'waking up the car' mode without waking up the car. Eventually I opened and closed the app a few times and it worked. On a hot day outside that could be a little frightening. Is the drivers door trigger a manual override? I thought I pulled it hard enough, but obviously not. I would recommend making sure that your family knows how that works.
Its dangerous if mechanical/manual opening doesnt work. Youre in an accident and the other car is on fire! We need safety hammer. Konigsegg has that as standard. Example:
Lifehammer Brand Safety Hammer - The Original Emergency Escape and Rescue Tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Made in The Netherlands
I had an 11 CTS V Coupe, the battery was run down for some forgotten reason and I got locked in on a 90* plus day out of the sun in the toy barn, it took me a few moments or so before I thought about the mechanical lever down on the floor...... Any car that that uses electronics to open the doors should have a mechanical opener just for those situations, it doesn't take long under the right circimstanses for that to become a F All situation.
The door release is also mechanical. It is a pretty hard pull, but if you pull all the way back on the door release it mechanically releases the door. I have had the car shut off on me a number of times as I frequently have my morning coffee sitting in the car by the ocean and catching up on email. A press of the pause button on the steering wheel on the right side of steering wheel will wake the car. I don’t know if that times out or not. Has worked for me. Other cars I have had will ask before shutting off if the door has not been opened.


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Wondering if this has happened to anyone before. I was sitting in my car trying to reset my mobile key. So I had my phone and fob with me. I deleted the mobile key profile and tried to reconnect with the car but I guess I took too long and so even while I was sitting in the car with the fob in my pocket, the car shut down completely. Pressing buttons or brake pedal didn’t bring it back to life. Doors could not be operated. Tried pushing the fob, but no response. Eventually, after pulling hard on the door trigger about a dozen times I was able to ‘force’ the door open which trigger the car alarm. After I re-linked my phone, I tried to replicate the scenario and managed to lock myself into the car again by just waiting for it to time out while I was sitting in it. But this time, I could use my phone app to open the doors.

Anybody have a similar experience?
yes. When my battery warning light came on.
The door release is also mechanical. It is a pretty hard pull, but if you pull all the way back on the door release it mechanically releases the door. I have had the car shut off on me a number of times as I frequently have my morning coffee sitting in the car by the ocean and catching up on email. A press of the pause button on the steering wheel on the right side of steering wheel will wake the car. I don’t know if that times out or not. Has worked for me. Other cars I have had will ask before shutting off if the door has not been opened.
Yes I thought I could press buttons to wake the car up, but on that particular occasion no button nor brake pedal would wake the car. Pulling the trigger to release the door also didn’t work until I pulled repeatedly as hard as I could which eventually opened the door but also triggered the car alarm. Being potentially trapped inside your car even for a few moments is not great.
The best way to get the car not to sleep every now and then is to tap the brake pedal and it "restarts" the shutdown timer
I hope someone is reading this and will put a button in user interface to disable auto-shutdown. This is a simple programming oversight. Each seat has weight sensor to detect seatbelt are fastened or not. Due to lack of “START” button, the car suppose have AI to wake up itself or sleep itself. I’m sure they can easily correct that in future OTA update.
This happened to me once, I just like to come to garage and enjoy massage chair and Dolby ATMOS Hi-Fi music as escape. Car shouldn’t shut down if knowing I’m still inside having pamper time.
This morning I was taking my kids to the bus stop. I got out with my son and it was drizzling a bit, so my daughter stayed in the car (I thought) because she didn't want to get wet. As the bus started pulling up to the stop, I noticed that she still hadn't gotten out. As I walked towards my car, I noticed that she was frantically tapping the window. I ran over and opened the door - poor kid was crying and kept saying that she was locked in! Fortunately the bus driver waited while she got her stuff and ran over. I think when I walked away from the car, I was out of range of the fob, which may have locked down the car from the inside. Something to keep in the back of your mind if you have young kids.
Its dangerous if mechanical/manual opening doesnt work. Youre in an accident and the other car is on fire! We need safety hammer. Konigsegg has that as standard. Example:
Lifehammer Brand Safety Hammer - The Original Emergency Escape and Rescue Tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Made in The Netherlands
And where does it end? The safety hammer won't help if the car is wedged against something hard and immovable. So maybe we need an electric saw? Or a jaws of life?
My new Pure had a problem last week. I got out of the car, but my passenger could not. I walked over, reach in, and tried it open. That did not work. The handle was out so I tried to pull on that, and it did not work. I tried twice locking and unlocking with the fob. The second time it worked. It has not been a problem since. But I am concerned. Software? Hardware? I don't want to bother Lucid unless it repeats.
This morning I was taking my kids to the bus stop. I got out with my son and it was drizzling a bit, so my daughter stayed in the car (I thought) because she didn't want to get wet. As the bus started pulling up to the stop, I noticed that she still hadn't gotten out. As I walked towards my car, I noticed that she was frantically tapping the window. I ran over and opened the door - poor kid was crying and kept saying that she was locked in! Fortunately the bus driver waited while she got her stuff and ran over. I think when I walked away from the car, I was out of range of the fob, which may have locked down the car from the inside. Something to keep in the back of your mind if you have young kids.
She was in the back seat? Do you have child safety locks turned on?
I recall one of the moderators, on another thread, indicated that we just have to pull really hard on the inside door handle to get the door to open.
I recall one of the moderators, on another thread, indicated that we just have to pull really hard on the inside door handle to get the door to open.
Yes. As is noted in the manual.
The moral the story is leave the fob in the car if you walk away with someone in the car. Or, if you get locked in, open the door.

Or, just turn off proximity locking all together.