Active Member
So I was second guessing myself on this, but - I think it really is the case. When I get in the car and trigger the seat adjustment from easy entry, the car starts making a chiming noise I think to warn you the seat is adjusting. The weird part is - that chime seems to be random in volume, sometimes EXTREMELY loud. I checked the notification volume and it hasn't changed, and it was much much louder than that indicated. I checked the audio volume and wasn't high either. Sometimes, it does seem like it obeys the notification volume (which is maybe not true, and just a coincidence)
Anyone else notice this? Today it was actually uncomfortably loud, like cover your ears loud. It wasn't the second time the same day though.
Lucid Engineers - if you need a free SDET, just send me somewhere to submit these issues, I seem to be finding quite a few!
Anyone else notice this? Today it was actually uncomfortably loud, like cover your ears loud. It wasn't the second time the same day though.
Lucid Engineers - if you need a free SDET, just send me somewhere to submit these issues, I seem to be finding quite a few!