EA charger information for those who have charging issues

I also charged well in Palm Desert. A couple production-prototype Fisker Reveros pulled in after I'd plugged in. The dispenser I'm plugged into gave me something over 100kW, but the one the red Revero is on only gave me about 50kW so I switched stalls.

@mcr16 I've obtained only 50kW on an EA stall that an Ioniq 5 was able to pull 200+kW from a few minutes later, and on a long road trip had several instances of only getting about 50kW at other EA locations. I'm wondering if a software/etc issue could be causing the Wunderbox to sometimes switch into voltage-doubling mode, limiting charging power to about 50kW. It might be worth floating the thought past engineering to see if they think it is at all plausible. I'm a career electrical engineer and thought it could explain what I saw.

Lucid and two Reveros.jpg
Well, both 350kW EA Signet chargers in Prescott AZ have issues. Starts to charger, then after 5 seconds shuts down due to “charging station error”. The 150s work. This site came online Feb 2023. Latest equipment.


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Happy to report that I had no problem with the Signet 350kw charger on Walden Ave in Buffalo today. I realize that most of you will never see it. But it's there and worked great for anyone passing through on the NYS Thruway. Exit 52E ✅👍
Happy to report that I had no problem with the Signet 350kw charger on Walden Ave in Buffalo today. I realize that most of you will never see it. But it's there and worked great for anyone passing through on the NYS Thruway. Exit 52E ✅👍
How many Kw was it putting into the car?
I can report that the following 2 locations in Las Vegas have Signet chargers:
  1. 7400 Las Vegas Blvd
    1. 6 stations @ 350kW max - "balanced" architecture
    2. I've charged at this station 6 times
    3. Max kW I pulled at station #1 after half dozen visits was 147 kW.
    4. Average 75 kW (twice over 100kW)
  2. 7200 Arroyo Crossing
    1. 4 stations @ 150 kW max chargers - "balanced" architecture
    2. I've charged at this station 2 times
    3. Max kW I pulled at station #1 after half dozen visits was 97 kW.
    4. Average 90 kW
I am hopeful 2.0.56 resolves the "double plug-in" issue that I have to endure each time I use EA.

I've never had an issue where once it starts charging, it then stops with a failure.
One thing to keep in mind when looking at charging curves - they are controlled by the car's software, and may be changed any time by OTA. This is commonly done as the car's manufacturer refines its engineering knowledge.
One thing to keep in mind when looking at charging curves - they are controlled by the car's software, and may be changed any time by OTA. This is commonly done as the car's manufacturer refines its engineering knowledge.
Therefore, there is no point in us complaining that others cars seem to be charging faster at the same station with the same SoC. Lucid is aware of the charging curves if we are aware. They chose the curves which they believe are the best for now. I am fine with the charging curves if we get what we are supposed to get for now. That is all I plan to complain about. The current charge curve of Lucid vs what we are getting.
The curve below explains why ioniq 5 seems to charge faster than Lucid. They decided to keep it high for a long time and then abruptly taper down. Who knows how long the battery will last and how much the range suffers as a result? Also see https://conormclaughlin.net/2023/02/visualizing-electric-vehicle-ev-charging-curves/
I think the Ioniq's charging curve makes a lot of sense. Most people charge to 80% and the curve shows you're getting a high rate of charge at a 150kW charging station right up to that 80% point. In terms of battery longevity, I can't imagine their approach is going to be so detrimental that they'll be fulfilling numerous early battery degradation claims. I don't think that's what Hyundai would be striving for.
I imagine that all EV's charging curves are the result of a tug-of-war between marketing and engineering.
I imagine that all EV's charging curves are the result of a tug-of-war between marketing and engineering.
Yes. We will see lot of experimenting by all the automakers as they see more real world data and get feedback.
(I have no Lucid but have been driving BEVs since end of July 2013 and have had CCS1 cars since end of Jan 2019.)
Apparently, a Signet type station looks like this (per https://insideevs.com/news/337684/u...bb-btc-power-efacec-and-signet-fast-chargers/)...
View attachment 10071
And their lineup looks like this...
View attachment 10072
The above are correct. However, AFAIK, EA has ripped out almost all or all of the Efacec. ABB have also been getting mostly replaced by something else (e.g. next gen units (see post 20). I've charged at https://www.plugshare.com/location/198205 and even encountered two Lucid test vehicles there when it was ABB. Now it's next gen.

I've charged at https://www.plugshare.com/location/169514 when it was ABB and now it's also next gen. https://www.plugshare.com/location/186852 was ABB and I charged there on next gen. Dispensers were definitely SK Signet.

https://www.plugshare.com/location/193054 was all original old BTC Power. 2 units were replaced w/next gen BTC Power (for sure) dispensers while the old BTC Power CCS + CHAdeMO unit remains. I also encountered a Lucid Air test vehicle there charging (https://mynissanleaf.com/threads/lucid-motors-air.23094/page-3#post-605533) when it was old BTC Power

What's in post 41 and another example are https://www.plugshare.com/location/296759 is what we on chevybolt.org and some other circles refer to as Signet "v2" as opposed to "v1" at the top. https://www.plugshare.com/location/198229 has a mix of Signet "v1" and "v2".

As I allude to in https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/thr...fast-chargers-huh.133558/page-43#post-8312759, the next gen dispensers can come from either BTC Power or SK Signet. I've personally seen both. Kyle in that video implies that the charger hardware (cabinets behind a fence) can come from either make. I watched that video long ago and I'm unclear if there can be mix and match (e.g. BTC Power dispenser attached to SK Signet charger or vice versa).