RESOLVED Door won't open

The driver's door handle on my '23 Touring (30k miles) will not present (although all the other handles will). . Then the handle will vibrate really loudly, almost like a jackhammer. That door can be opened only from the inside (yes, very awkward). Mobile service is coming Wednesday to correct. From the response I got from them, it's clear I'm not the only one with this issue. Anyone else.dealt with this issue?
I recently had this problem as well. The driver's door handle would not present, and you could hear the solenoid going "thwap, thwap, thwap" as it tried. Clearly a mechanical problem that persisted. Due to my schedule, I lived with this for a week before I could take it for a service appointment (they offered to look at it the same day). I found I could wedge a credit card under the handle and lift it when this was happening, so used this to get into the car. Service diagnosed this as "drivers door handle linkage failure" and replaced 3 parts under warranty.
I recently had this problem as well. The driver's door handle would not present, and you could hear the solenoid going "thwap, thwap, thwap" as it tried. Clearly a mechanical problem that persisted. Due to my schedule, I lived with this for a week before I could take it for a service appointment (they offered to look at it the same day). I found I could wedge a credit card under the handle and lift it when this was happening, so used this to get into the car. Service diagnosed this as "drivers door handle linkage failure" and replaced 3 parts under warranty.
My passenger side door handle did that earlier this year. Same sound, and it wouldn't open. It was replaced by mobile service.
It happened to me for the first and only time this morning. All the handles are presented, but the driver's door won't open from the outside. Had to get in the back seat and open the driver's door with a normal, not super-strong pull. Hasn't happened again the 3-4 times I've paranoidally checked upon arriving to work and during the day. Has anyone received any update from service on what's causing this?
It happened to me for the first and only time this morning. All the handles are presented, but the driver's door won't open from the outside. Had to get in the back seat and open the driver's door with a normal, not super-strong pull. Hasn't happened again the 3-4 times I've paranoidally checked upon arriving to work and during the day. Has anyone received any update from service on what's causing this?
Contact service and have them check and/or replace the handles.
I am now on my THIRD failed door handle in 9 months of owning a 2023 GT 😡
Did service get involved for the first two? What was done, if yes?
Yes, they came and replaced each time. We asked him to replace them all each time he came to prevent future issues (apparently there’s a newer part number) but he said they can’t replace until they fail. We’ve called them again for this recent event and are awaiting a callback. Just not sure how you could screw up the design of something as simple as a door handle. Love this car but have had a really rough run as far as reliability is concerned.
That sucks! Each time a different handle, I am assuming?
Yes different each time. Driver’s side back door first, driver’s door next, pax front door today
It's weird they refused to replace them all after the second one failed
I spoke with them finally today after making several more calls. Sending tech "sometime next week" but most likely won't replace 4th mechanism to replace future failure. Very frustrating, and car is basically undrivable until this is corrected. Again. Oh and now the pax door intermittently unlocks and partially opens while parked, setting alarm off.
Driver side passenger door will not open. The outside handle is in the open position but door does not open. Tried pull hard on the inside handle. It moves but again door does not open. Did an AIR reset. Again door does not open.
Any ideas?
This happened to me several times, same door, after the 2.3.2 update. Could be a coincidence but I called service and Rocklin service asked me to do a hard reset. It was intermittent btw so it wasn't always stuck, but it happened 3 times and it was disconcerting.

The reset seems to have fixed the problem but I'm having them check it in Milbrae next week when I take it in for a cracked door window
I spoke with them finally today after making several more calls. Sending tech "sometime next week" but most likely won't replace 4th mechanism to replace future failure. Very frustrating, and car is basically undrivable until this is corrected. Again. Oh and now the pax door intermittently unlocks and partially opens while parked, setting alarm off.
Sounds like you need to elevate it to somebody higher up in the chain of command
I have same latch/lock problem and some!!
  • Driver Side door latch sometimes opens and sometimes does not open.
  • Door does not open.
  • Side view mirror does not open either.
  • Driver side door window up/down buttons stopped working.
Latch problem is intermittent. Air Reset did not fix the problems. Called service.

John, the local Lucid tech, came by and sorted out the problem. Great guy, super helpful. Turned out to be a different problem from the handle: There is a motor in the lower leading edge of each door which actuates a cable to engage the soft close feature. This motor had failed and he replaced it, but it appears that the failure was caused by water shorting out its' controller card. John was baffled as to how the water got there.

We love the car. We do get pretty frustrated with the hardware and software issues we've had with it, but I really do commend Lucid for putting guys like John in the field to correct them.
I've had the identical problem with both driver side doors. Service installed an updated handle mechanism which (so far) has solved the problem for me.
Driver side passenger door will not open. The outside handle is in the open position but door does not open. Tried pull hard on the inside handle. It moves but again door does not open. Did an AIR reset. Again door does not open.
Any ideas?
This happens to me at least once a month and not just the driver's door. Service looks at it each time my car has been in for other (mostly software/charging) issues (7 times!) and no explanation. It is frustrating to have to crawl in from another door to open from the inside. This is one of the many frustrating issues I have with my AT.