Display flicker?

I just realized that I have not seen flicker in quite some time. What I do see every once in awhile, not often, is the brightness change for a second. Much less noticeable than the flickering. I don't know if it's the warmer weather, a software update, or something else. It seems to be gone. I have had my car in the shop a few times. Repaired vandalized glass, interior trims fixed, locking mechanisms replaced in all doors (only one was broken, but they replaced them all), but nothing about my dash display.
A pleasant surprise. Will see if it returns in the up-coming winter.
I just realized that I have not seen flicker in quite some time. What I do see every once in awhile, not often, is the brightness change for a second. Much less noticeable than the flickering. I don't know if it's the warmer weather, a software update, or something else. It seems to be gone. I have had my car in the shop a few times. Repaired vandalized glass, interior trims fixed, locking mechanisms replaced in all doors (only one was broken, but they replaced them all), but nothing about my dash display.
A pleasant surprise. Will see if it returns in the up-coming winter.
My screen still flickers while on maps mode, it's been doing that since November '21.