Deleted posts?

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Referral Code: I79OY1W7
Verified Owner
Sep 10, 2021
California Central Coast
Matte Grey Air GT
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What's this about?

Really? They actually asked the mods to censor something?
Presumably one of the admins sent this to you?

And whoa, Lucid really does read these forums.
No, it was in the notification thing (the bell) at the top of the page. I have *no idea* what post was deleted or what I could have said that would require deletion....
What's this about?

@Neurio A mod deleted a post of yours that quoted content from another user who wanted their own post deleted because it quoted an email sent by a DA that should have been kept private. That's all. No intentional censorship beyond that. We'll try to do a better job in providing the reason for a moderation action next time.

Yes, I have also had a post deleted……🤨

@MPawelek I'm not aware that anyone acted on your content.
@Neurio A mod deleted a post of yours that quoted content from another user who wanted their own post deleted because it quoted an email sent by a DA that should have been kept private. That's all. No intentional censorship beyond that. We'll try to do a better job in providing the reason for a moderation action next time.
For transparency and taking responsibility, @Neurio, I deleted your post for the reason statement above. I apologize for the confusion/mistype, I will try and do better at making sure it's clearer in future communications.
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