DD Versions, Trial, and Upgrades

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This topic also was flogged to death this past week or so. I think the general consensus was that buying ahead of time is more a discount rather than buying now is a penalty. The only one I think is kind of BS is the DDPremium because that didn't even exist when many people were making their choices. Lucid should walk that one back IMO and charge the $2k for a short period of time to allow for a fair upgrade. But only for 30 days or so, then back to $2500.
Definitely agree with this.
Also agree with this
Everything that needs to be said about this has been said, multiple times. If you want it, buy it. If you don’t, don’t. Prices go up on things. For those of you who waited and wish you could have the old pricing, that’s not the way the world works.
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