Canopy Pros Cons

I've never had my charge level drop more than 2% while using the cabin cool feature in the Lucid.
Interesting I have a model S and never use cabin protection in Arizona cause it drains battery. I just turn it off.
When you have SO MUCH RANGE...a little cabin hold doesn't make a dent. Plus the comfort is worth the trade off anyways.
I am opting for metal roof because the glass canopy has higher chance of cracking/chipping than other cars due to increased surface area of front windshield glass.
It currently costs $2,500 to replace it each time. And because Lucid's windshield is specialized, there may be issues sourcing a replacement down the years.

Multiple owners have already experienced issues with their glass canopy cracking/chipping.
I am opting for metal roof because the glass canopy has higher chance of cracking/chipping than other cars due to increased surface area of front windshield glass.
It currently costs $2,500 to replace it each time. And because Lucid's windshield is specialized, there may be issues sourcing a replacement down the years.

Multiple owners have already experienced issues with their glass canopy cracking/chipping.
Just to be clear, I have had zero issues with chipping/cracking on the roof part of the windshield or roof glass. My windshield would have gotten the crack both times whether or not it was a metal roof. If that is the only reason you're opting for metal, I wouldn't let that be the determining factor. Heat, replacement costs, etc, I get, but I don't think having the top of the car metal or glass decreases or increases the likelihood of getting a crack on the forward facing windshield itself.
Just to be clear, I have had zero issues with chipping/cracking on the roof part of the windshield or roof glass. My windshield would have gotten the crack both times whether or not it was a metal roof. If that is the only reason you're opting for metal, I wouldn't let that be the determining factor. Heat, replacement costs, etc, I get, but I don't think having the top of the car metal or glass decreases or increases the likelihood of getting a crack on the forward facing windshield itself.
I was actually referring to chips/cracks caused by rocks, flying debris, etc.
I was actually referring to chips/cracks caused by rocks, flying debris, etc.

A rock or flying debris hitting hard enough to damage the top of the glass canopy would also damage at least the paint on a metal roof. In over 50 years of driving, I've had some paint chips on hoods, outside rearview mirrors, leading edges of front fenders and some rock chips on windshields. I can't say that I've ever had any damage to a metal roof. I think you're worrying about something that has a very small chance of actually happening.
Just to be clear, I have had zero issues with chipping/cracking on the roof part of the windshield or roof glass. My windshield would have gotten the crack both times whether or not it was a metal roof. If that is the only reason you're opting for metal, I wouldn't let that be the determining factor. Heat, replacement costs, etc, I get, but I don't think having the top of the car metal or glass decreases or increases the likelihood of getting a crack on the forward facing windshield itself.
Two replacements twice?? Did it happen recently Maverick?
Just curious I saw this order document in my account is probably cause just confirmation of tax credit I also could not view my saved design. In terms of ordering once you get this order doc is that called confirming order or what are next steps in terms of order process. I probably am still quite far being a Touring order but I was curious.


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A rock or flying debris hitting hard enough to damage the top of the glass canopy would also damage at least the paint on a metal roof. In over 50 years of driving, I've had some paint chips on hoods, outside rearview mirrors, leading edges of front fenders and some rock chips on windshields. I can't say that I've ever had any damage to a metal roof. I think you're worrying about something that has a very small chance of actually happening.
I've had multiple occasions where rocks/debris have fallen from an overpass bridge, fallen off the back of a taller truck in front of me, flicked off the ground near a construction site and shot back by the wheels of cars ahead, and most of the time, it'd either hit the top quarter of my windshield or front quarter of my roof. So my initial reaction of a glass canopy on a low stanced car was concern

If you look closer at a metal roof of lower stanced cars (not trucks, vans, suvs), it's likely to have at least a dent or two eventually. My current car has a all metal roof, I can recall multiple times where something hard hit my roof really hard, and I have the dents to show for it.
Keep in mind that a high quality ceramic tint would resolve the heat and much of the glare issues. They can block 97-99% of UV rays.
I just had all of the glass tinted with the ceramic tint and has reduced the heat 80%. Prior to the tinting I could not cool the car off. I am in AZ and it was 108 degrees!!
I’ve never had anything hit the roof of my vehicle, but we all live in different kind of environments.
It’s probably irrelevant and more or less luck but I have never changed my windshield on my 2016 model S purchase in 2019 lol. One of the very few solid body roof Teslas


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I just had all of the glass tinted with the ceramic tint and has reduced the heat 80%. Prior to the tinting I could not cool the car off. I am in AZ and it was 108 degrees!!
This is the way
When you have SO MUCH RANGE...a little cabin hold doesn't make a dent. Plus the comfort is worth the trade off anyways.
That’s what I said to SA. “What?! 21” wheels are about 10% range sacrifice? Bring it!”
I’ve said it before, but I’m happy to read about more Touring res holders wanting the metal roof. I say that’s a great choice. Go for it.

Each one pushes me and my slightly later res date another slot ahead in line.
I just had all of the glass tinted with the ceramic tint and has reduced the heat 80%. Prior to the tinting I could not cool the car off. I am in AZ and it was 108 degrees!!
I second the post by Percentage. Had the GT for a few days (105+ temps and sunny) and the AC couldn’t keep up. With the ceramic tint and milder weather (98-102 and sunny) the AC has been enough.
Two replacements twice?? Did it happen recently Maverick?
Yes and no. The first crack (which was small enough that it probably could have been filled if Lucid offered that) happened back in early May on my way to the PPF place. I had it replaced in late June, but I think a fault in the glass caused it to crack on the inside driver's side of the overhead portion of the windshield. Lucid replaced that for free. Then a few weeks ago, after a storm, a car driving in front of me about 45 mph launched a small pebble onto the windshield which caused another small but noticeable crack. This one I'm not doing anything about for now as I won't be able to find insurance next year if I do. I may see if Safelite can patch it, but I recall @MoniputerLM saying it didn't work on his.
Yes and no. The first crack (which was small enough that it probably could have been filled if Lucid offered that) happened back in early May on my way to the PPF place. I had it replaced in late June, but I think a fault in the glass caused it to crack on the inside driver's side of the overhead portion of the windshield. Lucid replaced that for free. Then a few weeks ago, after a storm, a car driving in front of me about 45 mph launched a small pebble onto the windshield which caused another small but noticeable crack. This one I'm not doing anything about for now as I won't be able to find insurance next year if I do. I may see if Safelite can patch it, but I recall @MoniputerLM saying it didn't work on his.
I‘m not sufficiently knowledgeable to understand why this didn’t work for MoniputerLM’s glass. In theory, the resin should just fill in and bond with the glass. Maybe the guy made an error or Lucid‘s glass is chemically different?
One concern that I have is they always tell us that there’s a chance for the process to crack the glass further. If this happens to your windshield now and impairs visibility, you may be forced to replace the whole thing sooner than planned.
BTW, I was at Safelite again on Saturday, two weekends in a row! Have a lot a frequent mileage with them.
Yes and no. The first crack (which was small enough that it probably could have been filled if Lucid offered that) happened back in early May on my way to the PPF place. I had it replaced in late June, but I think a fault in the glass caused it to crack on the inside driver's side of the overhead portion of the windshield. Lucid replaced that for free. Then a few weeks ago, after a storm, a car driving in front of me about 45 mph launched a small pebble onto the windshield which caused another small but noticeable crack. This one I'm not doing anything about for now as I won't be able to find insurance next year if I do. I may see if Safelite can patch it, but I recall @MoniputerLM saying it didn't work on his.
Why wouldn’t you be able to find insurance?