Well, if
1984 is your worry, then many of the existing manufacturers already have you covered! /s
They’ve been selling our driving data to insurance companies for a while now. Lol don’t get me wrong; I think data privacy is great and how it should be but it’s just not the world we live in anymore. Google keeps track of where we make our searches from and where we’ve been (Google Timeline); Google or Apple Maps uses our location data while driving to determine traffic levels. I don’t even want to know what Amazon knows about me

Target keeps an insanely detailed profile on everyone entering and exiting the store (picture, audio, video, what you grabbed, what you put back, what you scanned) for “loss prevention.” Telecommunications carriers share wild amounts of data; they did a study recently that showed the stark difference in how long Thanksgiving dinners lasted when people crossed over “political boundary lines.” Streaming and cable companies track which channels you’re watching, how long you stay for, what languages they’re in. e-Commerce marketplaces and merchant card processing companies know what you’re buying, what device you’re using, what browser you’re on, the IP and location when you place your order.
I have insurance through Tesla on my Model 3, and I suppose I’m in the minority but I liked the scoring model. I’m not saying I loved it

and sure, I worried a lot about “fitting into a box” for their
ideal driver, but I liked that I had
control over that. My insurance has been like 50%-65% cheaper, which was an unexpected benefit on top of not paying for gas anymore, and it adjusts monthly for improvements in driving or reduction in miles driven. Legacy insurance companies source
wild amounts of (sometimes stupid) data including credit history, driving history, income history, what color your car is, number of doors, age, median house prices in your area, etc. just to tell me that despite not having any accidents on my record, I should
still be priced like a race car driver.
Well then, fine - I will drive like a race car driver if I’m going to be charged like one

get my money’s worth.
I don’t know if Lucid does or does not, so I’m not commenting on that but I’d imagine it would be smart to just keep the data for themselves haha