As June 30th is near anyone else on the fence to cancel or proceed?


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Nov 12, 2021
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I am torn on whether to proceed with the GT at $139k or cancel and move on. I personally don't feel the car is work $139k let alone the new price of $154k. I expect a recession is coming and holding on to cash might be a better choice as I really don't need another car at the moment. The interior for this price range is also pretty bland to me, I wish the interior was more like the MB EQS. Love the look of the outside of the especially the front and sides but also think they missed the mark with the rear trunk design. Anyway got 2 days to decide to move forward or cancel. Anyone else on the fence with June 30th coming?
I am torn on whether to proceed with the GT at $139k or cancel and move on. I personally don't feel the car is work $139k let alone the new price of $154k. I expect a recession is coming and holding on to cash might be a better choice as I really don't need another car at the moment. The interior for this price range is also pretty bland to me, I wish the interior was more like the MB EQS. Love the look of the outside of the especially the front and sides but also think they missed the mark with the rear trunk design. Anyway got 2 days to decide to move forward or cancel. Anyone else on the fence with June 30th coming?
The EQS might have a nicer interior but where it really counts in my opinion — range and acceleration the Lucid GT blows away all trims of the EQS. I love my Air GT. Glad with the decision.
I am torn on whether to proceed with the GT at $139k or cancel and move on. I personally don't feel the car is work $139k let alone the new price of $154k. I expect a recession is coming and holding on to cash might be a better choice as I really don't need another car at the moment. The interior for this price range is also pretty bland to me, I wish the interior was more like the MB EQS. Love the look of the outside of the especially the front and sides but also think they missed the mark with the rear trunk design. Anyway got 2 days to decide to move forward or cancel. Anyone else on the fence with June 30th coming?
Sounds like you already have your mind trending in a particular direction.
You don’t need anyone else to decide. You have already made your decision….
Sticking with LUCID. MB was saying $30k+ markup, plus I don't like the looks of it...but everyone should do what they want. It's your money, you buy whatever you want.
Yes. Between a Lucid and the EQS with the markup, I'm going (staying) with the range of a Lucid, but it's your money and, as others have said, I think you have already decided.
Sticking with LUCID. MB was saying $30k+ markup, plus I don't like the looks of it...but everyone should do what they want. It's your money, you buy whatever you want.
Yeah, I was not interested in the EQS but I used it as a reference because the interior is far superior. The Lucid interior is pretty bland for $139 - $154k vehicle. I currently have a 2022 Tesla Model S LR which I can just keep using or even wait and see what other new EV's come on the market.
Yeah, I was not interested in the EQS but I used it as a reference because the interior is far superior. The Lucid interior is pretty bland for $139 - $154k vehicle. I currently have a 2022 Tesla Model S LR which I can just keep using or even wait and see what other new EV's come on the market.
Sounds like you have a plan.
I test drove the EQS on Saturday. It's a nice car and the non-hyperscreen version is the better looking one in my opinion. I messed around with the MBUX for a bit and it was smooth, responsive to the touch and quick. The navigation is using the same as the Lucid, HERE maps and had some cool animations going on but I found the whole system to be a little clunky having to double tap and dig into menus etc. Things that I expected to be metal etc. were plastic but overall its not a bad car. When coming back we parked it next to my Lucid and boy do you see a difference. The EQS looks like a whale when next to the Lucid 😂 .

The one thing that I thought might happen is me regretting buying the Lucid but after being in the EQS I'm still happy I went with the Lucid. I did notice some things in the software that I thought was well thought out and passed along to Lucid, lol!. One thing I will say, I went to Mercedes and BMW over the weekend and they all had questions about the Lucid, it's a car that has peaked a lot of peoples interest. When I gave my e-Tron back to Audi they said they never heard of Lucid but Mercedes and BMW certainly had. The BMW folks came running out to me before leaving to look at the car and loved it. Test drove the iX and my only thoughts on that are....... what the hell was BMW thinking!
Yeah, I was not interested in the EQS but I used it as a reference because the interior is far superior. The Lucid interior is pretty bland for $139 - $154k vehicle. I currently have a 2022 Tesla Model S LR which I can just keep using or even wait and see what other new EV's come on the market.
You call LUCID bland, what is a MS Plaid / MS then, LOL.
I test drove the EQS on Saturday. It's a nice car and the non-hyperscreen version is the better looking one in my opinion. I messed around with the MBUX for a bit and it was smooth, responsive to the touch and quick. The navigation is using the same as the Lucid, HERE maps and had some cool animations going on but I found the whole system to be a little clunky having to double tap and dig into menus etc. Things that I expected to be metal etc. were plastic but overall its not a bad car. When coming back we parked it next to my Lucid and boy do you see a difference. The EQS looks like a whale when next to the Lucid 😂 .

The one thing that I thought might happen is me regretting buying the Lucid but after being in the EQS I'm still happy I went with the Lucid. I did notice some things in the software that I thought was well thought out and passed along to Lucid, lol!. One thing I will say, I went to Mercedes and BMW over the weekend and they all had questions about the Lucid, it's a car that has peaked a lot of peoples interest. When I gave my e-Tron back to Audi they said they never heard of Lucid but Mercedes and BMW certainly had. The BMW folks came running out to me before leaving to look at the car and loved it. Test drove the iX and my only thoughts on that are....... what the hell was BMW thinking!
You are correct about some of MB’s processes. On my SL550 I have to push two different buttons 7 times to bring up the tire pressures. On my F250 and wife’s XT5 it’s one push on one button.
You call LUCID bland, what is a MS Plaid / MS then, LOL.
This is the problem..... Peter constantly said S Class this and S Class that and now everyone is comparing the car to an S Class. The car is more luxurious than a Tesla but Mercedes it's not. Mercedes goes OTT with everything and trying to convince luxury buyers that less is more in the Lucid is going to be a hard sell. Given the software is probably the first thing people will mess with they'll probably walk away and say "no thank you" and head straight over to Mercedes, Audi, BMW etc. and get a cheaper car.

Lucid underestimated how damaging poor software could actually be for them.
You call LUCID bland, what is a MS Plaid / MS then, LOL.
I have owned several Model S models since its early days and yeah, not much has changed but its refined over the years and the software seems far superior to Lucid's software. I also picked up the 2022 LR at a steal since it was reserved early on at $80k before the release and now they are $105k. Performance wise its right there with the GT at a fraction of the price. I have also fit a 75" TV in my Model S but the Lucid Trunk design was not thought out very well and its opening is small. I do miss the newness of the Model S when I first had them Tesla's were rare and now they are everywhere so that is a plus for the Lucid Air.
I am torn on whether to proceed with the GT at $139k or cancel and move on. I personally don't feel the car is work $139k let alone the new price of $154k. I expect a recession is coming and holding on to cash might be a better choice as I really don't need another car at the moment. The interior for this price range is also pretty bland to me, I wish the interior was more like the MB EQS. Love the look of the outside of the especially the front and sides but also think they missed the mark with the rear trunk design. Anyway got 2 days to decide to move forward or cancel. Anyone else on the fence with June 30th coming?
I jumped off the fence and upgraded June 9th for several reasons of my own. With that date I will bring up the rear of the GT orders which should be delivered around November or December for me. That still gives me plenty of time to decide and I am willing to risk $1,000 to wait and see where things stand.
I jumped off the fence and upgraded June 9th for several reasons of my own. With that date I will bring up the rear of the GT orders which should be delivered around November or December for me. That still gives me plenty of time to decide and I am willing to risk $1,000 to wait and see where things stand.
That is what I was also thinking. Walking away from $1000 is not that bad if I could hold off more time and see if they could fix many of the bugs especially the buggy software. At this time in my life I don't want to be a Beta Tester. I am also concerned where the economy is going because I don't have any confidence in the fed that they can make a soft landing with all the interest rate hikes that are coming, I can see a collapse and a bad recession if they don't do it correctly. I can also see Lucid having financial difficulties if the market turns south.
I have owned several Model S models since its early days and yeah, not much has changed but its refined over the years and the software seems far superior to Lucid's software. I also picked up the 2022 LR at a steal since it was reserved early on at $80k before the release and now they are $105k. Performance wise its right there with the GT at a fraction of the price. I have also fit a 75" TV in my Model S but the Lucid Trunk design was not thought out very well and its opening is small. I do miss the newness of the Model S when I first had them Tesla's were rare and now they are everywhere so that is a plus for the Lucid Air.
The MS is larger in exterior size? I believe the LUCID is smaller, but not 100%. But if you compare a MS LR with a Pure the Pure wins. You need to compare MS Plaid to AGT, Apples to Apples.

The software seems to be better than the Fisker Karma. The new companies always rush SW. I wonder when Apple or Android will be the default for auto makers.
That is what I was also thinking. Walking away from $1000 is not that bad if I could hold off more time and see if they could fix many of the bugs especially the buggy software. At this time in my life I don't want to be a Beta Tester.
EXACTLY! The November or December delivery time frame gives us plenty of time to see what improvements they are making and what position the company is in.
Its really a personal call:

I found the Lucid interior to be vastly superior to the EQS. The EQS units we test drove felt very plasticy and flimsy inside, whereas the Lucid has a multitude of premium materials and textures to provide a unique interior.

I agree 100% that the Lucid software is far inferior to MB at this point. I know Lucid will continue to evolve with software updates where MB will stay static. That said, the "evolution" since I have had this car has left a bit to be desired.

Service has been far superior for Lucid over MB, but I also have a DE and it may deteriorate as time goes on (Tesla service was great before the M3 for instance)