Android Auto Thursday

Plot twist: they’re limited edition, so only 520 people get AA. First come first served. Helps retain the vehicle value for those 520.
Well, based on the poll numbers, we may not even have 520 of us Android folks who even need AA. Which means AA for all!
Well, based on the poll numbers, we may not even have 520 of us Android folks who even need AA. Which means AA for all!
Now that the Apple fan boys and girls have finally gotten their wish, let us - indignant Android users - have our separate space to wait and complain 😊.

Any time now...
As the owner with post #18 on this thread I demand priority order in the delivery of this feature.

Thank you Lucid for rekindling my hope so I can whine back here every Thursday until this is finally released. I had given up despite all the other owners postings about the virtue of patience here. 🙏👍
I get along just fine with my iPhone brethren, unless I'm traveling with them internationally. Then, they are constantly borrowing my phone for functionality that I'm sure the iPhone has, but they either can't or won't take the time to learn it. Stuff as simple as wi-fi calling. One of two of them watched in disbelief as I opened the driveway gates to my home from Iceland. You would have thought I solved cold fusion!