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  • I am intrigued by your comment about appreciating the Air quality from an engineering perspective.

    I got my AT in late December, but I am a long time member of this Forum and remember reading about all the issues that the early adopter Air owners had to contend with. While the OTA software updates continue to make improvements, the differences in Lucid's design, manufacturing, and sales / testability / maintenance models over traditional ICE cars fascinates me... I am a retired Reliability Engineer and am in the process of writing a paper for an upcoming Symposium that addresses my perception of Lucid's design, manufacturing, and support processes. I want the paper to be accurate but also as positive from a Lucid perspective. Hence, I would appreciate your feedback..

    Are you planning to share your paper with us on this site? Could be an interesting read. Or, if your presentation is captured on video, maybe share the link?
    I hadn't planned on it, but I'll look into it. Legally since this paper would be published in the online Xplore database from IEEE, they own all rights for publishing. Guess I could certainly post a synopsis of the paper in this Forum and share a copy of the paper if requested... FYI, I'm not having ANY luck getting any help from Lucid Engineering or executives to support my analysis and research. If I can't get confirmation on the specific types of analyses that were / are performed on the Air design, my paper is going to end up being a lot of my opinions...
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