I happened to already have one so I moved that to a different circuit and added the LCHCS for faster charging. Do you *need* two? No, not with the super fast speed of an 80A continuous charger. But since my panel could support it I saw no reason to toss the Wallbox.
Up to you; GAP insurance is useful if you total the car. My insurance provides both GAP and agreed value coverage, but most insurances provide just depreciated value coverage, which may not equate to what you have left on your loan if you financed. In that case, if you total it and the amount they’ll pay out is less than the amount left you owe to the bank, you’re on the hook for the difference. It’s just a risk/reward calculation - how much do you think you’ll total it?
Never absolutely necessary, but I wanted to keep it pristine because I plan on keeping it for a long time, and for resale value. It’s the first car I’ve ever put PPF on, but it’s the first car I’ve ever bought worth over ~$30k.
Ask away, and congrats!