2023 Software Updates

Michael Cochran

New Member
Oct 29, 2022
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Lucid GT
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Just wondering when the next major software update is going to roll out and if there is a list of features that we can look forward to…Such as CarPlay, etc…
Last year they talked about an entirely new screen interface that was under review (Apple) etc
Any Software news?
I would suspect that if someone on this forum knew, they probably work for Lucid or are a close friend of someone at Lucid. And may be reluctant to divulge that info.

However, Lucid has, in the past, came to this forum and asked for a group of volunteers to receive large updates and provide feedback before a broader release. Check back often!
I see that the last entry here was 4 months ago. Last time I was in the Scottsdale, AZ service center in early March, one of the reps there told me to expect one at the end of the quarter -- that has come and gone now by almost 2 months -- going towards end of 2nd quarter now.

If we are not going to see the major update anytime soon, I would have expected that one of these smaller updates would have already addressed the issue with the HomeLink garage opening being hidden by the video displays and the prolonged rear backup video screen issue. Instead, most of the updates have been relatively meaningless and offering no significantly noticeable changes. I think Lucid owes their customers some information in order to manage expectations. This idea of secrecy and silence is overrated. I'm really starting to get frustrated as I feel that most of us have been very patient and trying to stay positive that our long list of enhancement requests that were voted upon have been taken into consideration and the very needed update should be arriving any day.

If Lucid management is reading this - time to step up!
Hi Bobby. Thanks for the response. I agree that there have been several smaller updates, some more significant than others, but not a big one like the one in December that really fixed some of the MAJOR issues and added the Driver Assist functionality for the first time. I am asking about the next big update which I am guessing would encompass a restructuring and reorganization of both the Pilot and the Driver screens to make them more user friendly and helpful -- incorporating many of the user voted upon and requested upgrades.

Everytime I back out of my garage --- I say to myself, you would think this Homelink thing would have been fixed months ago since every single person with a Lucid is suffering from this ridiculous initial programming oversight. If they get that done -- I'll be more patient.
We are waiting for new features promised android auto, traffic jam assist, highway pilot, bidirectional V2H V2V V2G V2L and a lot of others listed in a poll with zero visibility from Lucid
Hi Bobby. Thanks for the response. I agree that there have been several smaller updates, some more significant than others, but not a big one like the one in December that really fixed some of the MAJOR issues and added the Driver Assist functionality for the first time. I am asking about the next big update which I am guessing would encompass a restructuring and reorganization of both the Pilot and the Driver screens to make them more user friendly and helpful -- incorporating many of the user voted upon and requested upgrades.

Everytime I back out of my garage --- I say to myself, you would think this Homelink thing would have been fixed months ago since every single person with a Lucid is suffering from this ridiculous initial programming oversight. If they get that done -- I'll be more patient.
I wouldn’t necessarily expect a “big” update. Personally I’d rather see them knock out that list of features as they are ready, rather than piling them all into one update just to be able to say “This is a big one.”

“Big” is different to different people, anyway. For me, CarPlay was huge. But Android users couldn’t care less. For some, Highway Pilot or Traffic Jam Assist would be big upgrades. Others like Bobby rarely, if ever, use ADAS features.

Fixing plug and charge and then the recent adjustments to the charging curve is a massive thing to people who rely on public charging. And working with EA to help them fix the errors on their end was no small task, either. (We expect EA to be releasing their update soon.)

String enough “little” updates together one feature at a time, and you get the same effect as one big one every year. Only now your customers are even happier, because they get some of those features much sooner.

I would hate for people to have to wait for a Homelink fix until Lucid felt the update was “big” enough. And I don’t use Homelink.

I get what you mean about what seems like low hanging fruit still not being addressed after many months. But it’s a long list of low hanging fruit. And they are steadily knocking it out. It just doesn’t seem that way when it’s the two or three things you personally want they haven’t done yet.

I really want them to rethink profiles altogether. If they do Homelink first, I’m not going to be upset about it, though.
I love updates but had to laugh a bit to see that .66 provided suspension improvements, while we're still waiting to have Homelink more accessible. I mean not a single person was looking for suspension updates but that's what we got rather than some of the items on the top of the bug list.

To be clear, I love getting a suspension updates, but a bit mystified by Lucid's prioritization.
I love updates but had to laugh a bit to see that .66 provided suspension improvements, while we're still waiting to have Homelink more accessible. I mean not a single person was looking for suspension updates but that's what we got rather than some of the items on the top of the bug list.

To be clear, I love getting a suspension updates, but a bit mystified by Lucid's prioritization.
Exactly---Homelink works perfectly when I pull INTO my driveway---which proves they can do it. Now just pop up the same screen when I pull out of the garage. Why this wasn't done Day 1 is baffling
Exactly---Homelink works perfectly when I pull INTO my driveway---which proves they can do it. Now just pop up the same screen when I pull out of the garage. Why this wasn't done Day 1 is baffling
I'm of the opinion that regulations do not allow them to cover the reversing camera while the car is in reverse. That's why I suggested long ago they relocate it to the left screen or pilot panel and/or make it geofenced and automated.
I'm baffled by how there's not more detailed info about driving efficiency (more trip info, what's using power, etc.). For an EV you'd think this would be a day one thing, but the trip page in settings is pretty weak, there isnt any breakdown of what's using power (climate control, drivetrain, etc.), and how isn't there any efficiency info on the "instrument cluster" (I forget what's its called on the Air)? It shows the selected trip mileage info but not the efficiency.... why? Also why isn't there an option to show efficiency in the last X miles or something?

Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the little bug fixes and minor improvements (outside of 2.0) they have put out, but its definitely below what I expected. I was honestly expecting (maybe hoping for) something similar to Rivian.
I'm baffled by how there's not more detailed info about driving efficiency (more trip info, what's using power, etc.). For an EV you'd think this would be a day one thing, but the trip page in settings is pretty weak, there isnt any breakdown of what's using power (climate control, drivetrain, etc.), and how isn't there any efficiency info on the "instrument cluster" (I forget what's its called on the Air)? It shows the selected trip mileage info but not the efficiency.... why? Also why isn't there an option to show efficiency in the last X miles or something?

Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the little bug fixes and minor improvements (outside of 2.0) they have put out, but its definitely below what I expected. I was honestly expecting (maybe hoping for) something similar to Rivian.
These are often-discussed wishlist items. The wishlist generated from a huge survey done here on the forum can be viewed at www.lucidupdates.com
I love updates but had to laugh a bit to see that .66 provided suspension improvements, while we're still waiting to have Homelink more accessible. I mean not a single person was looking for suspension updates but that's what we got rather than some of the items on the top of the bug list.

To be clear, I love getting a suspension updates, but a bit mystified by Lucid's prioritization.
The suspension changes probably came as a result of the massive amounts of tweaking the engineering team has been doing to the Sapphire as it is finalized for delivery in a few months.

They got some new data. They thought current customers of other Air models might enjoy the benefit of their new found knowledge. They asked the software team to incorporate it. I imagine it was low effort for the software team to get it into a build, once the engineering team (a completely different group of people) did the hard part of finding the correct numbers to plug in.

It's not like the entire software team stopped working on other things to spend a month at the track doing a suspension update.

I think a lot of folks on this forum have no knowledge of how software development works. It's not like you have a simple list, and you have the entire team work on items one at a time down the list. Sometimes you start a project that's high priority, and that one priority takes several months. Meanwhile, you have other team members knocking out other things in a few days.

The goal is perpetual motion. Parallel development on multiple projects at once. The ones that get done first ship first. Doesn't mean they were higher priority.
I was honestly expecting (maybe hoping for) something similar to Rivian.
I know I'm talking this out of context,
but maybe they should make headlights similar to Rivian?
Shit, NO!
No further comparisons to Rivian please.
I love updates but had to laugh a bit to see that .66 provided suspension improvements, while we're still waiting to have Homelink more accessible. I mean not a single person was looking for suspension updates but that's what we got rather than some of the items on the top of the bug list.

To be clear, I love getting a suspension updates, but a bit mystified by Lucid's prioritization.
Seriously? You’d prioritize a couple HomeLink taps over driving dynamics? Seems odd.
Seriously? You’d prioritize a couple HomeLink taps over driving dynamics? Seems odd.
I would certainly give high priority to a pretty glaring miss that aggravates most owners nearly every day.

That said, with all the layoffs, non-safety-related updates that don't have the potential to scare off new buyers probably won't get fixed quickly
Seriously? You’d prioritize a couple HomeLink taps over driving dynamics? Seems odd.
I’ve always thought the suspension was one of the best things about the car. Had no idea it could be refined further, but glad it has been.

Meanwhile I’m aggravated a couple of times a day by HomeLink. And by the constant locking and unlocking every time I walk by the car. I’ve never been aggravated by the suspension. So yea, if that’s odd, so be it. I’d prefer near-term software updates focus on reducing frustration among not just owners, but perhaps more importantly, prospective buyers.
Same here. Love the car and have no issue working with its quirks while the dev team works on improvements big and small. Been through it before with another software-defined car (Model 3).