Having driven with 2.1.3 for a bit now, I can definitely say HA is much worse with this update. This "lane biasing" thing they put in has made the car much less solid in lane centering.
You have to keep a bit of torque on the wheel at all times or the car yells at you and eventually shuts off assist. I've developed a very comfortable way of resting my left hand on the right side of the bottom of the wheel that applies a tiny bit of torque and satisfies this requirement. Until 2.1.3 this resulted in constant, rock-solid lane centering through curves and straightaways. Now, that tiny bit of torque - which is required for the system to function - influences the tracking in a gentle left curve. Now, instead of staying in the middle and making a very steady turn, the car starts to drift towards the outside of the corner until it gets a bit too far and then it makes a fairly abrupt correction.
So, now, what used to be a rock-solid, gentle turn is a bouncing, uncomfortable motion. I really hope they undo this change because I'm likely to never use HA now.