
I’m intrigued by the powertrain and seats portion. Easy exit perhaps?

I'm particularly intrigued by the powertrain mention, particularly as it is something supposedly being "optimized".

This is a 25-minute download. Seems like more than just fixing a minor programming oversight in launching charge scheduling.
As many others have pointed out, I think it's awesome they finally have scheduled charging. But I do think the way they implemented it is a bit confusing.

It would also have been nice if they let you say what time you want the charge to be finished, not started. For instance, if I know I need to leave for work at 8am, let me set the schedule so that the car is ready to go with 80% charge at 8am. Let the car figure out what time it needs to start in order to be ready by then. As it stands, we have to figure out how long the charge will take, and then calculate when it needs to start ourselves.

I get this is mostly about saving money in places where you get charged different rates at different times. But it would be nice if they added that option to finish at a certain time. I get charged a flat rate, so I don't care about start times. But it would be nice to plug in for the evening, and then let the car figure out when it needs to start charging. That way, it wouldn't get back to 80% by 10pm, and then have the car keep topping off to 80 as it drops a little overnight.
I get charged a flat rate, so I don't care about start times. But it would be nice to plug in for the evening, and then let the car figure out when it needs to start charging.

Same thing with us -- no off-peak rates with our power company.

While I wouldn't get a lot of use from a feature that scheduled the time of charging completion, there is one situation where it would help. We keep our charge limit set to 80% except when we're departing on a long trip or want to go to Miami and back without having to recharge. But I don't like to let the battery pack sit long at higher charge rates, as that's when they get the most dendrite formation that shortens battery life. I usually set the charge to start charging beyond 80% when I first get up the morning of a trip, but the car usually hasn't added much charge by the time we are ready to hit the road. It would be helpful to set the car the night before to schedule completion of charging for the time we plan to depart.
Set your charge time to start when you want it to.

Immediate charging: If you plug in, it will charge during that 12 hour window
Scheduled Charging: If you plug in, it will NOT charge during that 12 hour window
Wait, is it a 12 hour window no matter what, you can't say "Charge between 12am and 6am"? That's weird but can be worked with.

And they should have put some more thought into the labeling, it's like a pedantic engineer wrote it. You only need one timeframe labeled something like "Charging Enabled", everything else is implied.
Lucid, thanks for the fix! I too was confused with the "Immediate Charging" vs. "Scheduled Charging" but now that I understand it, it works fine.
Curious SOC…. I charged to ~80% (410ish miles) yesterday before my wife took a 70 mi round trip to our grandkids. Not sure what the SOC was upon her return last night. Installed 2.0.55 this morning. Car sat unused today, but when I went out to the garage an hour ago, there were still soft whirring sounds emanating despite it being locked. Unlocked and climbed in and it read 250 remaining. Where’d the other 90 miles go??
Confirmation of 2.0.55 update. Works great. Thank you Lucid Motors for the timely fix of 2.0.52 update.
Curious SOC…. I charged to ~80% (410ish miles) yesterday before my wife took a 70 mi round trip to our grandkids. Not sure what the SOC was upon her return last night. Installed 2.0.55 this morning. Car sat unused today, but when I went out to the garage an hour ago, there were still soft whirring sounds emanating despite it being locked. Unlocked and climbed in and it read 250 remaining. Where’d the other 90 miles go??
That updated SOC measurement seems to point apply to when you input a nav destination not just normal driving. As @joec pointed out, it makes sense because normal driving can't take into account elevation changes, traffic, weather, etc but a calculation to a specific destination can be calculated.
That updated SOC measurement seems to point apply to when you input a nav destination not just normal driving. As @joec pointed out, it makes sense because normal driving can't take into account elevation changes, traffic, weather, etc but a calculation to a specific destination can be calculated.
Yes but in normal driving the car can do a windowed average of consumption and make a guess. There is ample precedent in ICE cars, such as my old E-class, which does exactly that.
Yes but in normal driving the car can do a windowed average of consumption and make a guess. There is ample precedent in ICE cars, such as my old E-class, which does exactly that.
I agree, that's just not what this update provided.
While I’m happy that 2.055 will improve my sleep schedule, its really not scheduled charging, it’s delayed charging. Prior to software version 2.0, we had the ability to truly schedule a charge through a 3rd party app. After 2.0 this went away and now this update seems to have completely removed the convenience of 3rd party scheduled charging and replaced it with a clunky version, not even supported through the Lucid app.

One of the most important features of scheduled charging is for the car to stop charging when it hits the charge target and/or reaches the time limit. This will allow it to stop when it hits the charge limit, but I just don’t understand why we are locked into a weird 12 hour time window and it seems like a compromise to a problem that the software team couldn’t figure out.

Delayed charging is good for sleep schedules, but not having the ability to control the off (and on if you charge before or after midnight) is bad for efficiency and is not befitting of a tech company.

I think this is another situation where Lucid and the consumer would both benefit by more communication. If I knew the road map to the desired goal, I could feel a lot better about incremental enhancements like this. Since I’m left scratching my head and not really knowing what Lucid is trying to achieve, it just leaves me confused. Alt east I don’t have to stay up until midnight to charge, so I’ll take that for now. Still weird though.
While I’m happy that 2.055 will improve my sleep schedule, its really not scheduled charging, it’s delayed charging. Prior to software version 2.0, we had the ability to truly schedule a charge through a 3rd party app. After 2.0 this went away and now this update seems to have completely removed the convenience of 3rd party scheduled charging and replaced it with a clunky version, not even supported through the Lucid app.

One of the most important features of scheduled charging is for the car to stop charging when it hits the charge target and/or reaches the time limit. This will allow it to stop when it hits the charge limit, but I just don’t understand why we are locked into a weird 12 hour time window and it seems like a compromise to a problem that the software team couldn’t figure out.

Delayed charging is good for sleep schedules, but not having the ability to control the off (and on if you charge before or after midnight) is bad for efficiency and is not befitting of a tech company.

I think this is another situation where Lucid and the consumer would both benefit by more communication. If I knew the road map to the desired goal, I could feel a lot better about incremental enhancements like this. Since I’m left scratching my head and not really knowing what Lucid is trying to achieve, it just leaves me confused. Alt east I don’t have to stay up until midnight to charge, so I’ll take that for now. Still weird though.
Agree here. Definitely feels like a stop gap measure and I look forward to a more robust solution.

ChargePoint Flex is pretty slick in that it has access to utility provider plans. You simply choose your provider and the plan that you are on and it sets the schedule accordingly.

I have APS here in AZ and they actually have 3 tiers of pricing: peak, off peak and super off peak or something to that effect. And weekends are always off peak so you can charge anytime!
Okay, that was quick. I installed 2.0.52 at around 5:00 pm. Then I get a notification 20 minutes later after successful installation of 2.0.52 that 2.0.55 is already available to install. Nice!!


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I disabled the HomeFlex sheduling and set the start time on the LUCID schedule for 21:00,. It did start, but not until 21:12. This means no more cable errors, and I assume that if I just plug in the charger during the day on weekends, it will begin charging immediately?

As for the ability to both stop and start your charging times, when I had my Model Y (until June 2022) I got a big long unintelligible explanation on why it was not possible. I had a choice to just schedule the start time for when the rates went down and hope the charge would complete to my set percentage before rates went up OR set a departure time and the car would calculate the time necessary and would start at the appropriate time during the night. With my Nissan Leaf, I was able to set the start and stop times as well as weekday vs weekend/holiday times.

So, I'm glad I can schedule with the car now, but I hope they continue to make the options more robust and fix the errors should someone want to use their wall charger for scheduling. Kudos for the quick fix!
2.0.55 was pushed to me last night, but two attempts to install it have failed. I called Lucid Customer Service who said they are going to have to push it to me again.

They also told me that my car was only updated through 2.0.50. I said I installed 2.0.52 last week, to which they pushed back. I asked them how it was then that I have been listening to a USB music stick in my car since last Friday -- a feature that was only enabled with 2.0.52.

There hasn't been an update since 2.0.36 that didn't bring as many bugs with it as fixes or added features.

While I had Customer Service on the phone I asked about the reference in the 0.55 release notes to optimizing the powertrain and seating. The person had no idea what the powertrain referred to but said that the seat "optimization" had to do with some reports from customers that their seats were not responding to adjustment commands. She said it definitely was not the addition of an entry/exit feature that moves the seat and steering wheel out of the way.
Looking forward to the day you post "everything is wonderful I love my car ." story of Job.