
Just got in the car and noticed all of my favorites on XM are gone. Anyone experience this since the update?
Not since the update specifically but it's been happening pretty regularly since they introduced the SiriusXM beta
Drat. i've been having this problem occasionally since about the 2.0.35 update. I was hoping this update fixed it.
What do you typically do to fix it? Just walk out > lock car > let it turn off > come back to it?
We just took the car fo the first extended drive (about 40 miles) since the .52 update. So far no glitches and some improvements.

When we took delivery over 13 months ago the delivery attendant helped me and my partner each set up driver facial recognition. It worked the rest of that day but never since. We had pretty much forgotten about the feature. Tonight, we switched drivers from me to him upon leaving a restaurant. He got behind the wheel and -- for the first time in over a year -- the car recognized him and made the adjustments programmed into his profile. So . . . score a point (albeit a belated one) for Lucid.

Also today the new USB 3.1 chips I ordered came. I uploaded sixty albums from my iTunes file onto one of the chips, and it worked very well in the car. The download to the car was faster, and I did not get the constantly repeating reloading pauses. (However, the chip still has to reload every time I get in the car.)

Interestingly, though, friends had come over to join us for dinner in their new Chevy Bolt EUV. One of them wanted to try my older USB stick (with 1,288 albums on it) that kept constantly reloading in our Air. He plugged it into the Bolt and, after a few minutes of downloading, it worked seamlessly without the constant reloading I was getting in the Air. I'm rather envious that he can easily access my entire music collection in his Bolt, but I can't in our Air. So . . . half a point to Lucid on this one.
What do you typically do to fix it? Just walk out > lock car > let it turn off > come back to it?

Nothing, really. The times I've tried to do a reset it failed. It's only been when I've been out of the car for while getting on with life that I've come back to find the car corrected the problem.
Not since the update specifically but it's been happening pretty regularly since they introduced the SiriusXM beta
Maybe I was just lucky. Worked like a charm until today. Thanks for the info
Not since the update specifically but it's been happening pretty regularly since they introduced the SiriusXM beta
Maybe I was just lucky. Worked like a charm until today. Thanks for the info.
Nothing, really. The times I've tried to do a reset it failed. It's only been when I've been out of the car for while getting on with life that I've come back to find the car corrected the problem.
Ok... exact same thing here. I wasn't sure if I was just a noob and messing up the reset, or if the reset actually failed. I tried both the turn signal one and the valet card above the pillar and both didn't work 😩 welp.
Ok... exact same thing here. I wasn't sure if I was just a noob and messing up the reset, or if the reset actually failed. I tried both the turn signal one and the valet card above the pillar and both didn't work 😩 welp.

Frankly, I don't even bother with trying resets anymore. Unless it's a safety issue such as headlights not working, I just live with whatever the car is not doing until I can park it for a while.

Our 2015 Tesla required constant resets during its first couple of years, but at least they could be done from inside the car, sometimes even while driving. The Lucid resets are just too much bother.
I installed the .52 update yesterday and drove around a bit to see if the car was safe for the Sure-Kill Distressway (aka I-76 into Philly).

This morning the wife was convinced the car would make the 20 mile trip ( to 4th & Arch Sts. Monthly Meeting of Friends) without flaw.
It did.
And back again.

no animals were harmed.

(missed that fn squirrel that keeps planting black walnuts in my garden ).
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I made a round trip highway drive at about 65mph /120 miles each way and the range estimate showing remaining charge upon arrival INCREASED by about 15 miles by the time I arrived ( mostly flat road , 50 to 60 degrees. Major improvement. Tomorrow or the next day I will have a 280 miles interstate drive and am curious to see how the update estimates remaining range when I will be driving 83 mph on the interstate.
I made a round trip highway drive at about 65mph /120 miles each way and the range estimate showing remaining charge upon arrival INCREASED by about 15 miles by the time I arrived ( mostly flat road , 50 to 60 degrees. Major improvement. Tomorrow or the next day I will have a 280 miles interstate drive and am curious to see how the update estimates remaining range when I will be driving 83 mph on the interstate.
Yes please report back! That is my cruising speed and I don’t have any long highway trips planned to put it to the test. Encouraging that your initial test was good.
Quaker, huh? ;)"
I refuse to join any club that would have someone like me as a member.

no ... I am not a member of Quaker Meeting. However.. the wife and kids are, and we pledged our troth in the meetinghouse in the manner of Friends, and have been attending for 30 years... and you must know that "quaker" is a pejorative ... and I do believe meditation is a panacea ....

but no

Quakerism is hard core service. not for the faint of heart.

row row row your boat
down the stream
merrily merrily merrily merrily

now wake up and get busy people are suffering and need your help!
because for most people life is a nightmare.
that's Society of Friends.

You have a Friend in Philadelphia
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Also today the new USB 3.1 chips I ordered came. I uploaded sixty albums from my iTunes file onto one of the chips, and it worked very well in the car. The download to the car was faster, and I did not get the constantly repeating reloading pauses. (However, the chip still has to reload every time I get in the car.)
I can't get mine to work. I've tried both the USB and USC, and neither was recognized by the car.
Which format is your stick? and what capacity?
sorry for that off-topic rant I can't delete ... won't happen again ... stressful meeting for business today.
again. so sorry ....

but car is fantastic!
So glad, SirusXM came back for me after the latest 2.0.52 update!!!!
I got the .52 update this morning but cannot play music from a USB stick. I reformatted the stick to FAT32 and then copied a single MP3 file onto it. It plays on my computer but not in my car. Anyone else having issues? Not a big deal to me but just thought I’d ask.
The usb stick I bought doesn’t work either. I have no idea what format flash drives come in out of the box But I guess it’s not aFAT32. I’ll try to reformat it. Did you get yours to work in the car?
Actually, I didn't, and I'm sorry if it gave offense. It was not intended.

I didn’t know either, and I graduated from Whittier College in Whittier CA. In no way was Whittier College “Quaker” in the same sense that say, Loyola Marymount is Catholic. That part of Whittier’s heritage was evident everywhere but in the most superficial and unobtrusive fashion. But never did I learn that the term, “Quaker” was pejorative.

Learning something new everyday. Thank you @Cosmo Cruz.
Good morning… Am I reading correctly. You can now play music through the cars USB connection? If this is the case , I have a FIIO DAP with 100s of Albums and songs …Do you anyone here know if there is a way to make a DAP work with the car‘s USB port? If DAP player is not compatible, what type of USB stick will work.?