2.0.15 - The MOAU - Mother Of All Updates

The fluttering speed starts to occur for me between 75 and 80 mph and it gets worse at increased speeds.
I drove with HA this morning for an hour and a half. It “fluttered” the whole time. It’s an on an off sensation on the accelerator about every second. Not enough to change the speed, but enough to feel it.
I drove with HA this morning for an hour and a half. It “fluttered” the whole time. It’s an on an off sensation on the accelerator about every second. Not enough to change the speed, but enough to feel it.
Agree. I find it annoying and therefore don’t use it.
I used HA for about an hour on the freeway yesterday for our road trip. I'm surprised how hard the car would fight me when changing lanes even with my turn signal on. This made for less than smooth lane changes. Also, I lost the nav on the trip home the next morning. It froze after hitting the "home" button. And, HA would not engage either.
I used HA this morning on S Florida I-95 this morning. My only negative comment that I have is the touch sensitivity of the steering wheel. IMHO I think the sensitivity is set too high you need both hands firmly on the wheel locations being 9:30 and 2:30 if not you get a glowing orange alert on the center left on the cockpit panel. If it’s pretty much straight driving on the express way I normally drive with my left hand on the wheel around 10:00 with my elbow resting on the door and my right hand lightly placed on the lower portion of the wheel let’s say around 4:00 location. Well that didn’t work for me as the alert (I called it the orange Halloween monster) would keep popping up in the cockpit panel. To me the meaning of “assist” is to give supplementary support or aid to. Overall I have been very happy with the car and the updates. I think that HA just needs a little tweak to be slightly softer and gentler.
I used HA this morning on S Florida I-95 this morning. My only negative comment that I have is the touch sensitivity of the steering wheel. IMHO I think the sensitivity is set too high you need both hands firmly on the wheel locations being 9:30 and 2:30 if not you get a glowing orange alert on the center left on the cockpit panel. If it’s pretty much straight driving on the express way I normally drive with my left hand on the wheel around 10:00 with my elbow resting on the door and my right hand lightly placed on the lower portion of the wheel let’s say around 4:00 location. Well that didn’t work for me as the alert (I called it the orange Halloween monster) would keep popping up in the cockpit panel. To me the meaning of “assist” is to give supplementary support or aid to. Overall I have been very happy with the car and the updates. I think that HA just needs a little tweak to be slightly softer and gentler.
I wonder if it varies much. I have not used it a ton yet, but whenever I have, my left elbow rests on my knee and I hold the steering wheel with one hand at 7:00 just under the cross piece. The weight of my hand pulling downward in that position seems to provide enough torque on the wheel to keep the system happy. I will occasionally drop my hand from the wheel to test it and after a bit it flashes the warning and I return my hand there and it is happy again.
Thanks, I will try that. Keeping both hands on the wheel 9:30 & 2:30 with a death grip is not my idea of a stress reducing drive. Like I mentioned earlier I love the car despite the one or two annoyances. Have a great day!
I activated HA on Saturday and tried it out briefly. Activating the turn signal did not disengage HA as it was suppose to and found the lane centering slow to correct. I am hoping as the system is used more the sensors will fine tune their calibration and do a better job lane centering. I don't need to use the freeway a lot, but would like to have HA available and reliable to future trips. I found that the lane departure feature is not improved with the lastest updates. I was hoping that some of the lane centering algorithms would filter accross to the lane departute algorithm. At least they moved Lane Departure Protection is disabled or unavailable, indicator to the bottom of the display. According to the Lucid Owners Manual, "When disabled, Lane Departure Protection settings will save to the current User Profile. Lane Departure Protection is re-activated when Highway Assist is activate." When Highway Assist is activated, it is always set to 'Warning and Intervention'. I wonder if they are using the Lane Departure function a part of the lane centering. If so that would explain the slight ping pong effect in HA in its effort to keep the car centered in the lane.
Seems like I am getting .18 from .14 , skipping .15? Interesting. Update in progress. Will see what happens
I am on 2.0.18. The UI seems still the old one. Navigation still on the right side? …
I am on 2.0.18. The UI seems still the old one. Navigation still on the right side? …
Input a destination in the navigation and it should then show navigation in the right side of the cockpit
I am on 2.0.18. The UI seems still the old one. Navigation still on the right side? …
Are the "Home", "GPS", and "Music" icons along the left edge of the right-hand cockpit screen or the right edge of that screen? That's another way to tell
Are the "Home", "GPS", and "Music" icons along the left edge of the right-hand cockpit screen or the right edge of that screen? That's another way to tell
they are all at the right hand side, just like the 1.0 UI. I can "learn more" for the new update for the 2.0.18. nothing mentioned there are showed up. very interesting. Almost like the firmware update failed, and showed new version number
Two things I noticed. The slight flutter in highway assist, not enough to change speed by more than 1mph but enough to feel.
Second where did the readout for mi/KWh go? Is it because so many people are only getting about 3 and grumbling about it? Just hide the number and keep you in the dark? Or is there some sub menu I’m missing to turn it back on?
I'd guess it's to hide the complaints. I only get mid 2s but that's with all residential driving.
On 1.x, my cameras always worked when backing up. On 2.x, while the car is faster to start driving, the cameras aren't showing up immediately. Anyone else notice this?
Ok. Just followed your advice. Thanks. Let’s see how it goes…
Still not looking at my face when I get in the car.

I am running 1.20. I got an update notification this morning, and I was excited, until I saw the version number: 1.21! I see from other posts that there is a 1.24 out there. Does that mean I have to step through all the 1.xx updates before I graduate to 2.xx?
Still not looking at my face when I get in the car.

I am running 1.20. I got an update notification this morning, and I was excited, until I saw the version number: 1.21! I see from other posts that there is a 1.24 out there. Does that mean I have to step through all the 1.xx updates before I graduate to 2.xx?
Unfortunately, yes. So get updating!
Got the notification that 2.0.15 was available this morning.... going to be a *very* long 115 minutes (well, about 100 minutes as I post this) :-). UX 2.0 - here I come!
MOAU has graced me as well…update proceeding, fingers crossed.