Search results

  1. niejelow

    Interior temperature control

    It would be nice to see the temperature and fan speed displayed on the cockpit panel to be able to control both with Driver Temperature Controls instead of going to pilot panel.
  2. niejelow

    Color Code for rails

    Does anyone know the color code for the silver rails which is the same color as the silver sideview mirrirs?
  3. niejelow

    Pre conditioning battery

    For people who live in cold climates I personally think it would be advantageous to have the preconditioning initiated in the mobile app. This way you can achieve maximum benefit on your way to the charging station or your plug in at home. Techs say that in cold weather it take up to 30 minutes...
  4. niejelow

    Sirius XM

    Lucid and SiriusXM to Introduce SiriusXM Across Full Vehicle Lineup and previous owners. All new and existing Lucid owners will get access to SiriusXM's comprehensive audio entertainment offering, along with a free 3-month trial subscription Beta version of SiriusXM to launch in Lucid vehicles...
  5. niejelow


    Has anyone lost LTE & Wi-Fi recently?
  6. niejelow

    Xpel PPF

    Just had my AirDream P completely wrapped with new Xpel PPF which already has a cermic coating imbibed into the PPF. Sheds water and dirt like a DUCK>
  7. niejelow

    Charging Station

    Anyone have any idea when these charging stations will be available for owners?
  8. niejelow


    I just purged all the air out of the tires and replaced it with nitrogen. Marked mileage difference even in extreme cold (17degrees) get up to 3.0 m/KWm. Recommend this to all owners.
  9. niejelow

    Complete car

    I have been relatively patient with the software updates. But this spoon feeding method is beginning to wear thin. We all paid full price with all the options for Air Dream P. Still this is a roll out at the present time. Truly a disappointment. Last night 1.1.36 was pushed. So initiated it...
  10. niejelow

    UI cleaning

    Anyone know what to clean the UI with and does it have a hydrophobic coating on it?
  11. niejelow


    Does any one have information from their tech guy or rep why the OTA are not distributed to everyone??
  12. niejelow


    Can someone tell me what the latest over air update.??
  13. niejelow

    Cold weather Cabin Temperature

    Does anyone have a Dream in a cold climate? If so what have you noticed in cabin comfort namely temperature
  14. niejelow

    EzPass mounting g

    Has anybody mounted a EzPass on their lucid ?
  15. niejelow

    Navigation volume

    Anyone have knowledge on how to increase volume in navigation??
  16. niejelow

    SiriusXM Megathread

    It’s really a shame that they don’t have SiriusXM in the audio selection.