I've had my car since Oct 31, 2024. This is a common problem in my car along with other iterations of it. I've submitted this as an issue and had a tech come out and did a reset on my car. This solved this specific issue for about 2 weeks and it came back again twice this week. This morning I had no audio what so ever from any audio input. I was resetting my car 2-3 times a week on average because of these Spotify / audio issues. I had a post previously where only 2 speakers worked.
Specific to my experience - Android Pixel 8 Pro User:
- I'm using the built-in Spotify app in the car. I'm not using my Android phone to connect via bluetooth. My normal experience is - listen to podcast, at some point in the podcast the voice goes silent, I try to start/stop the audio, audio doesn't restart. Sometimes Spotify app will crash and say 'server error' or audio simply doesn't come back. This happens weekly. My drives tend to be short (< 15 min) so when this happens, I wait I get to my destination and when I get back to the car later, the audio is working again.
- I've been able to replicate this on the regular when listening to podcasts. Hit the triple dots and skip 15sec forward (or backward). The audio will cut out after a few minutes and then I'll get the server error.
- This morning, I had no audio from any inputs - tunein, fm, spotify, etc. This happened after before 2.6.0 but seems to have started again. Happened at 6:20AM EST this morning.
- When I was having speaker issues, I couldn't hear phone calls. For those of us having the all around failure, it would be good for someoen to try and make a call to confirm if the speakers are not working at all or if it's limited to radio audio inputs.
I turn off stop/pause audio from the steering wheel before leaving my car. Two reasons - 1. I don't want to have audio the very second i sit in my car. 2. when i have to open the car for whatever reason, i don't want my podcast to start playing and have to go back to the right time.
My biggest issue with all of this is that I need to reset the car. 99% of the time, you don't realize it's a problem until you start driving. It's super inconvenient to realize the audio isn't working
For those who continue to say you never experience problems, it would be great to know how you are listening to your music/audio. Carplay, direct bluetooth from phone, actually streaming from the various apps built into the car. Do you have an Apple Phone or an Android phone? etc. Similar to how everyone seems to start getting dismissive when people have issues, a response of - I never have this problem - is equally unhelpful.
For the Lucid team troubleshooting, my gut is telling me this is related to Spotify and the Spotify account to your phone. I would bet that in the background Spotify is trying to sync between your car and your spotify account. Something isn't being handled probably and is hard crashing the car app. This might just be gas, but there is definitely something going on with the Spotify built-in app.
For those of us having issue, I know it's frustrating, but I've lived the support life. Troubleshooting issues with limited details doesn't help. In this scenario, it's complicated with apps versus just a bluetooth stream. I would recommend those of us having the problem, add in WAY more details to what we're doing, how we're listening, what brand/model device is being used in car. It might be that this is limited to Android users who play Spotify. Maybe its everyone. But there's no way to help figure this out if we limit it to we're having audio issues.