Sentry Mode


Verified Owner
May 12, 2022
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Grand Touring Air Rawl
When will Lucid create and download a security system "Sentry Mode" that alerts (lights flash) and captures (video) a potential thief/vandal?
It’s a great feature for making you feel like you’ll be able to track down vandals. But in practice, the cops don’t care.

So you are basically handing over private recordings of yourself and family to immature, unethical employees at Tesla for nothing.

That’s a little unfair. It could possibly help in an accident to establish fault. But that’s a lot to give up for a small chance of a better insurance outcome. You are better off installing your own dash cam, which at least isn’t phoning your videos home to the
Sentry/dashcam mode is the most requested feature in @Bobby update tracker site. Never had a Tesla before and so not too familiar with the feature and personally don’t see a huge need. I would prefer the dashcam solution and not worry about the recordings being misused
Sentry & dash cam, still patiently waiting for these features...
You’re right. There’s no real downside, and I do hope Lucid adds it eventually. I just would caution against thinking it will be helpful in any vandalism or accident situation. You may get lucky and end up with footage that helps, though, so why not have it?

I also think Sentry is at least a slight deterrent to casual vandals. In fact, we may be benefiting on our Lucids even without it, as some may assume any modern electric car has it.

If there was one downside I found with my Tesla when I had Sentry, it was battery drain. On a day-to-day basis, it was no big deal. But once when I left the car at the airport for ten days while vacationing in Hawaii, I had to turn Sentry off, because it was draining 10-15 miles a day off my battery. And at that rate, I would not have been able to get home after the trip.

So when I needed Sentry the most (busy parking lot with a known history of issues for several days), I couldn’t use it.
To continue this conversation.

I think the great think about the Lucid is its huge range and battery, so I would be willing to risk the miles per day for the footage. And Lucid can definitely take the extra range hit and still be okay.
To continue this conversation.

I think the great think about the Lucid is its huge range and battery, so I would be willing to risk the miles per day for the footage. And Lucid can definitely take the extra range hit and still be okay.
100% this! I have the same thought. And I won't park my AT at airport for days. Just few hours of sentry when parked at the busy area won't hit the range much.
When will Lucid create and download a security system "Sentry Mode" that alerts (lights flash) and captures (video) a potential thief/vandal?
I gave up on Lucid, bought an aftermarket Dashcam, and it works great! My wiring run was not the greatest. But when I brought the car in for service at the Scottsdale SC a couple of week ago, the SC Advisor and the Tech took it upon themselves to re-route the wiring for me. Now, it looks like a professional installation.

Seriously though, all the necessary cameras are already there. But for Lucid to get the Dashcam app setup and not screw up anything else in the process, that could take a while. Other owners' estimate of 2 years is about right. I just got tired of waiting for it. I consider the dashcam a safety feature and archives for insurance purposes. I don't want to keep waiting year-after-year.

As another owner pointed out, the Rivian comes with it...and it works great!
Oh you don't know? Cyclists are the true owners of the road, not cars. You were driving your car on this guys path that is purely dedicated to him and obstructing him so no wonder you got a slap on the windshield. Just like my guy lane splitting, even though it's legal in CA, how dare I obstruct his path for 45 seconds! 😂
I think that lane splitting is a truly stupid concept. I hate being behind a motorcyclist because as pointed out here, a simple brush off from your car and he is toast but it would have been a very minor accident if he was in a vehicle. I am not arguing against motorcyclists. I am just arguing that they should be following the same rules of the road as cars. The only argument I can think of that supports lane splitting is that it is an attempt to clean the gene pool.

Ahole may be too nice a term to describe the cyclist.
That cyclist was as you say an ahole. But filtering and lane splitting properly done are safer than sitting in stop and go traffic.

One of issues I have with ADAS, where the driver is expected to take over to correct errors, is the lack of situation awareness of said driver. Corrections for ADAS incorrect lane swerviing is relatively easy. Noticing a vehicle quickly approaching from the rear not so easy.

I have swerved into the shoulder to avoid being rear ended (not often but once every several years). If I was using ADAS I would not have been aware that the following driver had a tendency to follow too closely or was driving aggressively and thus prone to rear ending me.

I guess being a motorcyclist has trained me to be hyper aware of every driver around me, front, back and sides. This includes not only were they are but what type of driver are they (brain dead, aggressive, distracted, ect). This is not something a driver using ADAS is ready to quickly adjust for.