Recent content by 1stEV

  1. 1

    App is slow to wake car

    I've always thought that the wakeup time could be inconveniently slow. I didn't have a personal frame of reference though so I finally came here to see if it was just me or if that was normal. In the same location with the same strong signal strength, it can take 10 seconds to wake, or over a...
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.50

    Ya, that's what I thought after 2.1.43 as well, but that didn't really pan out. But i get it, these things are very complex and so they may just need more time to get their updater working at peak effectiveness. Here's to hoping this one does it.
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.50

    Ya, I'm probably being unfair claiming that software isn't a priority for them. I think I just had the wrong expectations going into this. OTA updates were a big selling point for me and one the of the main reasons I chose to go with Lucid over other more "old-school" car companies.
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.50

    After more than 2 months since our last proper feature update I was excited, for a minute, to see an a new update. Sadly it looks like software is just not a priority for Lucid, I just need to accept that their cadence will remain 3-4 months between tangible feature updates as a best case...
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    RESOLVED Wiper issues

    I'm definitely in the same boat. My wipers have been garbage since day 1 and just don't do a good job at clearing the water without streaks or sheaths of water left behind. I have an appointment for the wiper recall to fix that issue, and I'm really hoping that fixes this issue as well, but...
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    OTA update 2.1.42

    From what I've read, the inverter is often a driving component when it comes to sustained regen. AWD cars will effectively be able to split the regen across two inverters (one per motor), so it may just be that AWD cars don't have the same constraints. They seem to specifically call out two...
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    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    Try clicking "app info" -> "App battery usage" then set to unrestricted. Pixel's don't have the option to "keep open" directly in that menu from what I've found I'm on the P8pro too. I'm not sure if that setting makes a huge difference but i can at least get it to work without having to have...
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    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    I'm on Android 14 as well, and after the latest Lucid app update I have also seen the issue greatly improved. It's not perfect, but much improved from what I had immediately after my update to Android 14.
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    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    I don't seem to find the "Keep Open" option when I do that, only "App info", "Split screen", and "Pause app". It could be differences in phone type. I have a Pixel phone, is that different than what you are using?
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    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    Just an update after testing things a bit the last couple days. The location of where I placed my phone didn't appear to make a difference, but I did find out that if I open the Lucid app and then just lock my screen without going to the home screen first (which is usually what I would do) the...
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    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    I think I've had the issue while the phone was in my pocket too, but I'll test that out. Its just weird that it only recently started acting up.
  12. 1

    Phone as a Key Issues since Android 14 Update

    I've recently noticed that lately while I'm driving i will get the message on my car that the "key is no longer detected". Sometimes it seems to happen after 20 minutes and sometimes after 50 minutes of driving. If I go into my phone (usually i place it in my center console area) and open the...
  13. 1

    Traffic Jam Assist already available?

    I hope proper TJA also allows for handsfree operation (like several other manufactures do at this point) at least below some threshold of speed. Lucid's SW updates have been painfully slow so far, and one of the few points of disappointment I've had with the car.
  14. 1

    Software Bugs

    Thanks! I'll give that a shot. Oddly enough when I check my phone Bluetooth list (its an Android if that makes a difference) it does not show Lucid-XXXXX but only the Lucid Air XXX (I'm assuming that latter is for media/calls). In the Lucid app I do see Lucid-XXXXX under the mobile key menu...
  15. 1

    Software Bugs

    How long is proximity sensing disabled for in this case? My mobile proximity key has not been working for a few days now even after restarting my phone (which has fixed the problem in the past). a couple days ago the mobile key didn't work (which happens occasionally) so I used the card key for...