Touring Delivery Tracker [Archive]

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Active Member
Jan 22, 2022
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Air Touring
DE Number

Reservation DateColorInteriorUser
March 07, 2020SilverSanta Cruz@DTA
August 13, 2020RedSanta Cruz@PatrickZWang
September 02, 2020SilverMojave@Trekforever
September 5, 2020WhiteTahoe@MScott
October 14, 2020GreyMojave@hitmanray
October 14, 2020RedSanta Cruz@Dr Chill
October 27, 2020TBDTBD@Halodde
November 8, 2020GreyMojave@Chillywill75
November 11, 2020WhiteMojave@vraj83
December 4, 2020BlackMojave@mallig
December 15, 2020RedTahoe@emoylv
January 7, 2021GreySanta Cruz@smowens
January 19, 2021RedTahoe@barcndawgs
February 23, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@AZLucidGirl
March 4, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Volund
March 5, 2021WhiteTahoe@The Nuck
March 17, 2021GreyTahoe@Mac
March 19, 2021GreyTahoe@terrygone
March 19, 2021SilverSanta Cruz@jdbeachbum
May 14, 2021BlackTahoe@nikp
June 2021WhiteMojave@SaaSManKS
June 5, 2021RedSanta Cruz@ktloo_climate
June 17, 2021RedTahoe@SoCalAg
June 24, 2021RedSanta Cruz@Babyrocko1908
July 5, 2021GreyMojave@idiot900
July 6, 2021SilverMojave@ScottM
July 26, 2021WhiteTahoe@phx-air
August 4, 2021RedMojave@AbsoluteZenith
August 9, 2021BlackTahoe@Brooklynboy
August 12, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Stevepatek
August 15, 2021SilverMojave@blueice89
September 7, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Don1942
September 14, 2021BlackTahoe@Keithmaj
September 20, 2021RedTahoe@Paul
October 3, 2021RedTahoe@Bdejong11129
October 12, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Keith
October 19, 2021GreyMojave@Svenice
October 19, 2021RedSanta Cruz@afrank
October 20, 2021SilverMojave@Wilddreams22
October 30, 2021RedTahoe@edpeters2
October 31, 2021GreyMojave@Pax
November 5, 2021RedMojave@gearhead
November 14, 2021RedSanta Cruz@Ahntilza
November 15, 2021GreyMojave@Tim-in-CA
November 16, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@lsbuffs
November 19, 2021WhiteTahoe@Corcord
November 20, 2021BlackMojave@Shuasha
December 1, 2021GreyTahoe@Bsmith
December 4, 2021White@moytoyx
December 4, 2021RedTahoe@Codyroo
December 4, 2021RedSanta Cruz@Negan1000
December 10, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@paulg
December 31, 2021SilverTahoe@Napoli
January 1, 2022@croppy16
January 6, 2022RedSanta Cruz@704.Lucid
January 7, 2022SilverSanta Cruz@imrtc999
January 8, 2022GreyMojave@EVForever22
January 22, 2022BlackTahoe@mnewber1
January 30, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Canyonero!
February 2, 2022WhiteSanta Cruz@joec
February 11, 2022RedMojave@EVCar
February 13, 2022WhiteTahoe@RDLUCAS07
February 19, 2022WhiteTahoe@Sid432
February 20, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Psymac
March 12, 2022GreyTahoe@digiboxer
March 17, 2022GreyMojave@Coho
March 21, 2022SilverTahoe@pdq
March 22, 2022RedTahoe@SCOOTERSD
March 23, 2022GreyTahoe@AllenS
March 23, 2022WhiteTahoe@jon_1k
March 29, 2022GreyMojave@LucidRider
March 29, 2022GreyMojave@tommy
April 7, 2022BlackTahoe@Slam08
April 12, 2022WhiteMojave@yashuneel
April 30, 2022BlackMojave@Jefferoo
May 4, 2022BlackSanta Cruz@RyanATX
May 9, 2022RedSanta Cruz@a.deodatus
May 13, 2022GreyMojave@gtaker
May 13, 2022RedTahoe@tenorcnj
May 25, 2022WhiteSanta Cruz@klo1313
May 28, 2022SilverMojave@DRWHO42
May 30, 2022RedTahoe@jackie.long
May 31, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Dr Chill
May 31, 2022WhiteSanta Cruz@bwstewart
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I reserved my Touring on Oct. 8, 21, in white with tahoe, plus upgraded sound and glass canopy roof, and 19" wheels. I expect delivery in the 3rd qtr., I hope !!
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I reserved my Touring, Nov. 14, 21 in Red with the Santa Cruz interior. Also tossed in the Surreal Sound Pro, the Glass Canopy and Dream Drive Pro to round it out. I am reaallllllyyyyy hoping to get it 3rd quarter. I have my fingers toes and other parts I can't mention crossed :D
My Touring reservation is Grey, Mojave, 19", with glass canopy and Surreal Sound Pro. Thanks @mnewber1!

Edit: My reservation date is actually July 5, 2021 - I must have made a mistake in an earlier post.
i reserved a touring 19” Nov 8, 2020 and I’m with idiot900 in grey Mojave with all the fixings
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Edit: My reservation date is actually July 5, 2021 - I must have made a mistake in an earlier post.
I think you had just mentioned July 2021, my spreadsheet auto corrects any formatting like that to July 1, 2021, etc.
Sep. 5, 2020 Stellar White in Tahoe
Welcome to the forums, I think you and @Thinjake are our earliest reservation holders and will probably some of the first to receive an invitation to convert to an order. There's been mixed feedback when that might happen but we think late Q2 to early Q3 for confirmations.
Reserved 01/11/2022
Zenith Red/Santa Cruz/19”
Out of the blue, my SA emailed me a couple of days ago and we're now set up for a phone chat tomorrow.
Don't know if it's a routine thing vs. new marketing tactic vs. sign that maybe there'll be movement for Touring reservations.
Out of the blue, my SA emailed me a couple of days ago and we're now set up for a phone chat tomorrow.
Don't know if it's a routine thing vs. new marketing tactic vs. sign that maybe there'll be movement for Touring reservations.
This is great, please keep us updated with this information.

Also, can you provide when you reserved, what color/interior you chose?
This is great, please keep us updated with this information.

Also, can you provide when you reserved, what color/interior you chose?
Sure will.
Date reserved: 02-11-2022. Zenith Red and Mojave Interior.
Sure will.
Date reserved: 02-11-2022. Zenith Red and Mojave Interior.

Thanks! I've added you to the tracker.

Tyler from Oak Brook, if you're reading this: My schedule is wide open tomorrow for any ominous calls!

Reservation DateColorInteriorUser
September 1, 2020@Thinjake
September 5, 2020WhiteTahoe@MScott
November 8, 2020GreyMojave@Chillywill75
November 11, 2020WhiteMojave@vraj83
December 1, 2020@MPawelek
March 17, 2021GreyTahoe@Mac
July 5, 2021GreyMojave@idiot900
August 4, 2021RedMojave@AbsoluteZenith
October 3, 2021RedTahoe@Bdejong11129
October 8, 2021WhiteTahoe@Compy
November 14, 2021RedSanta Cruz@Ahntilza
December 1, 2021GreyTahoe@Bsmith
January 1, 2022@croppy16
January 8, 2022@EVForever22
January 11, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Yugi
January 22, 2022BlackTahoe@mnewber1
February 11, 2022RedMojave@EVCar
February 20, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Psymac
April 11, 2022SilverSanta Cruz
Reserved White, Tahoe November 19, 2021.
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