Next OTA Update...

Buffalo Bob

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Nov 23, 2023
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Arizona & Washington
Pure AWD 19" No Aeros
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Why do I have the feeling that one is coming soon?

To paraphrase Phil Collins... "I can feel it coming in the Air tonight, oh Lord."

OK, don't hold me to tonight, but this week maybe?
Why do I have the feeling that one is coming soon?

To paraphrase Phil Collins... "I can feel it coming in the Air tonight, oh Lord."

OK, don't hold me to tonight, but this week maybe?
I’m under the impression the next one or two will be bug fixes only.
I’m under the impression the next one or two will be bug fixes only.
I guess I would settle for a bunch of nice bug fixes!
I guess I would settle for a bunch of nice bug fixes! long as Lucid doesn't start thinking of Android Auto and Dream Drive Pro as cicadas on a 17 year hiatus!
We are overdue for a New Feature update!
I'd just settle for the lightbar and lucid logo staying on after unlock...or make it user selectable
Ok... It's only Monday... So here's me being hopeful than usual.
This song says it about how i feel about the updates... for now. lol
Yeah I guess in a way it did, but I'd like to see at least 1 new feature in the next release. I feel like there's some low hanging fruit that would make a difference, the one that was mentioned I think in a Tweet was the homelink door access when reversing.
It sounds like the 2.2.10 update contained more than we thought:
I have a feeling my particular issue might have triggered this recall. Ultimately accelerator pedal assembly and vehicle control module was replaced. With the new logic of not allowing DSF to engage while in drive or reverse it would have prevented the situation of not being able to move the car to a safe place. I feel more confident driving the car knowing I should not get stuck like that anymore. BTW Lucid is sending me a reimbursement for $225 for towing. Now I just need to fight ridiculous citation. Court date is scheduled for 8/13.

Drive system fault error out of nowhere while waiting for the green light at a busy intersection. The car would not move but I could shift to neutral to be lifted on a flat bed. I tired Air logo reset but this didn't make and difference what so ever. It took me a while to figure out where the tow hook is attached. It is just above the front bumper lip towards the driver side behind the rubber plug. The tow hook is located in the trunk passenger side corner under cover. No previous symptoms or warnings. Car currently has 8180 miles and SOC was at 76% when it happened. Called Lucid road side assistance. They assigned a tow truck company that was more than 1 hour away. Estimated time was 99 minutes. I called emergency number for police assistance. This was rush hour and busy intersection. Due to safety concerns of mine and others I thought police presence would be beneficial. State police unit arrived and an officer suggested using his push bumper to push the car away from the intersection. I refused claiming potential damage to the car. He then called for another tow truck stating the car can't block the road and issued me a ticket for refusing him to push the car and blocking the roadway. (I know this is ridiculous). First towing truck came and dropped the car back home which was less than 2 miles away. The cost $225 out of pocket. Hopefully Lucid can reimburse that. Second tow truck came in that was initiated by Lucid Customer Care team to pick up the car and drop it off at KOP service center. One note here when waiting for the second tow truck the car was at my driveway. I exited the vehicle and it went to deep sleep. When I returned to the car to put the registration and insurance back I was able to shift the car to drive and move it. Just a tip for the future for anyone in the similar situation. Try to close the car and put it in deep sleep and maybe you will be able to move it to the safe place from a busy intersection. Shot out to Dana from KOP service center for helping to coordinate everything including a loaner being dropped off later at my home today. She is the best service advisor. Now I am waiting for more updates from Lucid and court day to fight the ridiculous citation. Judging by the previous post either HV battery or the motor unit or both need to be replaced. The car for reference is 2023 Lucid Air Pure AWD build date 3/23.
Were expectations set for the launch of another OTA update before the end of August? I seem to recall something about that. If so, was there also word on what to expect? Again, I seem to recall something about hands-free Highway Assist. Sure would be nice, as we are hitting the road for a WA to AZ trip in early September.
Were expectations set for the launch of another OTA update before the end of August? I seem to recall something about that. If so, was there also word on what to expect? Again, I seem to recall something about hands-free Highway Assist. Sure would be nice, as we are hitting the road for a WA to AZ trip in early September.
I remember hearing something about an end of month update.
Why do I have the feeling that one is coming soon?

To paraphrase Phil Collins... "I can feel it coming in the Air tonight, oh Lord."

OK, don't hold me to tonight, but this week maybe?
Robustness is in the Air ;)
As with all software timelines, “by the end of August” could easily mean early September.
As with all software timelines, “by the end of August” could easily mean early September.

I suppose such mundane concepts as the linearity of time mean little in an organization where 2.2.10 FOLLOWS 2.2.2.
I suppose such mundane concepts as the linearity of time mean little in an organization where 2.2.10 FOLLOWS 2.2.2.
For the 84th time, lol, semantic versioning is not something Lucid made up, and it is something many organizations do. In fact, it's my preferred method of versioning.
I suppose such mundane concepts as the linearity of time mean little in an organization where 2.2.10 FOLLOWS 2.2.2.
In Lucid's defense, estimating software timelines is folly. You either push something with some features taken out or known serious bugs in order to be "on time" or you push back the release until it's ready.

With a car, option one is usually a bad idea.
Does anyone remember Rawlinson's assurance that the Homelink/three steps in reverse issue will be fixed in a "couple weeks"? Or did I mangle the quote?😉