Cosmos silver linings


Referral code M7633PFL
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Dec 12, 2023
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Lucid touring
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Following up on my prior post, the Grinds my Gears Series, I wanted to highlight some things I really liked about the car, stuff that's satisfying and done right-

Obviously the acceleration and speed. One day I'll find a place in NYC to do a launch

The interior and exterior design is great...Its definitely worthy of a hot wheels matchbox car. The floating theme is well done.

Love the screens. Size, sensitivity, graphics, all add to the quality luxury feel

I discovered that the interior door opener has a really satisfying first click to open, I've been pulling back all the way for a while and just discovered the other day that you can apply a light touch and it will open

Anyone else find the headrest really comfortable? It's a great overlooked detail for the driver

The frunk has a satisfying open and close

It took a while for me to figure out how to get creep to work but now it's fun to whack the pedal to engage

I like how it alerts me when traffic starts moving again at a red light

Bears! Still trying to find them all

Sensitive automatic wipers! Can't tell you how many cars I've driven where they were just not done well

And last but not least, we have a Bobby! I can only imagine what life was like in the dark days of '21. Bobby's videos and forum diligence has helped me tremendously, if not for detailed explanation but also for a concerned understanding shoulder to lean on.

I hope over time software optimization will continue to surprise, and I have high hopes for the gravity!

Please feel free to add anything that gives you a smile about the car
I love everything about my GT, save for lack of Google Maps.

Funny, while my frunk works great and has been 100% reliable, its sound is closer to disconcerting than satisfying. But it doesn't bother me, just something I noticed. Lucid has made several updates to frunk latches and steering wheels / controls along the way, and my car is an early build. From your description, current build cars have improved this.

The Air's interior design is absolutely wonderful.
I'm just wondering why @pyle112 wants everything to make noise 🤣
I'm just wondering why @pyle112 wants everything to make noise 🤣
Actually, that was one of the aspects of Teslas I absolutely LOVED. Those beeps were very pleasant and I could usually tell what they were for, almost like the car was talking and reminding me!
And last but not least, we have a Bobby! I can only imagine what life was like in the dark days of '21. Bobby's videos and forum diligence has helped me tremendously, if not for detailed explanation but also for a concerned understanding shoulder to lean on.
I mean, he's fine, I guess 🙄

(haha, jk, love you man)
In addition to your list, these make me smile and love my Air:

+ for those with SSpro, Dolby Atmos on Tidal. Never listened to music in my other cars like I do in the Air
+ for those with surround view cameras, 360 view for parking. I park my car perfect and evenly spaced when I need to. Also, because of the in dash cameras for turning and rear view cameras for backing up, I don't think I've turned my head to look back or check my blindspots while driving in 6 months.
+ glass canopy. It just feels a lot bigger than it is. I look up periodically during the day and night to see what the sky looks like.
+ frunk and trunk storage. I like the flexibility of using the frunk for my work backpack, food pickup, groceries, and other smaller items that I want quick access as I go to and leave the car. I use the trunk for suitcases, packages, and larger items.
+ look and design. While I'm seeing more Airs in my area, everytime I walk towards my car and see it parked next to other cars and in different lighting, it just stands out as unique and beautiful.