USAA Lucid Experience


Active Member
Verified Owner
Sep 7, 2022
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Lucid Air GT-P
I am reaching either near the end or the beginning for my insurance claim. Where do I start? The beginning I guess.

Date of Accident: 11/12/2023
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Insurance Provider: USAA
Extent of Damage: Undriveable at the Scene (4 Cars Involved)
Claim Date: 11/12/2023

Pictures of the accident exist elsewhere on the forum. See this thread:
General Notes: My adjuster always sent my calls to voicemail. Sometimes I would hear back after 1 day. Sometimes I would hear back almost 3 days later. Emails were worse. Most of the time I had to call twice to get an answer.

11/12/2023, Day of the Accident: The car was towed without any hassle on my end to a location nearby. We grabbed a ride with one of the folks involved to a local airport to get a rental because we had a non-movable appointment on 11/13/2023. Rental car scheduled the next day for a location on the way back (actually near Chattanooga, TN).

11/14-15/2023, Return from Trip: Enterprise folks were nice. Kia Soul was the only option, so we kept the one we rented on our dime, swapped into insurance policy, and continued on our way.

11/17/2023, Planned Tow to SCA Site: Agreed on date. Tow got delayed repeatedly. Eventual tow was sometime the next week.

11/26/2023, Planned Inspection Completion: Never occurred. The inspection was delayed to the next week.

11/30/2023, SCA Inspection Completed: USAA paid SCA to do the inspection. This was supposed to be THE inspection, but I found out after calling SCA and USAA that it was not. The SCA inspection details had to be sent off to an internal team at USAA due to being an electric car and a specialty car. More delays... Wasted time.

12/07/2023, Crash Data from Lucid: Lucid was fairly prompt with the request (under 1 week). The data put us at fault going 11 mph. No information on the car that absolutely rammed us from behind. USAA was more than happy to put us at fault with no disclosure on responsibility percentage.

Additional Context: At this point, I am calling every other day for updates. I have expressed holding a new Lucid on order with incentives expiring 12/31/2023 with a need to execute quickly. The possibility of totaling the car if repairs were estimated to take 6+ months had been made. Rental car set to expire after 50 days. The car does not have an estimate of damages, timeline for repairs, etc.

12/27/2023, Car Declared Totaled: The completion of the initial estimates showed 40k+ in damages. However, USAA declared the car totaled. I moved forward immediately to purchase a new car to get a 2nd vehicle back in the driveway and swinging the loan in the meantime. A literal 2 minutes from signing the Purchase Agreement USAA calls to tell me the car is not totaled, oh well if I had signed the Purchase Agreement, to expect no wiggle room on totaling the car if repairs take 6-9+ months, and so out of luck for wasting 50 days of the rental car period. A 2 minute difference before bringing sheer financial chaos because of USAA with little to no apology. The cherry on top: USAA admitted the time wasted for an estimate was useless because no one was qualified to provide an accurate quote of the damages and labor, so we waited for nearly 50 days for nothing.

12/27/2023, Contacted Certified Body Shop: I sent over the initial estimates with photos. Shop was quick and asked to have the car brought in immediately after photo review.

01/04/2023, Planned Tow to Certified Body Shop: This was after USAA made no progress of selecting a certified body shop or offering options. An off the wall claim of Lucid having a policy of only being allowed to tow Lucid vehicles lest voiding warranties, etc., etc., etc. Delays... More delays... I called to see what was going on since the car had not moved on the app. SCA could not tow the car due to crossing state borders.

01/10/2023, Car Arrives at Certified Body Shop: After several false starts, the car finally gets towed to the shop. The promised 1 week turnaround was gone. Initial questions about the accuracy of the initial quote resulted in outright laughter and mockery of USAA's ability to be contacted and provide accurate estimates by the shop. I was not amused, and the behavior seems to extend beyond specialty cars.

01/25/2023, Supplemental Quote: 83k+ in damages. 99 days inputted for the time to repair. Questions to the shop about battery, frame, and exposed electronics have received no response, but they are quick and will likely get back to me on Monday. My suspicion is 99 days was the max they could input. My gut feeling is easily 6+ months.

01/25/2023, Call to USAA: I received the typical voicemail. Maybe I will hear something back Monday from USAA, but I suspect I will be told to take a hike on getting the car totaled. If the repair route occurs, my time of ownership and driving (<12 months) will almost equal my time of waiting on USAA and repairs (2 months for accurate repair estimates, 6-9+ months of repairs?, 8-11 months total).

Conclusion: We will see. Right now I would drop USAA in a heartbeat if it weren't for the accident forgiveness. Those details have not been sorted out to date. Insurance premium increase? Who knows. Incompetence and dodging of any and all responsibility as an insurance provider for timely updates have been the hallmarks of my experience. Sheer debauchery of 50+ days for an accurate estimate when a certified shop should have been the first place the car was sent. The near financial chaos USAA nearly sent my household under due to falsely claiming the car was totaled is unforgiveable. I suspect the true clash will begin Monday if they decide the repair route to leave my household down to 1 car for an outrageous amount of time.

I hope fellow USAA insured owners never have to go through this process.
Wow. USAA gets such good reviews this is a shocking story.

If by "supplemental quote" you mean an additional cost (which that would mean), then your car is definitely totaled. Good luck!
I've been wondering how this whole thing has been progressing. I'm really sorry to hear how poorly it's been going and that you're still Lucidless. I sincerely hope that things work out soon. Still hoping to join you for some fun east coast drives someday!
Wow. USAA gets such good reviews this is a shocking story.

If by "supplemental quote" you mean an additional cost (which that would mean), then your car is definitely totaled. Good luck!
84k+ combined with the initial and supplemental. We will see.
Had an accident that damaged driver side mirror. Submitted claim. Took to the certified body shop. They submitted supplemental. Whole thing took like 2 weeks and like 2 total hour of my time including transit to drop off and pick up.

USAA was amazing, gave me a hard time about nothing, and took like a grand total of 20 minutes of my life on the phone for everything I needed.

Absolutely amazing service and experience.
I am reaching either near the end or the beginning for my insurance claim. Where do I start? The beginning I guess.

Date of Accident: 11/12/2023
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Insurance Provider: USAA
Extent of Damage: Undriveable at the Scene (4 Cars Involved)
Claim Date: 11/12/2023

Pictures of the accident exist elsewhere on the forum. See this thread:
General Notes: My adjuster always sent my calls to voicemail. Sometimes I would hear back after 1 day. Sometimes I would hear back almost 3 days later. Emails were worse. Most of the time I had to call twice to get an answer.

11/12/2023, Day of the Accident: The car was towed without any hassle on my end to a location nearby. We grabbed a ride with one of the folks involved to a local airport to get a rental because we had a non-movable appointment on 11/13/2023. Rental car scheduled the next day for a location on the way back (actually near Chattanooga, TN).

11/14-15/2023, Return from Trip: Enterprise folks were nice. Kia Soul was the only option, so we kept the one we rented on our dime, swapped into insurance policy, and continued on our way.

11/17/2023, Planned Tow to SCA Site: Agreed on date. Tow got delayed repeatedly. Eventual tow was sometime the next week.

11/26/2023, Planned Inspection Completion: Never occurred. The inspection was delayed to the next week.

11/30/2023, SCA Inspection Completed: USAA paid SCA to do the inspection. This was supposed to be THE inspection, but I found out after calling SCA and USAA that it was not. The SCA inspection details had to be sent off to an internal team at USAA due to being an electric car and a specialty car. More delays... Wasted time.

12/07/2023, Crash Data from Lucid: Lucid was fairly prompt with the request (under 1 week). The data put us at fault going 11 mph. No information on the car that absolutely rammed us from behind. USAA was more than happy to put us at fault with no disclosure on responsibility percentage.

Additional Context: At this point, I am calling every other day for updates. I have expressed holding a new Lucid on order with incentives expiring 12/31/2023 with a need to execute quickly. The possibility of totaling the car if repairs were estimated to take 6+ months had been made. Rental car set to expire after 50 days. The car does not have an estimate of damages, timeline for repairs, etc.

12/27/2023, Car Declared Totaled: The completion of the initial estimates showed 40k+ in damages. However, USAA declared the car totaled. I moved forward immediately to purchase a new car to get a 2nd vehicle back in the driveway and swinging the loan in the meantime. A literal 2 minutes from signing the Purchase Agreement USAA calls to tell me the car is not totaled, oh well if I had signed the Purchase Agreement, to expect no wiggle room on totaling the car if repairs take 6-9+ months, and so out of luck for wasting 50 days of the rental car period. A 2 minute difference before bringing sheer financial chaos because of USAA with little to no apology. The cherry on top: USAA admitted the time wasted for an estimate was useless because no one was qualified to provide an accurate quote of the damages and labor, so we waited for nearly 50 days for nothing.

12/27/2023, Contacted Certified Body Shop: I sent over the initial estimates with photos. Shop was quick and asked to have the car brought in immediately after photo review.

01/04/2023, Planned Tow to Certified Body Shop: This was after USAA made no progress of selecting a certified body shop or offering options. An off the wall claim of Lucid having a policy of only being allowed to tow Lucid vehicles lest voiding warranties, etc., etc., etc. Delays... More delays... I called to see what was going on since the car had not moved on the app. SCA could not tow the car due to crossing state borders.

01/10/2023, Car Arrives at Certified Body Shop: After several false starts, the car finally gets towed to the shop. The promised 1 week turnaround was gone. Initial questions about the accuracy of the initial quote resulted in outright laughter and mockery of USAA's ability to be contacted and provide accurate estimates by the shop. I was not amused, and the behavior seems to extend beyond specialty cars.

01/25/2023, Supplemental Quote: 83k+ in damages. 99 days inputted for the time to repair. Questions to the shop about battery, frame, and exposed electronics have received no response, but they are quick and will likely get back to me on Monday. My suspicion is 99 days was the max they could input. My gut feeling is easily 6+ months.

01/25/2023, Call to USAA: I received the typical voicemail. Maybe I will hear something back Monday from USAA, but I suspect I will be told to take a hike on getting the car totaled. If the repair route occurs, my time of ownership and driving (<12 months) will almost equal my time of waiting on USAA and repairs (2 months for accurate repair estimates, 6-9+ months of repairs?, 8-11 months total).

Conclusion: We will see. Right now I would drop USAA in a heartbeat if it weren't for the accident forgiveness. Those details have not been sorted out to date. Insurance premium increase? Who knows. Incompetence and dodging of any and all responsibility as an insurance provider for timely updates have been the hallmarks of my experience. Sheer debauchery of 50+ days for an accurate estimate when a certified shop should have been the first place the car was sent. The near financial chaos USAA nearly sent my household under due to falsely claiming the car was totaled is unforgiveable. I suspect the true clash will begin Monday if they decide the repair route to leave my household down to 1 car for an outrageous amount of time.

I hope fellow USAA insured owners never have to go through this process.
Dude, that is insane. Where are you at?

At this point, you need to call your state's insurance commissioner. They will push on USAA and make them do the right thing, particularly for covering the rental car, etc. They tend to work very quickly.

I have been with USAA for almost 53 years. Never had any bad experience with them and the service response on line has always been very quick and fully supportive. I have all my insurance needs covered with USAA. I am sorry to read about your experiences and find it totally out of sync with mine. That said, I have not had any accident or home claim in the last 15 years. Whenever I call for information or to make changes in my coverages, it is always quick and simple.
I am reaching either near the end or the beginning for my insurance claim. Where do I start? The beginning I guess.

Date of Accident: 11/12/2023
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Insurance Provider: USAA
Extent of Damage: Undriveable at the Scene (4 Cars Involved)
Claim Date: 11/12/2023

Pictures of the accident exist elsewhere on the forum. See this thread:
General Notes: My adjuster always sent my calls to voicemail. Sometimes I would hear back after 1 day. Sometimes I would hear back almost 3 days later. Emails were worse. Most of the time I had to call twice to get an answer.

11/12/2023, Day of the Accident: The car was towed without any hassle on my end to a location nearby. We grabbed a ride with one of the folks involved to a local airport to get a rental because we had a non-movable appointment on 11/13/2023. Rental car scheduled the next day for a location on the way back (actually near Chattanooga, TN).

11/14-15/2023, Return from Trip: Enterprise folks were nice. Kia Soul was the only option, so we kept the one we rented on our dime, swapped into insurance policy, and continued on our way.

11/17/2023, Planned Tow to SCA Site: Agreed on date. Tow got delayed repeatedly. Eventual tow was sometime the next week.

11/26/2023, Planned Inspection Completion: Never occurred. The inspection was delayed to the next week.

11/30/2023, SCA Inspection Completed: USAA paid SCA to do the inspection. This was supposed to be THE inspection, but I found out after calling SCA and USAA that it was not. The SCA inspection details had to be sent off to an internal team at USAA due to being an electric car and a specialty car. More delays... Wasted time.

12/07/2023, Crash Data from Lucid: Lucid was fairly prompt with the request (under 1 week). The data put us at fault going 11 mph. No information on the car that absolutely rammed us from behind. USAA was more than happy to put us at fault with no disclosure on responsibility percentage.

Additional Context: At this point, I am calling every other day for updates. I have expressed holding a new Lucid on order with incentives expiring 12/31/2023 with a need to execute quickly. The possibility of totaling the car if repairs were estimated to take 6+ months had been made. Rental car set to expire after 50 days. The car does not have an estimate of damages, timeline for repairs, etc.

12/27/2023, Car Declared Totaled: The completion of the initial estimates showed 40k+ in damages. However, USAA declared the car totaled. I moved forward immediately to purchase a new car to get a 2nd vehicle back in the driveway and swinging the loan in the meantime. A literal 2 minutes from signing the Purchase Agreement USAA calls to tell me the car is not totaled, oh well if I had signed the Purchase Agreement, to expect no wiggle room on totaling the car if repairs take 6-9+ months, and so out of luck for wasting 50 days of the rental car period. A 2 minute difference before bringing sheer financial chaos because of USAA with little to no apology. The cherry on top: USAA admitted the time wasted for an estimate was useless because no one was qualified to provide an accurate quote of the damages and labor, so we waited for nearly 50 days for nothing.

12/27/2023, Contacted Certified Body Shop: I sent over the initial estimates with photos. Shop was quick and asked to have the car brought in immediately after photo review.

01/04/2023, Planned Tow to Certified Body Shop: This was after USAA made no progress of selecting a certified body shop or offering options. An off the wall claim of Lucid having a policy of only being allowed to tow Lucid vehicles lest voiding warranties, etc., etc., etc. Delays... More delays... I called to see what was going on since the car had not moved on the app. SCA could not tow the car due to crossing state borders.

01/10/2023, Car Arrives at Certified Body Shop: After several false starts, the car finally gets towed to the shop. The promised 1 week turnaround was gone. Initial questions about the accuracy of the initial quote resulted in outright laughter and mockery of USAA's ability to be contacted and provide accurate estimates by the shop. I was not amused, and the behavior seems to extend beyond specialty cars.

01/25/2023, Supplemental Quote: 83k+ in damages. 99 days inputted for the time to repair. Questions to the shop about battery, frame, and exposed electronics have received no response, but they are quick and will likely get back to me on Monday. My suspicion is 99 days was the max they could input. My gut feeling is easily 6+ months.

01/25/2023, Call to USAA: I received the typical voicemail. Maybe I will hear something back Monday from USAA, but I suspect I will be told to take a hike on getting the car totaled. If the repair route occurs, my time of ownership and driving (<12 months) will almost equal my time of waiting on USAA and repairs (2 months for accurate repair estimates, 6-9+ months of repairs?, 8-11 months total).

Conclusion: We will see. Right now I would drop USAA in a heartbeat if it weren't for the accident forgiveness. Those details have not been sorted out to date. Insurance premium increase? Who knows. Incompetence and dodging of any and all responsibility as an insurance provider for timely updates have been the hallmarks of my experience. Sheer debauchery of 50+ days for an accurate estimate when a certified shop should have been the first place the car was sent. The near financial chaos USAA nearly sent my household under due to falsely claiming the car was totaled is unforgiveable. I suspect the true clash will begin Monday if they decide the repair route to leave my household down to 1 car for an outrageous amount of time.

I hope fellow USAA insured owners never have to go through this process.
I was actually wondering what was happening with your car the other day. Because it had been such a long time and I figured it had to be resolved by now. That sounds so frustrating! And so unnecessary. I remember looking at the pictures, I don't even know how it could be anything other than a total loss. Good luck on Monday.
I’m sorry you have had such a miserable experience. I’ve had USAA for 47 years. I’ve never had a problem regarding 4 damage claims ( only one my fault) and numerous no starts, tows and flat tires. I suspect it’s the whole EV thing that has not only USAA but much of the insurance industry in turmoil because of expense of repairs. This is due to having to go through the manufacturer for parts with few outside venders making parts for EVs plus the exorbitant costs if the battery is involved. Add to that probably a limited number of adjusters qualified to quote for EVs and you have a recipe for delays , false starts and headaches. EVs have disrupted more than just the buying and driving process but everything involved in owning an automobile. It will be years before everything settles down I fear.
I had an accident near the end of 2022 and am insured with USAA. There was a lot of initial confusion over getting estimates, etc, but that was ironed out. (At that point Lucid really was a unicorn.) I ended up with $97K of damage (an initial estimate of $50K and then a $49K supplemental), but no quibbling on having the car towed to the one Lucid-certified repair shop or repair rates. I have never figured out the delay in finding the other driver at fault (the police report was very clear, but for some reason the other driver was not issued a citation), but I think it was a matter of both drivers being USAA-insured, so they couldn't recoup money from elsewhere. That finally settled when upper management got involved (took less than an hour for the decision). The other driver paid for three months of car rental, and my car came back like new. My rates have not gone up at all, and I am just trying to get them to cough up the $300 difference between their estimate of ceramic coat replacement and actual cost. Overall I would give them a grade of "B".
We are a week from 3 months.

USAA at the eleventh hour is doing what I felt like should have been the process from the get go. Certified repair shop, total loss team, mechanics, value guesstimators, and all are crunching the numbers as the car reaches the 75% threshold to total the car.

No teardown has been completed to date. The last $11k to push it over the edge would surely be the in the labor rates of the teardown and hidden damage, but we will see.

In hindsight, I suppose my impatience drives much of my displeasure. Lucid has been working with us in the event the car is totaled with a car prepped, inspected, and ready to be delivered. Their patience throughout the process to hold a GT-P for us goes beyond the realm of extraordinary customer service. We have been pseudo-trapped as a result away from our longer road trips as we await news on updates.

To address a few replies, USAA has always been polite, if regretful, about the circumstances. Anytime I have called to fiddle with the coverage numbers on the cars in conversations sometimes spanning half an hour has always been well received. I imagine I will receive rapid approval (again) for the auto loan and insurance coverage of the new car in the likely event of the totaled grand touring.
We are a week from 3 months.

USAA at the eleventh hour is doing what I felt like should have been the process from the get go. Certified repair shop, total loss team, mechanics, value guesstimators, and all are crunching the numbers as the car reaches the 75% threshold to total the car.

No teardown has been completed to date. The last $11k to push it over the edge would surely be the in the labor rates of the teardown and hidden damage, but we will see.

In hindsight, I suppose my impatience drives much of my displeasure. Lucid has been working with us in the event the car is totaled with a car prepped, inspected, and ready to be delivered. Their patience throughout the process to hold a GT-P for us goes beyond the realm of extraordinary customer service. We have been pseudo-trapped as a result away from our longer road trips as we await news on updates.

To address a few replies, USAA has always been polite, if regretful, about the circumstances. Anytime I have called to fiddle with the coverage numbers on the cars in conversations sometimes spanning half an hour has always been well received. I imagine I will receive rapid approval (again) for the auto loan and insurance coverage of the new car in the likely event of the totaled grand touring.
Sending all the good vibes I can your way, friend. Would love to see you with a GT-P as your reward for all this undue hardship. If so, I call shotgun!
Sending all the good vibes I can your way, friend. Would love to see you with a GT-P as your reward for all this undue hardship. If so, I call shotgun!
Appreciate it. Once we get the car settled, I plan on piecing together the Tail of the Dragon and Blue Ridge Highway car meet. You are always welcome to sit shotgun so long as the wife doesn't mind and kids aren't loaded in the back.

Too many things on the plate at the moment with graduate studies, business, and employment.
Appreciate it. Once we get the car settled, I plan on piecing together the Tail of the Dragon and Blue Ridge Highway car meet. You are always welcome to sit shotgun so long as the wife doesn't mind and kids aren't loaded in the back.

Too many things on the plate at the moment with graduate studies, business, and employment.
Really looking forward to it. No worries, I'll ride in the frunk if I have to! But seriously, I hope you and the family are doing well outside of all this. Wishing you guys all the best!
@Rogue, I think you've been incredibly patient. Safeco only took a few weeks to decide mine was a total loss, but it really felt like months. Looking back, I guess it wasn't that long. The damage was far less than yours, so they must have a lower threshold for making that call.
USAA totaled the car officially today. 131k actual cash value with taxes. 20% bump puts the total to 156k. There was no quibbling over the price, and I felt the actual cash value to be fair. Turnaround on the check is supposed to be quick too 3-8 business days.

I have accident forgiveness, but we will see once the insurance renews. GT-P is about $200 more expensive than the GT on the current policy period. The first auto loan's period of validity only had till tomorrow, so the rest of the process has been smooth sailing since all paperwork was signed over a month ago.

We will be eyeing Safeco once we meet the various requirements.
If everything works out, I'm hoping within a few days. The car has been prepped and staged since late December in Florida.
Good to hear that you will be getting a replacement soon.