Air Pure AWD...No More Coming in 2024


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Aug 8, 2023
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Pure AWD, Fathom Blue.
Excuse me if this is already known, but wanted to share.. I just came from Lucid Beverly Hills and had nice chat with their reps.. They explained that Air Pure AWD will not be available as 2024 model.. .. You can order and spec a 2024 Air Pure RWD with your selected range of options, but if you go to build one on Lucid site it directs you to available cars or those in the pipeline, which are all 2023. There is no option to order 2024 Air Pure with AWD.
I assume this will help them differentiate between models and makes base model RWD only.. Makes sense now that prices are lower for Touring and Grand Touring... It also explains why they are still pushing these particular cars as 2023 models.. If Lucid ever really got traction this would make Pure AWD a somewhat rare version. Otherwise nobody will care.
I had a mobile service tech mentioned the same thing about Pure AWD being discontinued after he attended sales training. At first I thought he was mistaken and it was hard to believe. Now you are confirming he was correct with your post. My guess they are trying to simplify the line up for more effective assembly line. This means if someone wants AWD they are being pushed to Touring.
That’s because no one is buying their cars, they need to switch gear and change advertising strategy.
Not sure that removing AWD option from Pure is intended to do that. However, it does bring a question about why they did not come out with an aggressively priced RWD Pure earlier... Their focus on 100k plus versions for first year did not help them with conquests, and now the entire auto market is soft.
I had a mobile service tech mentioned the same thing about Pure AWD being discontinued after he attended sales training. At first I thought he was mistaken and it was hard to believe. Now you are confirming he was correct with your post. My guess they are trying to simplify the line up for more effective assembly line. This means if someone wants AWD they are being pushed to Touring.
I suspect we'll be seeing lots of changes for the 2024 Air lineup. Sales are not where they need them to be. Why wouldn't you make changes?

This sounds like a good way to further differentiate between the trims to me.

It is a bit of a jump to Touring just to get AWD. But my suspicion is the majority of price-conscious Pure customers weren't demanding AWD, anyway. Many of those who have AWD Pures now stretched their budgets to get the car sooner rather than later. Now that RWD is shipping, my guess is most of their orders lately are trending towards RWD.

These decisions don't get pulled out of thin air, folks. They are always backed by numbers.
I suspect we'll be seeing lots of changes for the 2024 Air lineup. Sales are not where they need them to be. Why wouldn't you make changes?

This sounds like a good way to further differentiate between the trims to me.

It is a bit of a jump to Touring just to get AWD. But my suspicion is the majority of price-conscious Pure customers weren't demanding AWD, anyway. Many of those who have AWD Pures now stretched their budgets to get the car sooner rather than later. Now that RWD is shipping, my guess is most of their orders lately are trending towards RWD.

These decisions don't get pulled out of thin air, folks. They are always backed by numbers.
I suspect we'll be seeing lots of changes for the 2024 Air lineup. Sales are not where they need them to be. Why wouldn't you make changes?

This sounds like a good way to further differentiate between the trims to me.

It is a bit of a jump to Touring just to get AWD. But my suspicion is the majority of price-conscious Pure customers weren't demanding AWD, anyway. Many of those who have AWD Pures now stretched their budgets to get the car sooner rather than later. Now that RWD is shipping, my guess is most of their orders lately are trending towards RWD.

These decisions don't get pulled out of thin air, folks. They are always backed by numbers.
I agree 100%. At first it was easier to introduce PURE AWD since they had the platform from Touring. Once they had RWD assembly line finalized it just doesn't make sense to offer AWD because the price gap between Pure AWD and Touring is not that much anymore.
Yes. Three versions of the Pure (4 with Sapphire) is enough, and the overlap with AWD did not make sense.
with that said, anyone notice that in the configurator, DDP for pure (even though greyed out), is listed at $6750? other trims' DDP is still 9k.
with that said, anyone notice that in the configurator, DDP for pure (even though greyed out), is listed at $6750? other trims' DDP is still 9k.
I just noticed that as well. Maybe DDP will get updated for other trims soon as well. My guess Lucid is reviewing previous orders and numbers behind them dictate lower price is needed for DDP to try help increase sales.
it might be that DDPro is not going to be option on Air Pure for 2024 which is why it is greyed out.. Might be available on leftover 2023???
it might be that DDPro is not going to be option on Air Pure for 2024 which is why it is greyed out.. Might be available on leftover 2023???
If it wasn't available for 2024 then why lower the price in the configurator? They are still offering Pro credits to move the 2023 inventory as quick as possible. My guess is that we will see lower starting prices for all trims with additional options being available to drive the vehicle price up. Lucid is hoping the lower entry point will attract more buyers and they will eventually select a few additional options that will drive the sale price up. Just like any other manufacturer is doing today.
If it wasn't available for 2024 then why lower the price in the configurator? They are still offering Pro credits to move the 2023 inventory as quick as possible. My guess is that we will see lower starting prices for all trims with additional options being available to drive the vehicle price up. Lucid is hoping the lower entry point will attract more buyers and they will eventually select a few additional options that will drive the sale price up. Just like any other manufacturer is doing today.
Makes a whole lot of sense to me.

Like you said, it's what everyone else does. Ever configure a Porsche? It's a very fun exercise to go from the "starting" price to the car you actually want.
Makes a whole lot of sense to me.

Like you said, it's what everyone else does. Ever configure a Porsche? It's a very fun exercise to go from the "starting" price to the car you actually want.
I have and it is a rabbit hole.
Makes a whole lot of sense to me.

Like you said, it's what everyone else does. Ever configure a Porsche? It's a very fun exercise to go from the "starting" price to the car you actually want.
You have a truly weird sense of fun.
Lucid is easy compared to Porsche... Been there and done that, and the Taycan is total pain to order....

The Lucid process has been a bit clunky but we all know it was a start up... I had an early 300 deposit, and got the 'upgrade at original pricing" push a couple of times. That seems sort of sad now with the recent price reductions. I finally pulled he trigger with the recent lease programs, :rolleyes:and got my 3 years of free charging with a charging network which seldom works..
If it wasn't available for 2024 then why lower the price in the configurator? They are still offering Pro credits to move the 2023 inventory as quick as possible. My guess is that we will see lower starting prices for all trims with additional options being available to drive the vehicle price up. Lucid is hoping the lower entry point will attract more buyers and they will eventually select a few additional options that will drive the sale price up. Just like any other manufacturer is doing today.
I hope they don’t start doing that. Keep it simple with very few options. Much easier for the consumer that way. That is definitely something Tesla does well. Won’t buy it if they make it like Porsche.
I hope they don’t start doing that. Keep it simple with very few options. Much easier for the consumer that way. That is definitely something Tesla does well. Won’t buy it if they make it like Porsche.
Every model is already available, which one are you planning on getting?