Home Delivery


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Verified Owner
Sep 10, 2021
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California Central Coast
Matte Grey Air GT
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Does anyone know if there is an extra charge to get the Air (specifically the GT) delivered to your home rather than picking it up at a service center? I'm still debating whether to make the 3 hour trip to Beverly Hills or just stay home and let them come to me.
Does anyone know if there is an extra charge to get the Air (specifically the GT) delivered to your home rather than picking it up at a service center? I'm still debating whether to make the 3 hour trip to Beverly Hills or just stay home and let them come to me.

There isn’t.
I have asked that question for my GT. My DA said that there is and she could calculate it once I have my VIN. She said it is based on the mileage from the closest delivery center to my house.
I suspect it depends on how far you are from a delivery center. I think if you live fairly close (whatever that is) to a delivery center, Lucid will expect you to come and get the car. If you live a long distance away, they’ll deliver it to you. I’m 2-1/2 hours from my nearest delivery center and my DA didn’t say anything about a charge to bring me my car when I confirmed my GT order in mid-December. I had mentioned to him that I thought a 5 hour round trip was excessive.
Does anyone know if there is an extra charge to get the Air (specifically the GT) delivered to your home rather than picking it up at a service center? I'm still debating whether to make the 3 hour trip to Beverly Hills or just stay home and let them come to me.
Where are you?
I suspect it depends on how far you are from a delivery center. I think if you live fairly close (whatever that is) to a delivery center, Lucid will expect you to come and get the car. If you live a long distance away, they’ll deliver it to you. I’m 2-1/2 hours from my nearest delivery center and my DA didn’t say anything about a charge to bring me my car when I confirmed my GT order in mid-December. I had mentioned to him that I thought a 5 hour round trip was excessive.
That is very possible. The Costa Mesa delivery center is about a 1-1/2 hour drive for me, or 3 hours round trip. I had to specifically ask if there was an additional charge for a home delivery, otherwise she did not mention it.
There's not much coastal driving. It's all the 101, unless I take the 1 through Malibu to Point Mugu.

And why oof?
Only because you are in the middle of 2 service centers with no good option either way. But yea, I would make a trip of it! Windows down, beautiful panoramic glass top...damn I should make that drive myself
So I spoke to my DA and there is no home delivery charge at this time, but they may institute one in the future.
Was that just for you or for anyone? I’ll have to follow up with my DA then. I might prefer a home delivery rather than driving to Orange County.
So I spoke to my DA and there is no home delivery charge at this time, but they may institute one in the future.
I imagine that they would have a home delivery charge if you live xxx miles from a delivery center as they increase their production. Would not think that they could do home delivery for free once they get up to the numbers they are providing to Wall Street. Just glad that the first AGT deliveries won’t include one.
So I spoke to my DA and there is no home delivery charge at this time, but they may institute one in the future.
BTW…. Any word yet on your Grey AGT, or are you still waiting?
Was that just for you or for anyone? I’ll have to follow up with my DA then. I might prefer a home delivery rather than driving to Orange County.
He made it seem like it was for everyone, but that they would change it in the future. You should check with your DA to make sure if you're wanting home delivery.

BTW…. Any word yet on your Grey AGT, or are you still waiting?
Still waiting. DA still thinks it'll be "any day."
Still waiting. DA still thinks it'll be "any day."
just hoping the any day is tomorrow, and I’m sure you do too. Looking forward to the floodgates to open for us who have ordered Grey AGTs! :)
just hoping the any day is tomorrow, and I’m sure you do too. Looking forward to the floodgates to open for us who have ordered Grey AGTs! :)
I questioned him about the color batching to know if there was any indication when the Grays would start. He said he knew nothing of batching (above his pay grade), but that he had not been given a VIN for any Grays yet, so that theory made sense to him.
I imagine that they would have a home delivery charge if you live xxx miles from a delivery center as they increase their production. Would not think that they could do home delivery for free once they get up to the numbers they are providing to Wall Street. Just glad that the first AGT deliveries won’t include one.
I live less than 10 miles from the Scottsdale service center and was offered either home delivery or service center pickup. Given the cost of transportation within AZ, they really should continue to offer both choices without additional cost.
For anyone who doesn't live in a state where Lucid directly sells cars, keep in mind that if you ask for home delivery the fine print in your T&Cs state that your car is deemed to be delivered when it's loaded onto the truck. It's insured but I'm not certain what practical consequences this has.