Survey Regarding Bugs


Referral code: 82LNN7ZP
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Supporting Member
Apr 11, 2022
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San Diego
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I am working on a survey to further defined the incidence of bugs in the software. The first step is to create a list. Then I will create a survey from it.
I will be submitting the results to Lucid. Currently, here are the items. Please respond below if you have anything else to add. Remember, this is about bugs, not desired features.

BUG: Hold mode is sometimes not automatically selected when car is first started. The car will roll down an incline, which may be the opposite direction of the driver's intention.
BUG: Cameras/Radar/Lidar: High quality and 360 camera system takes way too long to boot after car has been asleep. Low quality reversing camera (red line) is available until then.
BUG: Cameras/Radar/Lidar: Blindspot cameras occasionally do not turn on at all. Red warning for a vehicle in the blind spot still shows properly.
BUG: Cameras/Radar/Lidar: Blindspot cameras have a low quality image
BUG: Cameras/Radar/Lidar: LIDAR will sometimes display "camera blocked" during rainy conditions
BUG: Cameras/Radar/Lidar: Corner radar faults when driving or parking near metal buildings.

BUG: CarPlay audio is occasionally not heard, requires workaround. Pressing play button immediately reverts back to pause.
BUG: CarPlay audio, such as reading texts, does not work if a Dolby Atmos track is playing on Tidal.
BUG: CarPlay fails to connect at all
BUG: Audio: All sound is off (including blinker sound).
BUG: Audio: information displayed incorrectly, favorites vanish, some buttons perform an unintended function (as in my video)
BUG: Audio: Poor sound quality during Bluetooth phone conversation
BUG: Audio: Tidal doesn't continue playing from the same playlist when re-entering car. (Bug may be with Tidal app versus Lucid)
BUG: Audio: fails to mute while texts are being read out
BUG: Pilot Panel: Buttons on do not work at all until reset/profile change
BUG: Mobile Key: Car will display "Mobile key not detected" when mobile key is clearly in the car
BUG: Mobile Key: fails to unlock car. Must use app to do so.
BUG: Mobile key: car loads the wrong profile. Need to manually enter correct profile
BUG: Key Fob: battery dies too quickly
BUG: Locking/Unlocking: Car will lock itself while walking from the passenger side to the driver side, e.g. after putting a baby passenger side car seat
BUG: Locking/Unlocking: Unnecessary repeated locking and unlocking when mobile key or fob is near the car
BUG: App: wakes car when unnecessary (e.g. to check on remaining range) and waking car takes way too long.
BUG: App (iOS): Siri commands to open frunk or trunk time out and fail if the car is sleeping.
BUG: App: Phone app does not always wake car properly. May require multiple force quit/relaunches.
BUG: App: Phone app climate settings are ignored by the car.

BUG: Internet: Connectivity on the road is intermittent. Manifests via Alexa or streaming audio.
BUG: Internet: Alexa provides no or incorrect responses
BUG: Internet: Hand-off from WiFi to Cellular takes too long

BUG: Highway Assist randomly drops out and reverts to ACC
BUG: Speedometer shown in wrong spot (too high) when HA unavailable, return to ACC, then sleep the car. Stays in wrong spot until ACC re-activated. See pictures below.
BUG: Scheduled charging is inconsistent.
I think this may fall into a couple of your "BUGs" above, but I have times where I just have my phone in my pocket and the car is going spastic, locking and unlocking and I will run an errand and walk to the car and it will not unlock until I actually wake my phone up. On the one hand, it fits perfectly into one of your line items, but on the other it is doing exactly the opposite. You hit my CarPlay bugs rather succinctly.
I sometimes get Red Warning and beeping for a few seconds to put my hands on the wheel. Last time I got it was I was turning left onto on-ramp with both hands on the wheel ... not distracted driver scenario at all

I also find that Sirius/Pandora favorites go missing and I need to add them again; not sure if release related or random

Complexity with Audio entertainment abound, but those are not bugs as much as cumbersome to navigate and screens end up in weird spots. Bobby's video captures that well
Bug: Corner radar faults when driving or parking near metal buildings.
Bug: When using CarPlay, the right side cockpit panel reverts back to the home screen when the parking camera view closes, instead of returning to the CarPlay view.
The speedometer has been popping up there on the Pure. It happens after HA says unavailable, I return to adaptive, exit the car without turning ACC and get back in after it sleeps. It starts up there until I select adaptive again. It’s been fairly repeatable if anyone else wants to try
View attachment 11493The speedometer has been popping up there on the Pure. It happens after HA says unavailable, I return to adaptive, exit the car without turning ACC and get back in after it sleeps. It starts up there until I select adaptive again. It’s been fairly repeatable if anyone else wants to try
You should send that one to service with those pictures. I'll add it.
I don't use CarPlay, but I found that the streaming services (amazon music, tidal, etc.) all occasionally stop and hitting play makes no difference. So far, this consistently happens in known dead spots where I frequently drive, and then they start back up once connectivity is restored. I think that some kind of reception improvements (hardware) in the car may alleviate many problems. On the bright side, I got the USB to play music, and that's local to my car.
I don't use CarPlay, but I found that the streaming services (amazon music, tidal, etc.) all occasionally stop and hitting play makes no difference. So far, this consistently happens in known dead spots where I frequently drive, and then they start back up once connectivity is restored. I think that some kind of reception improvements (hardware) in the car may alleviate many problems. On the bright side, I got the USB to play music, and that's local to my car.
I experienced the same problems with the built-in AT&T cellular service, now with CarPlay I’m using my own Verizon service and it is much stronger in my area. No dropouts.
Bobby in reference to Bug #1, the opposite may also occur ie when initiating forward movement, the car wants to roll backward. Has happened on 3-4 occasions that were obvious ie on an upward incline.
Bobby in reference to Bug #1, the opposite may also occur ie when initiating forward movement, the car wants to roll backward. Has happened on 3-4 occasions that were obvious ie on an upward incline.
Good point, I changed the wording.
I’ve had several of the bugs listed above, thanks @Bobby, especially the mobile key/fob issues since the CarPlay update and I never had them before. I would however like to add an important phone app bug. I’d say 90% of the time, the first time I open the car app after the car has been asleep, the app will not wake the car. It doesn’t even try. If however I force close the app and then re-open it, then it will try and wake the car, and about 75% of the time it does succeed in waking the car. About 25% of the time it does not wake the car, so then I have to try again. And then when trying to set the remote climate, which is my main reason for using the phone app, at least half the time after I turn the climate on, it does not succeed in remotely turning on the climate in the car. Basically to get the mobile app to work, I have to tell it to do the same thing many times, when it should only have to be told once.

You did already sort of list this under the app taking too long to wake the car, I just thought I’d add the details and steps required to get it to work as maybe that would help them figure it out.
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I’ve had several of the bugs listed above, thanks @Bobby, especially the mobile key/fob issues since the CarPlay update and I never had them before. I would however like to add an important phone app bug. I’d say 90% of the time, the first time I open the car app after the car has been asleep, the app will not wake the car. It doesn’t even try. If however I force close the app and then re-open it, then it will try and wake the car, and about 75% of the time it does succeed in waking the car. About 25% of the time it does not wake the car, so then I have to try again. And then when trying to set the remote climate, which is my main reason for using the phone app, at least half the time after I turn the climate on, it does not succeed in remotely turning on the climate in the car. Basically to get the mobile app to work, I have to tell it to do the same thing many times, when it should only have to be told once.

You did already sort of list this under the app taking too long to wake the car, I just thought I’d add the details and steps required to get it to work as maybe that would help them figure it out.
Added. I separated it into two bugs.
I found a new bug during Eletricfied Day demo. Where do we report it in forum?
Continuing saga with the profile: today, while I was driving, the car switched to wife’s profile. Wife, her phone, and fob were not in vicinity.
I think this may have already been reported on the forum, but first time for me.
I’ve sent an email to CS, too.
BUG Report: (not sure other reported this)

After opened frunk and trunk lids then let the car goes to sleep. The car won’t respond to let truck and frunk close after it wakes up. One must push down to close, even the buttons on frunk and truck won’t work. I had to manually close it.

(I had it open to show the car during Earth Day demo)
BUG Report: (not sure other reported this)

After opened frunk and trunk lids then let the car goes to sleep. The car won’t respond to let truck and frunk close after it wakes up. One must push down to close, even the buttons on frunk and truck won’t work. I had to manually close it.

(I had it open to show the car during Earth Day demo)
This is not a bug. It is intentional. That said, I'm not sure why.
This is not a bug. It is intentional. That said, I'm not sure why.
Interesting logic, which rendered me to a new feature suggestion.

Show And Tell Mode!
Interesting logic, which rendered me to a new feature suggestion.

Show And Tell Mode!
They have a studio mode, only available for studio cars though 😁