I live in a smaller town, south of Phoenix (same town where Lucid AMP-1 is located) and we have one EA station with 4 chargers a few minutes from my house at Wal-mart. So far, they have been pretty reliable (knock on wood). I’ve had my car for 6 weeks or so and have gotten by using the EA and trickle charging at home. However, I haven’t taken any long road trips yet.
We are planning to drive to Disneyland next month which is about 400 miles each way. There are EA stations somewhat spread out along the way. Given the known issues, plus the unknown on how long the line will be if all are in use, it has me second guessing taking the Lucid and instead taking my wife’s ICE car. And this get’s to the root of the issue, until road trip EV charging is at least only somewhat inconvenient, rather than completely inconvenient, I don’t feel confident about mass adoption. That’s not even accounting for cost and range.
And the fact that there are different plugs and only certain cars can be charged at certain chargers is silly. We need one plug, I don’t care which one. Plus, the need to have an app to access the chargers…come on!
If companies really want EV adoption, the goal has to be targeting the convenience of a gas station. Otherwise as we’ve seen, you can build them, and they won’t come, and thats not even taking cost and range into consideration.