What would you like to see from the Lucid mobile app?


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
Reaction score
Lucid GT
Greetings Lucid Owners. If you had a magic wand, what enhancements or additions would you like to see made to the Lucid mobile app? Asking for a friend. ;)
Not that I have access to the app yet, but based on what others have said:

The ability to set charge times (i.e. during off peak times), as well as a preconditioning schedule (i.e. Mondays at 6:30 am, everyday at 5 pm, etc.).

Thanks, Len!
Greetings Lucid Owners. If you had a magic wand, what enhancements or additions would you like to see made to the Lucid mobile app? Asking for a friend. ;)
Love seeing this! I would love for the app to:
Wake up the car every time quickly after it goes to sleep. It's too unreliable it takes 30+ seconds to unlock the car.
Let me set charging times
Have iOS widgets for quick controls
Along the same line as the demo functionality, maybe use the App more pre-delivery to communicate things like timelines. It might be useful to consult with the DA’s to see if they have any ideas how they might be able to use it to help them in their job. Just a thought.
The ability to control the windows.
Summon feature( eventually)
Like Jon said faster wake up time, not sure how much of this is related to cell service though.
I have many suggestions for the app - too many to list. But a basic functionality of the app is to replace a key fob and not use the internet to do it. This should be through Bluetooth when you are near the car. Items that should be controllable should be the same ones that are in the app now at least. These should also work if the car is asleep:
  • Open/Close Charge Port
  • Open/Close Frunk
  • Open /Close Trunk
  • Lock/Unlock Doors (preferably specifying which ones)
  • Flash lights
  • Honk Horn
  • Turn on/off Climate
  • Turn on/off Windshield Defroster
  1. Scheduled charging for predefined locations (eg: home)
  2. Additional shortcuts and controls for climate and interior (ventilated seats, adjust seat to profile before leaving, etc.)
  3. Car configuration and reservation/order tracking
  4. iOS widgets for controls along with car status (show charge level, interior temp, status)
Some more feedback:
  • Status on small widgets would be great for things like the cabin temp, charge level, range and door locks
  • Larger widgets that deep link into the user-defined presets or other actions would be useful
  • Trigger battery preconditioning remotely
  • Faster interaction with the vehicle for remote functions. For example, don't rely on the cell connection for opening/closing the frunk, and work to reduce timeouts or errors when the vehicle is asleep and user attempts to wake
  • Open/close windows
  • Notifications when vehicle reached desired climate control state (ie: let user know when it reaches 70F inside when user turns it to cool down)
  • User defined presets, such as "warm up the car" turning on defrosters, setting climate control to hi, warming the driver seats, etc.
  • Other vehicle stats like tire pressure, consumption on past trips
Note: This is aggregated from others on the forum as I've not received my car (only a few days away). Once I have the car for a few day's I'll have more detailed thoughts.
  • Other vehicle stats like tire pressure, consumption on past trips
Tire Pressure is currently available in the app. it's accessed by the "Shield" icon (last one on the right). Sometimes, however, when the car has been sitting for a long time, it doesn't display the last tire pressure reading.
This could be on the app or the car, but:

If I'm at home, I'm in my garage and probably about to plug in. Let me set a GPS location where whenever I park, the charging door opens.
Greetings Lucid Owners. If you had a magic wand, what enhancements or additions would you like to see made to the Lucid mobile app? Asking for a friend. ;)
For the last tire pressure to display when the car is off. Should be an easy fix.
Bumping this up once in case anyone hasn't weighed in... The team behind the app is listening with great interest. Thx all!
1. I agree with the statement that it should be able to be used without cell service.
2. But not just Bluetooth but NFC also should be used, so there are 2 ways to connect to the car. We've all had times when Bluetooth does not connect, having NFC should help with that as a backup way, even though it only works at 10cm or less. Still better than nothing.
3. Also it should have an excellent Android app, not just for iphone.
4. Please have it open the Trunk and the Frunk separately
1. I agree with the statement that it should be able to be used without cell service.
2. But not just Bluetooth but NFC also should be used, so there are 2 ways to connect to the car. We've all had times when Bluetooth does not connect, having NFC should help with that as a backup way, even though it only works at 10cm or less. Still better than nothing.
3. Also it should have an excellent Android app, not just for iphone.
4. Please have it open the Trunk and the Frunk separately
Nfc works on the car, should be simple to enable nfc through the app

The trunk and frunk are already separate?