Yeah but this, to me, is similar to a “marketing” campaign for the folks who still pick up a black and white newspaper. A rallying cry for a, let’s say, “MWGA” group if you will. Kind of a “shove it” mentality. I grew up in coal country and a similar sentiment still exists. My friends from high school constantly send me memes of trains filled with coal saying “another load of EV fuel on the way to California!”

To that point, those same friends would not
actually read any resolution or proposed legislation. They would, however, gravitate to a statement similar to “F your EV” which is baked into a Facebook article. That gains the momentum and, before you know it, people who never voted in their lives are googling “closest place to vote” with their pitch forks in their other hand.
I grew up in that world so I feel comfortable talking about it this way. I’m not standing on my hill looking down. I understand the tactics because, on some level, they still work on me. I’ve just outgrown that way of thinking. And I try my best to share with my high school friends what I believe is a path to a healthier planet. However, those rallying cries, like you quoted, are VERY loud though