Unhappy with the car?


New Member
Nov 10, 2022
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Grand touring
My grand touring is the first car i've bought in 18 years as ive been very happy with my 2005 Acura TL. I've had my car for a few months ~2100 miles and while the driving part is nice, I find this car to be beyond frustrating due to the beyond horrible interface with the infotainment system, problems with cameras, useless accident avoidance system, poorly thought out design of some very basic things (headlights, wipers, door entry, key fob, profiles), grossly overstated charging speed and access to superchargers, working Electrify America stations, glitchy updates and other smaller annoyances. I do not think this car is really ready to be on the market. I feel deceived by their marketing department and have no confidence in their software developers. I can not get anyone higher up in the customer service department to speak with, though evrryone in the service department has been wonderful. I can not in good conscience recommend this car and would like to return the car for a refund. Does anyone else feel similar?
My grand touring is the first car i've bought in 18 years as ive been very happy with my 2005 Acura TL. I've had my car for a few months ~2100 miles and while the driving part is nice, I find this car to be beyond frustrating due to the beyond horrible interface with the infotainment system, problems with cameras, useless accident avoidance system, poorly thought out design of some very basic things (headlights, wipers, door entry, key fob, profiles), grossly overstated charging speed and access to superchargers, working Electrify America stations, glitchy updates and other smaller annoyances. I do not think this car is really ready to be on the market. I feel deceived by their marketing department and have no confidence in their software developers. I can not get anyone higher up in the customer service department to speak with, though evrryone in the service department has been wonderful. I can not in good conscience recommend this car and would like to return the car for a refund. Does anyone else feel similar?
No. Sorry to hear about your issues, but I have minor glitches at most.
Like any computers/tablets/cell phones/high tech EV, sometime the user interfaces are great while other are simply. If you look at reports out in the wild of people complaining about their car, chances are the highest on the complain list is the infotainment system. No car manufacture produced a perfect infotainment system. Lucid is no exception.
  • Hmm
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Did Lucid embellish on its marketing? Perhaps, but tell me what company doesn’t. The company needs to believe in the product it’s selling otherwise it’s dead on arrival. The EPA is achievable, we’ve seen real world tests outside of Lucid proving it. They never promised Supercharger access but the charging speed marketing lies with EA and the others. If they can’t deliver the speeds they’re promising how is that Lucid’s fault?

The software issues have been well noted in this forum. The bugs are annoying but I find the overall UI/UX design not bad at all. Yes, it’s still got room for improvement but the overall landscape leaves it open to many possibilities with the benefits of OTA updates.

Do I wish Lucid got off to a better start? Hell yes! The companies silence is beyond frustrating but at the end of the day I still have no regrets on my purchase.
No, other than either the reverse or surround view not coming up immediately sometimes, I haven’t had any of the issues or complaints you’ve experienced. I’ve been very happy with my GT and I’ve been getting very good charging rates on 150 chargers lately.
This is, beyond a doubt, my favorite car ever and I have had 18 cars. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it the closest to perfect I’ve ever had? No question. I, fortunately, haven’t had the software troubles others have had but every car prior to this had far inferior software so maybe my expectations were low? I don’t know but I do love my car and couldn’t be happier.

I did have a coolant leak. I called lucid and they had someone pick up my car first thing the next morning (it happened at home so that was fine). I called my service person, explained my issue, explained my expectations and she went above and beyond. My car was back in four days and they are reimbursing my rental car expenses. I was happy to get my own rental car because that way I could get what I wanted. Her communication was perfect and the repair experience was great. I have never had such a good service experience where every expectation I had was met.

I am sorry you are not happy and I hope that changes as I cannot imagine being so unhappy after spending this much money.
Curious what is about the headlights you don’t like? I see that was called out in the design I found Lucid lights to be quite bright and usable it was one of my favorite aspects of the car. I call night demon rider :)
Always sucks to see anyone being dissatisfied but its understandable.

EA has been a sore spot for most (though, its been perfect in my area) but I think we need to take a step back and forget the perfect daydreams we had prior to delivery and appreciate what Lucid does right, and how awesome it is that baby Lucid still beats out all the other legacy automakers in most aspects.

Today was my first real "issue" on the open road 150miles from home. The lane departure sound effect was playing incessantly and prevented all other audio playback, even the blinker. I couldn't reset the car no matter what tricks I tried that were 100% reliable methods in the past, and the app showed the car as offline and keyfob would not work.

I texted Lucid, got a response in seconds, and they were able to initiate a reset remotely. I went right back to loving the car as soon as I was on the road again.

Despite minor annoyances, I'm still excited every time. Every software flaw is another thing to look forward to being improved on in the future.
I've had my issues with my AGT and have documented my thoughts in this forum. Is it a perfect car? Far from it. Is it the worst car I've owned? Far from it. Overall, I have to remind myself that maybe my expectations were a bit unrealistic, partly due to media reviews I've read, partly lucid marketing, and partly my own doing. Then I think about performance cars and what I accept from these cars and realize that my viewpoint has become quite skewed when thinking about EVs. Example: take a Benz s63. Beautifully finished inside and out, powerful, enjoyable to drive but has poor fuel economy, takes premium fuel, costs thousands per year to service. But nobody buy it for what it isn't. How about a Ferrari - gorgeous to look at, sounds intoxicating, a dream to drive, but subpar infotainment (and previously lacked basic features that entry levels cars had like Bluetooth) and abysmal fuel efficiency. Most owners never complain though about these things when they buy their Ferrari because they bought it for the driving experience. The point I'm trying to make is that I disliked my lucid when I framed it as a perfect car - a Ferrari with tesla level software and the fuel efficiency of a civic. When I consider it for what it is and should be compared to, a super high performance luxury sedan, it actually is quite a good car. Fit and finish are up there with Benz S-class, infotainment probably comparable to amg or porsche (yes there are ridiculous glitches but so do the other cars and we have streaming audio and much better OTA updates), efficiency very close to a bolt or model 3, and design that is attractive. It's all about perspective, I find, and when I discovered that I held unrealistic expectations of my lucid, I learned to appreciate it for what it is rather than what it isn't.

My 2cents
looks like you are the only one
I am not so certain of that. There are other posts of that nature. I am beginning to lean that way. I travel a large area of states on a regular basis. I felt like I did my homework. Visited with Lucid sales people over and over in person while I waited the 16 months to take delivery. My biggest concern was charging the car on multi state road trips, which I must make often. The Lucid sales people always were friendly, nice and helpful. They would constantly show me how the Nav will find all of the charging stations, show us how long to charge, and emphasize how quickly and easy (just plug it in at EA) it will charge. They emphasized EA had the largest non tesla network and showed me that EA would be my best bet in some more remote parts of my travels.

I have had a the Nav not work, sound system not work, lots of paint issues (all discovered by Lucid SC), panels freeze, cameras are maybe 50/50, external sensors not working, accident avoidance system doesn’t work (probably related to the sensors not working?), no key warnings, and the big issue for me. The car won’t charge at any EA station. I have been to EA in Pueblo and Trinidad, CO, Gallup, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, Payson, Tempe, Phoenix, and Glendale, AZ. Attempted at multiple charging stations at each location, so maybe 25-27 different chargers or more, some locations I have been to twice to try the chargers again. All of the attempts have been with Lucid and EA on 3 way calls. If EA does not give me a courtesy charge, the car will not charge. It has been that way since day one. The car has been in and out of the service center. It is going back this week for numerous issues. Extremely nice and people who really do want to get the problems fixed. I really can’t state enough how friendly the SC people are. Many, many phone calls and emails with Lucid support. As of this past Friday, Lucid charging support do NOT think it is a PnC problem. They simply don’t have an answer as to why my car won’t charge.

So yes, I can see why Eric may not feel the car meets his needs. I can tell you I love driving the car. I can tell you it most certainly is a beautiful automobile. It seems to be very nicely built. It is not meeting the needs that I have for an automobile. For the most part, it sits in the garage. I can’t trust it will get me where I need to go, which is well outside of its range, EPA or real. If Lucid can get the car to charge reliably, I will feel much more positive about the car. I can live with waiting for the other issues to be fixed. It could be worse. The car has not “bricked”.
My biggest concern was charging the car on multi state road trips, which I must make often. The Lucid sales people always were friendly, nice and helpful. They would constantly show me how the Nav will find all of the charging stations, show us how long to charge, and emphasize how quickly and easy (just plug it in at EA) it will charge. They emphasized EA had the largest non tesla network and showed me that EA would be my best bet in some more remote parts of my travels.
They're not lying but the info in the car is only as good as the info its being fed from EA which given the reliability of the network its probably sending shit info to the car. I really don't know what Lucid can do with EA apart from building its own network which it shouldn't have to. Maybe the sales team just need to stop talking about it but then they will be blamed for hiding the EA problems. I also don't think Lucid can publicly shame EA either as it won't bode well for whatever is left of the business relationship they have going with EA and everyone will just be "don't like it then build your own" which Peter has said many times they're not doing.

I've never had issues with Plug and Charge. 99% of the time it just works at multiple EA locations, when it doesn't I just go into the Lucid app and select the charger and i'm good to go. Maybe demand a Service Tech goes on a drive with you to a few EA locations and they can do some troubleshooting in real time.
They simply don’t have an answer as to why my car won’t charge.
I like my car and I'm a Lucid fan but given the number of stations you've visited and failed at, I would give the car to Lucid and tell them to fix the charging with EA on my car and start running the clock on exchanging for another one. Your situation is like taking my ICE to a gas station and it won't take gas but I can fill it at home from canisters. I didn't buy my GT to be a commuter or in-town car, I bought it so I could take trips with fewer charging stops.

Given that you've had Lucid and EA on the phone, you must have gone through all the possible procedures to start a charging session. Since you have had zero success, Lucid either gets the car to charge successfully at EA or they give you the option of exchanging or taking a refund.
They're not lying but the info in the car is only as good as the info its being fed from EA which given the reliability of the network its probably sending shit info to the car. I really don't know what Lucid can do with EA apart from building its own network which it shouldn't have to. Maybe the sales team just need to stop talking about it but then they will be blamed for hiding the EA problems. I also don't think Lucid can publicly shame EA either as it won't bode well for whatever is left of the business relationship they have going with EA and everyone will just be "don't like it then build your own" which Peter has said many times they're not doing.

I've never had issues with Plug and Charge. 99% of the time it just works at multiple EA locations, when it doesn't I just go into the Lucid app and select the charger and i'm good to go. Maybe demand a Service Tech goes on a drive with you to a few EA locations and they can do some troubleshooting in real time.
I'm still looking for my first plug and charge.
My grand touring is the first car i've bought in 18 years as ive been very happy with my 2005 Acura TL. I've had my car for a few months ~2100 miles and while the driving part is nice, I find this car to be beyond frustrating due to the beyond horrible interface with the infotainment system, problems with cameras, useless accident avoidance system, poorly thought out design of some very basic things (headlights, wipers, door entry, key fob, profiles), grossly overstated charging speed and access to superchargers, working Electrify America stations, glitchy updates and other smaller annoyances. I do not think this car is really ready to be on the market. I feel deceived by their marketing department and have no confidence in their software developers. I can not get anyone higher up in the customer service department to speak with, though evrryone in the service department has been wonderful. I can not in good conscience recommend this car and would like to return the car for a refund. Does anyone else feel similar?
I love my car.
EA network and car capable of road tripping, charge infrastructure and more chargers are needed to keep advancing the EV movement. For Lucid I already seen they have some lucid branded chargers are service centers and studios. It shouldn’t be too much more of a stretch to start adding to the network. I hope Lucid ends up expanding their charge network.
I am not so certain of that. There are other posts of that nature. I am beginning to lean that way. I travel a large area of states on a regular basis. I felt like I did my homework. Visited with Lucid sales people over and over in person while I waited the 16 months to take delivery. My biggest concern was charging the car on multi state road trips, which I must make often. The Lucid sales people always were friendly, nice and helpful. They would constantly show me how the Nav will find all of the charging stations, show us how long to charge, and emphasize how quickly and easy (just plug it in at EA) it will charge. They emphasized EA had the largest non tesla network and showed me that EA would be my best bet in some more remote parts of my travels.

I have had a the Nav not work, sound system not work, lots of paint issues (all discovered by Lucid SC), panels freeze, cameras are maybe 50/50, external sensors not working, accident avoidance system doesn’t work (probably related to the sensors not working?), no key warnings, and the big issue for me. The car won’t charge at any EA station. I have been to EA in Pueblo and Trinidad, CO, Gallup, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, Payson, Tempe, Phoenix, and Glendale, AZ. Attempted at multiple charging stations at each location, so maybe 25-27 different chargers or more, some locations I have been to twice to try the chargers again. All of the attempts have been with Lucid and EA on 3 way calls. If EA does not give me a courtesy charge, the car will not charge. It has been that way since day one. The car has been in and out of the service center. It is going back this week for numerous issues. Extremely nice and people who really do want to get the problems fixed. I really can’t state enough how friendly the SC people are. Many, many phone calls and emails with Lucid support. As of this past Friday, Lucid charging support do NOT think it is a PnC problem. They simply don’t have an answer as to why my car won’t charge.

So yes, I can see why Eric may not feel the car meets his needs. I can tell you I love driving the car. I can tell you it most certainly is a beautiful automobile. It seems to be very nicely built. It is not meeting the needs that I have for an automobile. For the most part, it sits in the garage. I can’t trust it will get me where I need to go, which is well outside of its range, EPA or real. If Lucid can get the car to charge reliably, I will feel much more positive about the car. I can live with waiting for the other issues to be fixed. It could be worse. The car has not “bricked”.
The EA issue sounds like it’s a bad cert or something. What does customer care say? Have you tried *paying* for an EA charge, out of curiosity?

I love my car, fwiw, and have had plug n charge fail only once; I selected the station from the Lucid app and all was well.
EA network and car capable of road tripping, charge infrastructure and more chargers are needed to keep advancing the EV movement. For Lucid I already seen they have some lucid branded chargers are service centers and studios. It shouldn’t be too much more of a stretch to start adding to the network. I hope Lucid ends up expanding their charge network.
You’ve said this half a dozen times, lol, but it isn’t going to happen. The Lucid branded chargers at studios/service centers are L2 chargers meant for charging cars while they’re in service, but owners can use them if they’re nearby. Lucid isn’t going to build their own charging network, and if we had a ton of networks that were “brand exclusive” it would be madness. EA, EVGo, Shell Recharge, etc need to expand instead.

The only reason Tesla has their own is because non existed then, and they’re opening that up as well.

The only reason Rivian has their own is because they are putting them in spots where people will be off-roading, camping, adventuring, etc., and there are no existing stations nearby.
I am not so certain of that. There are other posts of that nature. I am beginning to lean that way. I travel a large area of states on a regular basis. I felt like I did my homework. Visited with Lucid sales people over and over in person while I waited the 16 months to take delivery. My biggest concern was charging the car on multi state road trips, which I must make often. The Lucid sales people always were friendly, nice and helpful. They would constantly show me how the Nav will find all of the charging stations, show us how long to charge, and emphasize how quickly and easy (just plug it in at EA) it will charge. They emphasized EA had the largest non tesla network and showed me that EA would be my best bet in some more remote parts of my travels.

I have had a the Nav not work, sound system not work, lots of paint issues (all discovered by Lucid SC), panels freeze, cameras are maybe 50/50, external sensors not working, accident avoidance system doesn’t work (probably related to the sensors not working?), no key warnings, and the big issue for me. The car won’t charge at any EA station. I have been to EA in Pueblo and Trinidad, CO, Gallup, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, Payson, Tempe, Phoenix, and Glendale, AZ. Attempted at multiple charging stations at each location, so maybe 25-27 different chargers or more, some locations I have been to twice to try the chargers again. All of the attempts have been with Lucid and EA on 3 way calls. If EA does not give me a courtesy charge, the car will not charge. It has been that way since day one. The car has been in and out of the service center. It is going back this week for numerous issues. Extremely nice and people who really do want to get the problems fixed. I really can’t state enough how friendly the SC people are. Many, many phone calls and emails with Lucid support. As of this past Friday, Lucid charging support do NOT think it is a PnC problem. They simply don’t have an answer as to why my car won’t charge.

So yes, I can see why Eric may not feel the car meets his needs. I can tell you I love driving the car. I can tell you it most certainly is a beautiful automobile. It seems to be very nicely built. It is not meeting the needs that I have for an automobile. For the most part, it sits in the garage. I can’t trust it will get me where I need to go, which is well outside of its range, EPA or real. If Lucid can get the car to charge reliably, I will feel much more positive about the car. I can live with waiting for the other issues to be fixed. It could be worse. The car has not “bricked”.
I'm curious - which model do you have?