When charging, the fans or HVAC could be automatically turned on and maked noise.Using a Tesla wall charger with a Tesla Tap adapter. Does this sound normal?
I could not play your clip…Using a Tesla wall charger with a Tesla Tap adapter. Does this sound normal?
I noticed that after posting. It’s just an iPhone video clip. Uploads without issue but won’t play again when I try it here. I’ll look to share it with this Reddit link…I could not play your clip…
Yeah, this.The background whine sounds sorta normal but the intermittent scraping sounds do not.
Someone on Reddit commented on my post noting it sounded like the coolant pump had air trapped inside. To my ear, that certainly sounds possible. Since then I haven’t heard the noise again. Worth noting, I launched the car twice probably 5 minutes before this video was recorded so maybe that has something to do with it.Interestingly, I heard a similar sound this morning and it was the first time I noticed that sound. I use the LCHS on a 100a circuit. Curious to hear other views.
I had a txt exchange with my Service Advisor. He hypothesized the same. “Might be the coolant pump. Those things make a lot of of sounds”. Though I couldn’t reproduce it either, he said that if it’s a real issue it would throw a code.Someone on Reddit commented on my post noting it sounded like the coolant pump had air trapped inside. To my ear, that certainly sounds possible. Since then I haven’t heard the noise again. Worth noting, I launched the car twice probably 5 minutes before this video was recorded so maybe that has something to do with it.