Trunk won’t open


Active Member
Verified Owner
Dec 23, 2021
2018 velar 2002 bmw z8
Today after getting back from shopping I took some groceries out of the trunk and shut it. Later I washed the car and went to open the trunk but all that happened is I heard the motor strain for a second and then quit. The same when I used the pilot panel button. It seems the latch is not releasing. I tried a turn signal reset no go. About 20 minutes later the alarm went off. I shut it off but it came on two more times about 10 minutes apart. I called service and they will send someone Monday. they also shut off the tilt and shock alarm. Any thoughts or any one else have this problem?
Push down hard on your trunk and try and open it again.
Push down hard on your trunk and try and open it again.
You’re a genius. Tried it and it worked. One hitch I still have is you grab the latch button and the trunk only comes up 3 or 4 inches then stops. You have to grab a second time to get the trunk all the way open
You’re a genius. Tried it and it worked. One hitch I still have is you grab the latch button and the trunk only comes up 3 or 4 inches then stops. You have to grab a second time to get the trunk all the way open
At least your groceries aren't stuck, but most likely needs a new latch.
Lucid mobile service came out and looked. I will need a trunk lock mechanism. More interesting was in talking to the tech. At 1 year Lucid intends for a service check for filters, fob and visor batteries, rotate tires top all fluids. They are not sure if this will be accomplished by mobile techs or done at a service center or some combo.