The terror capability of EVs.

NO CHANCE ... or very very very slim chance.....

My father worked on "peaceful" nukes (San Onofre ). He insisted they were "safe". (he built weapons of mass destruction for the Navy too)
This was before TMI, Chernobyl, Fuckyoushima... When TMI happened he called me early (before it was public) and told me to "get upwind".
Mr. Strauss ( yes, that Robert Downey) : " Clean, safe, too cheap to meter."

Widely circulated that a Space Shuttle accident had a 1% chance of catastrophe. Congress would not approve such an expensive and risky venture with those odds, so NASA said, " We mean 1 in 100,000 " ( Congress wanted alternative facts ). There were 135 Space Shuttle missions. Two blew up. That means the NASA safety engineers were optimistic... it was closer to 1 every 72 missions... so let's put a school teacher on a mission just to show how smart Congress is.

Oh, wait ... it was the nuclear power plants that had a 1-in-100,000 chance of an (as my father used to call it: "an excursion event"). I guess that's why they seem to be built on/close to massive faults. WCGW? I think they tore down the San Onofre plant he built in the 60's? I used to ride to work with him to surf in the restricted area.

Oh, wait. We were talking about the Singularity. What are the chances that will / has happened? .... not zero.

We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil's bargain
And we've got to get ourselves
back to the garden J. Mitchell

( yes I have a Woodstock story )

Is human evolution headed back to stardust ? Genesis 3:19 back to Genesis 1 ? The Great Filter ... are we alone, or just boring?
Kind is scary to read how aggressively China is hacking our internet infrastructure.
Re intelligence or lack therof - we have some aggressively stupid people we share the country with and some of them are proud that facts have no effect on their beliefs.

“They’re eating the cats!!!”

And scary AI brings to mind this movie…

One of the problems in our society is that people on both sides of the aisle tend to get their information from sources that simply reinforce their belief systems. They are so close to those belief systems that the other side seems so alien as to be totally ignorant and unaware. Both sides believe that only they are in possession of the ‘true’ facts and everything is simply B&W. I find myself amused when I see reading lists here that truly underscore precisely what I’m speaking about. One mindset, just from a myriad of different sources.

Truthfully I despise politics on forums such as this, but if some insist on it then the alternative viewpoints should be heard. I’m sure this will come across as nothing but static to some, but so be it.
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Well that was a scary piece liggy. I started to cut and post a quote of the scary bits but could not find a place to stop. I was concerned about the cheap EVs China wants to send here ... loaded with spyware...but it seems they have already penetrated our vulnerable infrastructure nodes and are awaiting orders. It makes no sense for China to destroy their most important trading partner...yet. The motive is likely to keep taking intellectual property and use terror blackmail to lever an advantage. Then again, the WSJ supports fear-mongering for profit. Fear is easy to exploit.

Thing is, it's hard to keep the monster in the cage. The exploding devices in Lebanon forshadow what's coming. State terrorism is one thing...psycho terrorism with cyber weapons... the horror. Imagine a place where life is so hopeless that the population would rally around a belief that there is a paradise accessable through violence. Easy to exploit. Humans will do anything to be in / stay in the group.

Perhaps China is playing a long game to take Taiwan and thereby win tech dominance. "You can let us have Taiwan, or we will activate our sleeping cyber weapons." Exploding or exploiting Chinese cars here in the US ... or cars that "self drive" into chaos and fear? Am I crazy for being afraid?

I love my Lucid. Yes I know it can turn on me ... but
@Cosmo Cruz -

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you!” :D

One reason I stick with Apple. Better control of this sort of problem.

It is legitimately worrisome indeed.